Source code for plasmapy.utils.exceptions

"""Exceptions and warnings specific to PlasmaPy."""

__all__ = [

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#   Exceptions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs] class PlasmaPyError(Exception): """ Base class of PlasmaPy custom errors. All custom exceptions raised by PlasmaPy should inherit from this class and be defined in this module. """
[docs] class PhysicsError(PlasmaPyError, ValueError): """ The base exception for physics-related errors. """
[docs] class RomanError(PlasmaPyError): """A base exception for errors from `plasmapy.utils.roman`."""
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Base Exceptions should be defined above this comment ^^^^^^^^^^^^
[docs] class RelativityError(PhysicsError): """ An exception for speeds greater than the speed of light. """
[docs] class OutOfRangeError(RomanError): """ An exception to be raised for integers that outside of the range that can be converted to Roman numerals. """
[docs] class InvalidRomanNumeralError(RomanError): """ An exception to be raised when the input is not a valid Roman numeral. """
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Warnings # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class PlasmaPyWarning(Warning): """ Base class of PlasmaPy custom warnings. All PlasmaPy custom warnings should inherit from this class and be defined in this module. Warnings should be issued using `warnings.warn`, which will not break execution if unhandled. """
[docs] class PhysicsWarning(PlasmaPyWarning): """The base warning for warnings related to non-physical situations."""
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Base Warnings should be defined above this comment ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[docs] class RelativityWarning(PhysicsWarning): """ A warning for when relativistic velocities are being used in or are returned by non-relativistic functionality. """
[docs] class CouplingWarning(PhysicsWarning): """ A warning for functions that rely on a particular coupling regime to be valid. """
[docs] class PlasmaPyDeprecationWarning(PlasmaPyWarning, DeprecationWarning): """ A warning for deprecated features when the warning is intended for other Python developers. """
[docs] class PlasmaPyFutureWarning(PlasmaPyWarning, FutureWarning): """ A warning for deprecated features when the warning is intended for end users of PlasmaPy. """