Source code for plasmapy.dispersion.analytical.mhd_waves_

Objects for representing magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves.

__all__ = [

import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import namedtuple
from numbers import Real

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from import k_B

from plasmapy.formulary.dimensionless import beta
from plasmapy.formulary.frequencies import gyrofrequency, plasma_frequency
from plasmapy.formulary.speeds import Alfven_speed
from plasmapy.particles import ParticleLike, electron, particle_input
from plasmapy.utils.decorators import check_relativistic, validate_quantities
from plasmapy.utils.exceptions import PhysicsWarning

[docs] class AbstractMHDWave(ABC): """Abstract base class for magnetohydrodynamic waves.""" @particle_input @validate_quantities( B={"can_be_negative": False}, density={"can_be_negative": False}, T={"can_be_negative": False, "equivalencies": u.temperature_energy()}, ) def __init__( self, B: u.Quantity[u.T], density: (u.m**-3, / u.m**3), ion: ParticleLike, *, T: u.Quantity[u.K] = 0 * u.K, gamma: float = 5 / 3, mass_numb: int | None = None, Z: float | None = None, ) -> None: # validate arguments for arg_name in ("B", "density", "T"): val = locals()[arg_name].squeeze() if val.shape != (): raise ValueError( f"Argument '{arg_name}' must be a single value and not an array of " f"shape {val.shape}." ) locals()[arg_name] = val if not isinstance(gamma, Real): raise TypeError( f"Expected int or float for argument 'gamma', but got " f"{type(gamma)}." ) if density.unit.physical_type == u.physical.mass_density: _n = density / (ion.mass + ion.charge_number * electron.mass) _rho = density else: _n = density _rho = (ion.mass + ion.charge_number * electron.mass) * density self._Alfven_speed = Alfven_speed(B, _rho) self._sound_speed = np.sqrt(gamma * k_B * T / ion.mass).to(u.m / u.s) self._magnetosonic_speed = np.sqrt(self._Alfven_speed**2 + self._sound_speed**2) self._beta = beta(T, _n, B) self._gyrofrequency = gyrofrequency(B, ion) self._plasma_frequency = plasma_frequency(_n, ion) @property def alfven_speed(self) -> u.Quantity[u.m / u.s]: """The Alfvén speed of the plasma.""" return self._Alfven_speed @property def sound_speed(self) -> u.Quantity[u.m / u.s]: r""" The sound speed of the plasma. Defined as :math:`c_s = \sqrt{γ k_B T / m_i}` where :math:`gamma` is the adiabatic index of the fluid, :math:`k_B` is the Boltzmann constant, :math:`T` is the temperature of the fluid, and :math:`m_i` is the mass of the ion species in the fluid. """ return self._sound_speed @property def magnetosonic_speed(self) -> u.Quantity[u.m / u.s]: r""" The magnetosonic speed of the plasma. Defined as :math:`c_{ms} = \sqrt{v_A^2 + c_s^2}` where :math:`v_A` is the Alfvén speed and :math:`c_s` is the sound speed. """ return self._magnetosonic_speed @property def beta(self): """The ratio of thermal pressure to magnetic pressure.""" return self._beta @staticmethod @validate_quantities def _validate_k_theta( k: u.Quantity[u.rad / u.m], theta: u.Quantity[u.rad] ) -> list[u.Quantity]: """Validate and return wavenumber and angle.""" # validate argument k k = k.squeeze() if k.ndim not in [0, 1]: raise ValueError( f"Argument 'k' needs to be a single-valued or 1D array astropy Quantity," f" got array of shape {k.shape}." ) if np.any(k <= 0): raise ValueError("Argument 'k' cannot be a or have negative values.") # validate argument theta theta = theta.squeeze() if theta.ndim not in [0, 1]: raise ValueError( f"Argument 'theta' needs to be a single-valued or 1D array astropy " f"Quantity, got array of shape {k.shape}." ) # return theta and k as coordinate arrays return np.meshgrid(theta, k) @validate_quantities def _validate_angular_frequency(self, omega: u.Quantity[u.rad / u.s]): """Validate and return angular frequency.""" omega_gyrofrequency_max = np.max(omega / self._gyrofrequency) omega_plasma_frequency_max = np.max(omega / self._plasma_frequency) if omega_gyrofrequency_max > 0.1 or omega_plasma_frequency_max > 0.1: warnings.warn( f"The calculation produced a high-frequency wave (ω/ω_c == {omega_gyrofrequency_max:.3f} " f"and ω/ω_c == {omega_plasma_frequency_max:.3f}), which violates the low-frequency " f"assumption of the dispersion relation (ω/ω_c ≪ 1 and ω/ω_p ≪ 1).", PhysicsWarning, ) return np.squeeze(omega)
[docs] @abstractmethod def angular_frequency( self, k: u.Quantity[u.rad / u.m], theta: u.Quantity[u.rad], ) -> u.Quantity[u.rad / u.s]: r""" Calculate the angular frequency of magnetohydrodynamic waves. Parameters ---------- k : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Wavenumber in units convertible to rad/m`. Either single valued or 1-D array of length :math:`N`. theta : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The angle of propagation of the wave with respect to the magnetic field, :math:`\cos^{-1}(k_z / k)`, in units convertible to radians. Either single valued or 1-D array of size :math:`M`. Returns ------- omega : `~astropy.units.Quantity` An :math:`N × M` array of computed wave frequencies in units rad/s. Raises ------ ~astropy.units.UnitTypeError If applicable arguments do not have units convertible to the expected units. ValueError If ``k`` is negative or zero. ValueError If ``k`` or ``theta`` are not single valued or a 1-D array. Warns ----- : `~plasmapy.utils.exceptions.PhysicsWarning` When the computed wave frequencies violate the low-frequency (:math:`ω ≪ ω_c,ω_p`) assumption of the dispersion relation. """
[docs] @abstractmethod @check_relativistic @validate_quantities def group_velocity( self, k: u.Quantity[u.rad / u.m], theta: u.Quantity[u.rad] ) -> u.Quantity[u.m / u.s]: r""" Calculate the group velocities of magnetohydrodynamic waves. Parameters ---------- k : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Wavenumber in units convertible to rad/m`. Either single valued or 1-D array of length :math:`N`. theta : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The angle of propagation of the wave with respect to the magnetic field, :math:`\cos^{-1}(k_z / k)`, in units convertible to radians. Either single valued or 1-D array of size :math:`M`. Returns ------- group_velocity : `~astropy.units.Quantity` of shape ``(2, N, M)`` An array of group_velocities in units m/s with shape :math:`2 × N × M`. The first dimension maps to the two coordinate arrays in the direction of ``k`` and in the direction of increasing ``theta``, the second dimension maps to the ``k`` array, and the third dimension maps to the ``theta`` array. Raises ------ ~astropy.units.UnitTypeError If applicable arguments do not have units convertible to the expected units. ValueError If ``k`` is negative or zero. ValueError If ``k`` or ``theta`` are not single valued or a 1-D array. Warns ----- : `~plasmapy.utils.exceptions.PhysicsWarning` When the computed wave frequencies violate the low-frequency (:math:`ω ≪ ω_c,ω_p`) assumption of the dispersion relation. Notes ----- The group velocity :math:`\mathbf{v}_g` is given by .. math:: \mathbf{v}_g = \frac{d\omega}{d\mathbf{k}} = \hat{\mathbf{k}} \frac{\partial\omega}{\partial k} + \hat{\mathbf{\theta}} \frac{\partial v_{ph}}{\partial\theta} where :math:`ω` is the angular frequency, :math:`\mathbf{k}` is the wavevector, :math:`θ` is the angle between :math:`\mathbf{k}` and the unperturbed magnetic field, and :math:`v_{ph}` is the phase velocity. """
[docs] @check_relativistic @validate_quantities def phase_velocity( self, k: u.Quantity[u.rad / u.m], theta: u.Quantity[u.rad] ) -> u.Quantity[u.m / u.s]: r""" Calculate the phase velocities of magnetohydrodynamic waves. Parameters ---------- k : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Wavenumber in units convertible to rad/m`. Either single valued or 1-D array of size :math:`N`. theta : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The angle of propagation of the wave with respect to the magnetic field, :math:`\cos^{-1}(k_z / k)`, in units convertible to radians. Either single valued or 1-D array of size :math:`M`. Returns ------- phase_velocity : `~astropy.units.Quantity` An :math:`N × M` array of computed phase velocities in units of m/s. Raises ------ ~astropy.units.UnitTypeError If applicable arguments do not have units convertible to the expected units. ValueError If ``k`` is negative or zero. ValueError If ``k`` or ``theta`` are not single valued or a 1-D array. Warns ----- : `~plasmapy.utils.exceptions.PhysicsWarning` When the computed wave frequencies violate the low-frequency (:math:`ω ≪ ω_c,ω_p`) assumption of the dispersion relation. """ angular_frequency = self.angular_frequency(k, theta) theta, k = self._validate_k_theta(k, theta) return np.squeeze(angular_frequency / k)
[docs] class AlfvenWave(AbstractMHDWave): r""" A class to represent magnetohydrodynamic Alfvén waves. Parameters ---------- B : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The magnetic field magnitude in units convertible to T. density : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Either the ion number density :math:`n_i` in units convertible to m\ :sup:`-3` or the total mass density :math:`ρ` in units convertible to kg m\ :sup:`-3`\ . ion : |particle-like| Representation of the ion species (e.g., ``'p+'`` for protons, ``'D+'`` for deuterium, ``'He-4 +1'`` for singly ionized helium-4, etc.). If no charge state information is provided, then the ions are assumed to be singly ionized. T : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, |keyword-only|, optional The plasma temperature in units of K or eV, which defaults to zero. gamma : `float` or `int`, |keyword-only|, default: 5/3 The adiabatic index for the plasma. mass_numb : `int`, |keyword-only|, optional The mass number corresponding to ``ion``. Z : `float` or `int`, |keyword-only|, optional The charge number corresponding to ``ion``. Raises ------ TypeError If applicable arguments are not instances of `~astropy.units.Quantity` or cannot be converted into one. TypeError If ``ion`` is not |particle-like|. TypeError If ``gamma`` or ``Z`` are not of type `int` or `float`. TypeError If ``mass_numb`` is not of type `int`. ~astropy.units.UnitTypeError If applicable arguments do not have units convertible to the expected units. ValueError If any of ``B``, ``density``, or ``T`` is negative. ValueError If ``ion`` is not of category ion or element. ValueError If ``B``, ``density``, or ``T`` are not single valued `astropy.units.Quantity` (i.e. an array). See Also -------- ~plasmapy.dispersion.analytical.mhd_waves_.FastMagnetosonicWave ~plasmapy.dispersion.analytical.mhd_waves_.SlowMagnetosonicWave Examples -------- >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from plasmapy.dispersion.analytical import AlfvenWave >>> alfven = AlfvenWave(1e-3 * u.T, 1e16 * u.m**-3, "p+") >>> alfven.angular_frequency(1e-5 * u.rad / u.m, 0 * u.deg) <Quantity 2.18060973 rad / s> >>> alfven.phase_velocity(1e-5 * u.rad / u.m, 0 * u.deg) <Quantity 218060.97295233 m / s> >>> alfven.alfven_speed <Quantity 218060.97295233 m / s> """
[docs] def angular_frequency(self, k: u.Quantity[u.rad / u.m], theta: u.Quantity[u.rad]): r""" Calculate the angular frequency of magnetohydrodynamic Alfvén waves. Parameters ---------- k : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, single valued or 1-D array Wavenumber in units convertible to rad/m`. Either single valued or 1-D array of length :math:`N`. theta : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, single valued or 1-D array The angle of propagation of the wave with respect to the magnetic field, :math:`\cos^{-1}(k_z / k)`, in units must be convertible to radians. Either single valued or 1-D array of size :math:`M`. Returns ------- omega : `~astropy.units.Quantity` An :math:`N × M` array of computed wave frequencies in units rad/s. Raises ------ ~astropy.units.UnitTypeError If applicable arguments do not have units convertible to the expected units. ValueError If ``k`` is negative or zero. ValueError If ``k`` or ``theta`` are not single valued or a 1-D array. Warns ----- : `~plasmapy.utils.exceptions.PhysicsWarning` When the computed wave frequencies violate the low-frequency (:math:`ω ≪ ω_c,ω_p`) assumption of the dispersion relation. Notes ----- The angular frequency :math:`ω` of a magnetohydrodynamic Alfvén wave is given by .. math:: ω = k v_A \cosθ where :math:`k` is the wavenumber, :math:`v_A` is the Alfvén speed, and :math:`θ` is the angle between the wavevector and the equilibrium magnetic field. Examples -------- >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from plasmapy.dispersion.analytical import AlfvenWave >>> alfven = AlfvenWave(1e-3 * u.T, 1e16 * u.m**-3, "p+") >>> alfven.angular_frequency(1e-5 * u.rad / u.m, 0 * u.deg) <Quantity 2.18060973 rad / s> >>> alfven.angular_frequency([1e-5, 2e-4] * (u.rad / u.m), 0 * u.deg) <Quantity [ 2.18060973, 43.61219459] rad / s> >>> alfven.angular_frequency(1e-5 * u.rad / u.m, [0, 45, 90] * u.deg) <Quantity [2.18060973e+00, 1.54192393e+00, 1.33523836e-16] rad / s> >>> alfven.angular_frequency([1e-5, 2e-4] * (u.rad / u.m), [0, 45, 90] * u.deg) <Quantity [[2.18060973e+00, 1.54192393e+00, 1.33523836e-16], [4.36121946e+01, 3.08384785e+01, 2.67047673e-15]] rad / s> """ theta, k = super()._validate_k_theta(k, theta) omega = k * self._Alfven_speed * np.abs(np.cos(theta)) return super()._validate_angular_frequency(omega)
[docs] def group_velocity(self, k: u.Quantity[u.rad / u.m], theta: u.Quantity[u.rad]): r""" Calculate the group velocities of magnetohydrodynamic Alfvén waves. Parameters ---------- k : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, single valued or 1-D array Wavenumber in units convertible to rad/m`. Either single valued or 1-D array of length :math:`N`. theta : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The angle of propagation of the wave with respect to the magnetic field, :math:`\cos^{-1}(k_z / k)`, in units convertible to radians. Either single valued or 1-D array of size :math:`M`. Returns ------- group_velocity : `~astropy.units.Quantity` of shape ``(2, N, M)`` An array of group_velocities in units m/s with shape :math:`2 \times N \times M`. The first dimension maps to the two coordinate arrays in the direction of ``k`` and in the direction of increasing ``theta``, the second dimension maps to the ``k`` array, and the third dimension maps to the ``theta`` array. Raises ------ ~astropy.units.UnitTypeError If applicable arguments do not have units convertible to the expected units. ValueError If ``k`` is negative or zero. ValueError If ``k`` or ``theta`` are not single valued or a 1-D array. Warns ----- : `~plasmapy.utils.exceptions.PhysicsWarning` When the computed wave frequencies violate the low-frequency (:math:`ω ≪ ω_c,ω_p`) assumption of the dispersion relation. Notes ----- The group velocity :math:`\mathbf{v}_g` is given by .. math:: \mathbf{v}_g = \frac{d\omega}{d\mathbf{k}} = \pm \hat{\mathbf{B}} v_{A} where :math:`\hat{\mathbf{B}}` is the unit vector in the direction of the unperturbed magnetic field and :math:`v_A` is the Alfvén speed. """ phase_velocity = self.phase_velocity(k, theta) theta, k = super()._validate_k_theta(k, theta) return [ phase_velocity, -phase_velocity * np.tan(theta), ]
[docs] class FastMagnetosonicWave(AbstractMHDWave): r""" A class to represent fast magnetosonic waves. Parameters ---------- B : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The magnetic field magnitude in units convertible to T. density : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Either the ion number density :math:`n_i` in units convertible to m\ :sup:`-3` or the total mass density :math:`ρ` in units convertible to kg m\ :sup:`-3`\ . ion : |particle-like| Representation of the ion species (e.g., ``'p+'`` for protons, ``'D+'`` for deuterium, ``'He-4 +1'`` for singly ionized helium-4, etc.). If no charge state information is provided, then the ions are assumed to be singly ionized. T : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, |keyword-only|, optional The plasma temperature in units of K or eV, which defaults to zero. gamma : `float` or `int`, |keyword-only|, default: 5/3 The adiabatic index for the plasma. mass_numb : `int`, |keyword-only|, optional The mass number corresponding to ``ion``. Z : `float` or `int`, |keyword-only|, optional The charge number corresponding to ``ion``. Raises ------ TypeError If applicable arguments are not instances of `~astropy.units.Quantity` or cannot be converted into one. TypeError If ``ion`` is not |particle-like|. TypeError If ``gamma`` or ``Z`` are not of type `int` or `float`. TypeError If ``mass_numb`` is not of type `int`. ~astropy.units.UnitTypeError If applicable arguments do not have units convertible to the expected units. ValueError If any of ``B``, ``density``, or ``T`` is negative. ValueError If ``ion`` is not of category ion or element. ValueError If ``B``, ``density``, or ``T`` are not single-valued `astropy.units.Quantity` (i.e. an array). See Also -------- ~plasmapy.dispersion.analytical.mhd_waves_.AlfvenWave ~plasmapy.dispersion.analytical.mhd_waves_.SlowMagnetosonicWave Notes ----- Fast magnetosonic waves are also referred to as fast magnetoacoustic waves. Examples -------- >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from plasmapy.dispersion.analytical import FastMagnetosonicWave >>> fast = FastMagnetosonicWave(1e-3 * u.T, 1e16 * u.m**-3, "p+", T=2.5e6 * u.K) >>> fast.angular_frequency(1e-5 * u.rad / u.m, 0 * u.deg) <Quantity 2.18060973 rad / s> >>> fast.phase_velocity(1e-5 * u.rad / u.m, 0 * u.deg) <Quantity 218060.97295233 m / s> >>> fast.alfven_speed <Quantity 218060.97295233 m / s> """
[docs] def angular_frequency(self, k: u.Quantity[u.rad / u.m], theta: u.Quantity[u.rad]): r""" Calculate the angular frequency of a fast magnetosonic waves. Parameters ---------- k : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Wavenumber in units convertible to rad/m`. Either single valued or 1-D array of length :math:`N`. theta : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The angle of propagation of the wave with respect to the magnetic field, :math:`\cos^{-1}(k_z / k)`, in units convertible to radians. Either single valued or 1-D array of size :math:`M`. Returns ------- omega : `~astropy.units.Quantity` An :math:`N × M` array of computed wave frequencies in units rad/s. Raises ------ ~astropy.units.UnitTypeError If applicable arguments do not have units convertible to the expected units. ValueError If ``k`` is negative or zero. ValueError If ``k`` or ``theta`` are not single valued or a 1-D array. Warns ----- : `~plasmapy.utils.exceptions.PhysicsWarning` When the computed wave frequencies violate the low-frequency (:math:`ω ≪ ω_c,ω_p`) assumption of the dispersion relation. Notes ----- The angular frequency :math:`ω` of a fast magnetosonic wave is given by the equation .. math:: ω^2 = \frac{k^2}{2} \left( c_{ms}^2 + \sqrt{c_{ms}^4 - 4 v_A^2 c_s^2 \cos^2 θ} \right) where :math:`k` is the wavenumber, :math:`v_A` is the Alfvén speed, :math:`c_s` is the ideal sound speed, :math:`c_{ms} = \sqrt{v_A^2 + c_s^2}` is the magnetosonic speed, and :math:`θ` is the angle between the wavevector and the equilibrium magnetic field. Examples -------- >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from plasmapy.dispersion.analytical import FastMagnetosonicWave >>> fast = FastMagnetosonicWave(1e-3 * u.T, 1e16 * u.m**-3, "p+", T=2.5e6 * u.K) >>> fast.angular_frequency(1e-5 * u.rad / u.m, 0 * u.deg) <Quantity 2.18060973 rad / s> >>> fast.angular_frequency([1e-5, 2e-4] * (u.rad / u.m), 0 * u.deg) <Quantity [ 2.18060973, 43.61219459] rad / s> >>> fast.angular_frequency(1e-5 * u.rad / u.m, [0, 45, 90] * u.deg) <Quantity [2.18060973, 2.65168984, 2.86258485] rad / s> >>> fast.angular_frequency([1e-5, 2e-4] * (u.rad / u.m), [0, 45, 90] * u.deg) <Quantity [[ 2.18060973, 2.65168984, 2.86258485], [43.61219459, 53.03379678, 57.251697 ]] rad / s> """ theta, k = super()._validate_k_theta(k, theta) omega = k * np.sqrt( ( self._magnetosonic_speed**2 + np.sqrt( ( self._magnetosonic_speed**2 + 2 * self._Alfven_speed * self._sound_speed * np.cos(theta) ) * ( self._magnetosonic_speed**2 - 2 * self._Alfven_speed * self._sound_speed * np.cos(theta) ) ) ) / 2 ) return super()._validate_angular_frequency(omega)
[docs] def group_velocity(self, k: u.Quantity[u.rad / u.m], theta: u.Quantity[u.rad]): r""" Calculate the group velocities of fast magnetosonic waves. Parameters ---------- k : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Wavenumber in units convertible to rad/m`. Either single valued or 1-D array of length :math:`N`. theta : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The angle of propagation of the wave with respect to the magnetic field, :math:`\cos^{-1}(k_z / k)`, in units convertible to radians. Either single valued or 1-D array of size :math:`M`. Returns ------- group_velocity : `~astropy.units.Quantity` of shape ``(2, N, M)`` An array of group_velocities in units m/s with shape :math:`2 \times N \times M`. The first dimension maps to the two coordinate arrays in the direction of ``k`` and in the direction of increasing ``theta``, the second dimension maps to the ``k`` array, and the third dimension maps to the ``theta`` array. Raises ------ ~astropy.units.UnitTypeError If applicable arguments do not have units convertible to the expected units. ValueError If ``k`` is negative or zero. ValueError If ``k`` or ``theta`` are not single valued or a 1-D array. Warns ----- : `~plasmapy.utils.exceptions.PhysicsWarning` When the computed wave frequencies violate the low-frequency (:math:`ω ≪ ω_c,ω_p`) assumption of the dispersion relation. Notes ----- The group velocity :math:`\mathbf{v}_g` is given by .. math:: \mathbf{v}_g = \frac{d\omega}{d\mathbf{k}} = \hat{\mathbf{k}} v_{ph} + \hat{\mathbf{\theta}} \frac{\partial v_{ph}}{\partial\theta} where :math:`ω` is the angular frequency, :math:`\mathbf{k}` is the wavevector, :math:`θ` is the angle between :math:`\mathbf{k}` and the unperturbed magnetic field, and :math:`v_{ph}` is the phase velocity. """ phase_velocity = self.phase_velocity(k, theta) theta, k = super()._validate_k_theta(k, theta) return [ phase_velocity, np.squeeze( self._Alfven_speed**2 * self._sound_speed**2 * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(theta) / ( phase_velocity * (2 * phase_velocity**2 - self._magnetosonic_speed**2) ) ), ]
[docs] class SlowMagnetosonicWave(AbstractMHDWave): r""" A class to represent slow magnetosonic waves. Parameters ---------- B : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The magnetic field magnitude in units convertible to T. density : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Either the ion number density :math:`n_i` in units convertible to m\ :sup:`-3` or the total mass density :math:`ρ` in units convertible to kg m\ :sup:`-3`\ . ion : |particle-like| Representation of the ion species (e.g., ``'p+'`` for protons, ``'D+'`` for deuterium, ``'He-4 +1'`` for singly ionized helium-4, etc.). If no charge state information is provided, then the ions are assumed to be singly ionized. T : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, |keyword-only|, optional The plasma temperature in units of K or eV, which defaults to zero. gamma : `float` or `int`, |keyword-only|, optional The adiabatic index for the plasma, which defaults to 3/5. mass_numb : `int`, |keyword-only|, optional The mass number corresponding to ``ion``. Z : `float` or `int`, |keyword-only|, optional The charge number corresponding to ``ion``. Raises ------ TypeError If applicable arguments are not instances of `~astropy.units.Quantity` or cannot be converted into one. TypeError If ``ion`` is not |particle-like|. TypeError If ``gamma`` or ``Z`` are not of type `int` or `float`. TypeError If ``mass_numb`` is not of type `int`. ~astropy.units.UnitTypeError If applicable arguments do not have units convertible to the expected units. ValueError If any of ``B``, ``density``, or ``T`` is negative. ValueError If ``ion`` is not of category ion or element. ValueError If ``B``, ``density``, or ``T`` are not single-valued `astropy.units.Quantity` (i.e. an array). See Also -------- ~plasmapy.dispersion.analytical.mhd_waves_.AlfvenWave ~plasmapy.dispersion.analytical.mhd_waves_.FastMagnetosonicWave Notes ----- Slow magnetosonic waves are also referred to as slow magnetoacoustic waves. Examples -------- >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from plasmapy.dispersion.analytical import SlowMagnetosonicWave >>> slow = SlowMagnetosonicWave(1e-3 * u.T, 1e16 * u.m**-3, "p+", T=2.5e6 * u.K) >>> slow.angular_frequency(1e-5 * u.rad / u.m, 0 * u.deg) <Quantity 1.85454394 rad / s> >>> slow.phase_velocity(1e-5 * u.rad / u.m, 0 * u.deg) <Quantity 185454.39417735 m / s> >>> slow.sound_speed <Quantity 185454.39417735 m / s> """
[docs] def angular_frequency(self, k: u.Quantity[u.rad / u.m], theta: u.Quantity[u.rad]): r""" Calculate the angular frequency of slow magnetosonic waves. Parameters ---------- k : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, single valued or 1-D array Wavenumber in units convertible to rad/m`. Either single valued or 1-D array of length :math:`N`. theta : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, single valued or 1-D array The angle of propagation of the wave with respect to the magnetic field, :math:`\cos^{-1}(k_z / k)`, in units must be convertible to radians. Either single valued or 1-D array of size :math:`M`. Returns ------- omega : `~astropy.units.Quantity` An :math:`N × M` array of computed wave frequencies in units rad/s. Raises ------ ~astropy.units.UnitTypeError If applicable arguments do not have units convertible to the expected units. ValueError If ``k`` is negative or zero. ValueError If ``k`` or ``theta`` are not single valued or a 1-D array. Warns ----- : `~plasmapy.utils.exceptions.PhysicsWarning` When the computed wave frequencies violate the low-frequency (:math:`ω ≪ ω_c,ω_p`) assumption of the dispersion relation. Notes ----- The angular frequency :math:`ω` of a slow magnetosonic wave is given by the equation .. math:: ω^2 = \frac{k^2}{2} \left(c_{ms}^2 - \sqrt{c_{ms}^4 - 4 v_A^2 c_s^2 \cos^2 θ}\right) where :math:`k` is the wavenumber, :math:`v_A` is the Alfvén speed, :math:`c_s` is the ideal sound speed, :math:`c_{ms} = \sqrt{v_A^2 + c_s^2}` is the magnetosonic speed, and :math:`θ` is the angle between the wavevector and the equilibrium magnetic field. Examples -------- >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from plasmapy.dispersion.analytical import SlowMagnetosonicWave >>> slow = SlowMagnetosonicWave(1e-3 * u.T, 1e16 * u.m**-3, "p+", T=2.5e6 * u.K) >>> slow.angular_frequency(1e-5 * u.rad / u.m, 0 * u.deg) <Quantity 1.85454394 rad / s> >>> slow.angular_frequency([1e-5, 2e-4] * (u.rad / u.m), 0 * u.deg) <Quantity [ 1.85454394, 37.09087884] rad / s> >>> slow.angular_frequency(1e-5 * u.rad / u.m, [0, 45, 90] * u.deg) <Quantity [1.85454394, 1.07839372, 0. ] rad / s> >>> slow.angular_frequency([1e-5, 2e-4] * (u.rad / u.m), [0, 45, 90] * u.deg) <Quantity [[ 1.85454394, 1.07839372, 0. ], [37.09087884, 21.56787445, 0. ]] rad / s> """ theta, k = super()._validate_k_theta(k, theta) omega = k * np.sqrt( ( self._magnetosonic_speed**2 - np.sqrt( ( self._magnetosonic_speed**2 + 2 * self._Alfven_speed * self._sound_speed * np.cos(theta) ) * ( self._magnetosonic_speed**2 - 2 * self._Alfven_speed * self._sound_speed * np.cos(theta) ) ) ) / 2 ) return super()._validate_angular_frequency(omega)
[docs] def group_velocity(self, k: u.Quantity[u.rad / u.m], theta: u.Quantity[u.rad]): r""" Calculate the group velocities of slow magnetosonic waves. Parameters ---------- k : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Wavenumber in units convertible to rad/m`. Either single valued or 1-D array of length :math:`N`. theta : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The angle of propagation of the wave with respect to the magnetic field, :math:`\cos^{-1}(k_z / k)`, in units convertible to radians. Either single valued or 1-D array of size :math:`M`. Returns ------- group_velocity : `~astropy.units.Quantity` of shape ``(2, N, M)`` An array of group_velocities in units m/s with shape :math:`2 \times N \times M`. The first dimension maps to the two coordinate arrays in the direction of ``k`` and in the direction of increasing ``theta``, the second dimension maps to the ``k`` array, and the third dimension maps to the ``theta`` array. Raises ------ ~astropy.units.UnitTypeError If applicable arguments do not have units convertible to the expected units. ValueError If ``k`` is negative or zero. ValueError If ``k`` or ``theta`` are not single valued or a 1-D array. Warns ----- : `~plasmapy.utils.exceptions.PhysicsWarning` When the computed wave frequencies violate the low-frequency (:math:`ω ≪ ω_c,ω_p`) assumption of the dispersion relation. Notes ----- The group velocity :math:`\mathbf{v}_g` is given by .. math:: \mathbf{v}_g = \frac{d\omega}{d\mathbf{k}} = \hat{\mathbf{k}} v_{ph} + \hat{\mathbf{\theta}} \frac{\partial v_{ph}}{\partial\theta} where :math:`ω` is the angular frequency, :math:`\mathbf{k}` is the wavevector, :math:`θ` is the angle between :math:`\mathbf{k}` and the unperturbed magnetic field, and :math:`v_{ph}` is the phase velocity. """ phase_velocity = self.phase_velocity(k, theta) theta, k = super()._validate_k_theta(k, theta) group_velocity = np.ones(k.shape) * (0 * u.m / u.s) np.squeeze( np.divide( self._Alfven_speed**2 * self._sound_speed**2 * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(theta), phase_velocity * (2 * phase_velocity**2 - self._magnetosonic_speed**2), out=group_velocity, where=phase_velocity != 0, ) ) return [ phase_velocity, group_velocity, ]
[docs] def mhd_waves(*args, **kwargs): r""" Returns a dictionary containing objects of the three magnetohydrodynamic waves with identical parameters. Parameters ---------- B : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The magnetic field magnitude in units convertible to T. density : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Either the ion number density :math:`n_i` in units convertible to m\ :sup:`-3` or the total mass density :math:`ρ` in units convertible to kg m\ :sup:`-3`\ . ion : |particle-like| Representation of the ion species (e.g., ``'p+'`` for protons, ``'D+'`` for deuterium, ``'He-4 +1'`` for singly ionized helium-4, etc.). If no charge state information is provided, then the ions are assumed to be singly ionized. T : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, |keyword-only|, default: 0 K The plasma temperature in units of K or eV. gamma : `float` or `int`, |keyword-only|, default: 5/3 The adiabatic index for the plasma. mass_numb : 'int', |keyword-only|, optional The mass number corresponding to ``ion``. Z : `float` or 'int', |keyword-only|, optional The charge number corresponding to ``ion``. Returns ------- mhd_waves : namedtuple[str, `~plasmapy.dispersion.analytical.mhd_waves_.AlfvenWave` or `~plasmapy.dispersion.analytical.mhd_waves_.FastMagnetosonicWave` or `~plasmapy.dispersion.analytical.mhd_waves_.SlowMagnetosonicWave`] A named tuple of magnetohydrodynamic-wave objects. It contains three keys: ``'alfven'`` for the Alfvén mode, ``'fast'`` for the fast magnetosonic mode, and ``'slow'`` for the slow magnetosonic mode. Raises ------ TypeError If applicable arguments are not instances of `~astropy.units.Quantity` or cannot be converted into one. TypeError If ``ion`` is not |particle-like|. TypeError If ``gamma`` or ``Z`` are not of type `int` or `float`. TypeError If ``mass_numb`` is not of type `int`. ~astropy.units.UnitTypeError If applicable arguments do not have units convertible to the expected units. ValueError If any of ``B``, ``density``, or ``T`` is negative. ValueError If ``ion`` is not of category ion or element. ValueError If ``B``, ``density``, or ``T`` are not single-valued `astropy.units.Quantity` (i.e. an array). """ MHD_Waves = namedtuple( "MHD_Waves", ["alfven_wave", "fast_magnetosonic_wave", "slow_magnetosonic_wave"] ) return MHD_Waves( alfven_wave=AlfvenWave(*args, **kwargs), fast_magnetosonic_wave=FastMagnetosonicWave(*args, **kwargs), slow_magnetosonic_wave=SlowMagnetosonicWave(*args, **kwargs), )