Particle objects

PlasmaPy contains several classes to represent particles, including Particle, CustomParticle, ParticleList, and DimensionlessParticle.


To create a Particle object, pass it a particle-like string that represents a particle.

>>> from plasmapy.particles import Particle
>>> electron = Particle('e-')

The Particle class accepts a variety of different str formats to represent particles. Atomic symbols are case-sensitive, but element names and many aliases are not.

>>> alpha = Particle('alpha')
>>> deuteron = Particle('D+')
>>> triton = Particle('tritium 1+')
>>> iron56 = Particle('Fe-56')
>>> helium = Particle('helium')
>>> muon = Particle('mu-')
>>> antimuon = Particle('antimuon')
>>> hydride = Particle('H-')

An int may be used as the first positional argument to Particle to represent an atomic number. For isotopes and ions, the mass number may be represented with the mass_numb keyword and the charge number may be represented with the Z keyword.

>>> proton = Particle(1, mass_numb=1, Z=1)

The most frequently used Particle objects may be imported directly from plasmapy.particles.

The Particle objects that may be imported directly are: proton, electron, neutron, positron, deuteron, triton, and alpha.

Accessing particle properties

The properties of each particle may be accessed using the attributes of the corresponding Particle object.

>>> proton.atomic_number
>>> electron.charge_number
>>> triton.mass_number

These properties are often returned as a Quantity in SI units.

>>> alpha.charge
<Quantity 3.20435324e-19 C>
>>> deuteron.mass
<Quantity 3.34358372e-27 kg>
>>> triton.half_life
<Quantity 3.888e+08 s>
<Quantity 0.49225958 GeV>

Strings representing particles may be accessed using the symbol, element, isotope, and ionic_symbol attributes.

>>> antimuon.symbol
>>> triton.element
>>> alpha.isotope
>>> deuteron.ionic_symbol
'D 1+'


The categories attribute returns a set with the classification categories corresponding to the particle.

>>> sorted(electron.categories)
['charged', 'electron', 'fermion', 'lepton', 'matter', 'stable']

Membership of a particle within a category may be checked using is_category.

>>> alpha.is_category('lepton')
>>> electron.is_category('fermion', 'lepton', 'charged')
>>> iron56.is_category(['element', 'isotope'])

The particle must be in all of the categories in the require keyword, at least one of the categories in the any_of keyword, and none of the categories in the exclude in order for it to return True.

>>> deuteron.is_category(require={'element', 'isotope', 'ion'})
>>> iron56.is_category(any_of=['charged', 'uncharged'])
>>> alpha.is_category(exclude='lepton')

Valid particle categories are listed in the docstring for is_category.

Conditionals and equality properties

Equality between particles may be tested either between two Particle objects, or between a Particle object and a str.

>>> Particle('H-1') == Particle('protium 1+')
>>> alpha == 'He-4 2+'

The is_electron and is_ion attributes provide a quick way to check whether or not a particle is an electron or ion, respectively.

>>> electron.is_electron
>>> hydride.is_electron
>>> deuteron.is_ion
.. _particle-class-antiparticles:

Returning antiparticles

The antiparticle of an elementary particle or antiparticle may be found by either using Python’s unary invert operator (~) or the antiparticle attribute of a Particle object.

>>> ~electron
>>> antimuon.antiparticle

Custom particles

We can use CustomParticle to create particle objects with a mass, charge, and/or symbol that we provide. The mass and charge must be Quantity objects from astropy.units.

>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> from plasmapy.particles import CustomParticle
>>> cp = CustomParticle(mass = 9.3e-26 *, charge = 1.5e-18 * u.C, symbol = "Fe 9.5+")

CustomParticle has many of the same attributes and methods as Particle, and can often be used interchangeably.

>>> cp.charge
<Quantity 1.52e-18 C>
>>> cp.mass
<Quantity 9.3e-26 kg>
>>> cp.symbol
'Fe 9.5+'

If the charge and/or mass is not provided, the attribute will return nan in the appropriate units.


We can use molecule to convert a chemical symbol into a CustomParticle object with the appropriate mass, charge, and symbol.

>>> from plasmapy.particles import molecule
>>> molecule("CO2 1+")  # carbon dioxide cation
CustomParticle(mass=7.30786637819994e-26 kg, charge=1.602176634e-19 C, symbol=CO2 1+)

Particle lists

ParticleList lets us work with multiple particles at once. A ParticleList can contain Particle and/or CustomParticle objects.

We can create a ParticleList by providing it with a particle-list-like object (i.e., a list containing particle-like objects). For example, we could provide ParticleList with a list of strings that represent individual particles.

>>> from plasmapy.particles import ParticleList
>>> helium_ions = ParticleList(["He-4 0+", "He-4 1+"])

ParticleList objects behave similarly to list objects, but convert its contents into the appropriate Particle or CustomParticle objects.

>>> helium_ions.append("alpha")
>>> print(helium_ions)
ParticleList(['He-4 0+', 'He-4 1+', 'He-4 2+'])
>>> helium_ions[1]
Particle("He-4 1+")

ParticleList shares many of the same attributes as Particle and CustomParticle. Attributes of Particle and CustomParticle that provide a scalar Quantity will provide a Quantity array from ParticleList.

>>> helium_ions.charge
<Quantity [0.00000000e+00, 1.60217663e-19, 3.20435327e-19] C>
>>> helium_ions.mass
<Quantity [6.64647907e-27, 6.64556813e-27, 6.64465719e-27] kg>

If we provide a Quantity with units of mass or charge, it will get converted into a CustomParticle.

>>> cp_list = ParticleList([1 *, 1 * u.C])
>>> cp_list[0]
CustomParticle(mass=1.0 kg, charge=nan C)
>>> cp_list.charge
<Quantity [nan,  1.] C>
>>> cp_list.mass
<Quantity [ 1., nan] kg>

We can create a CustomParticle with the mean mass and charge of the particles in a ParticleList with its average_particle method.

>>> helium_ions.average_particle()
CustomParticle(mass=6.645568133213004e-27 kg, charge=1.602176634e-19 C)

We can create a ParticleList by adding Particle, CustomParticle, and/or ParticleList objects together.

>>> helium_ions + cp + proton
ParticleList(['He-4 0+', 'He-4 1+', 'He-4 2+', 'Fe 9.5+', 'p+'])

As with an individual Particle and CustomParticle, we can check whether all the particles in a list fall within a category using is_category.

>>> helium_ions.is_category("ion")

We may also check each particle in the list individually by setting the keyword particlewise to True.

>>> helium_ions.is_category("ion", particlewise=True)
[False, True, True]

The machinery contained with ParticleList lets us calculate plasma parameters from plasmapy.formulary for multiple particles at once.

>>> from plasmapy.formulary import gyroradius
>>> gyroradius(B = 5 * u.nT, particle=["e-", "p+"], Vperp = 100 *
<Quantity [1.13712608e+02, 2.08793710e+05] m>

Dimensionless particles

We can use DimensionlessParticle to represent particles that have been normalized (i.e., both the mass and charge are dimensionless).

>>> dp = DimensionlessParticle(mass=1, charge=-1)
>>> dp.charge
>>> dp.mass

Because DimensionlessParticle objects do not directly represent physical particles without normalization information, they cannot be contained within a ParticleList or used in plasmapy.formulary.