
class plasmapy.dispersion.analytical.mhd_waves_.AbstractMHDWave(B: ~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity, density: (Unit("1 / m3"), Unit("kg / m3")), ion: str | int | ~numpy.integer | ~plasmapy.particles.particle_class.Particle | ~plasmapy.particles.particle_class.CustomParticle | ~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity, *, T: ~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity = <Quantity 0. K>, gamma: float = 1.6666666666666667, mass_numb: int | None = None, Z: float | None = None)[source]

Bases: ABC

Abstract base class for magnetohydrodynamic waves.

Attributes Summary


The Alfvén speed of the plasma.


The ratio of thermal pressure to magnetic pressure.


The magnetosonic speed of the plasma.


The sound speed of the plasma.

Methods Summary

angular_frequency(k, theta)

Calculate the angular frequency of magnetohydrodynamic waves.

group_velocity(k, theta)

Calculate the group velocities of magnetohydrodynamic waves.

phase_velocity(k, theta)

Calculate the phase velocities of magnetohydrodynamic waves.

Attributes Documentation


The Alfvén speed of the plasma.


The ratio of thermal pressure to magnetic pressure.


The magnetosonic speed of the plasma.

Defined as \(c_{ms} = \sqrt{v_A^2 + c_s^2}\) where \(v_A\) is the Alfvén speed and \(c_s\) is the sound speed.


The sound speed of the plasma.

Defined as \(c_s = \sqrt{γ k_B T / m_i}\) where \(gamma\) is the adiabatic index of the fluid, \(k_B\) is the Boltzmann constant, \(T\) is the temperature of the fluid, and \(m_i\) is the mass of the ion species in the fluid.

Methods Documentation

abstract angular_frequency(k: Quantity, theta: Quantity) Quantity[source]

Calculate the angular frequency of magnetohydrodynamic waves.

  • k (Quantity) – Wavenumber in units convertible to rad/m`. Either single valued or 1-D array of length \(N\).

  • theta (Quantity) – The angle of propagation of the wave with respect to the magnetic field, \(\cos^{-1}(k_z / k)\), in units convertible to radians. Either single valued or 1-D array of size \(M\).


omega – An \(N × M\) array of computed wave frequencies in units rad/s.

Return type:


  • UnitTypeError – If applicable arguments do not have units convertible to the expected units.

  • ValueError – If k is negative or zero.

  • ValueError – If k or theta are not single valued or a 1-D array.


PhysicsWarning – When the computed wave frequencies violate the low-frequency (\(ω ≪ ω_c,ω_p\)) assumption of the dispersion relation.

abstract group_velocity(k: Quantity, theta: Quantity) Quantity[source]

Calculate the group velocities of magnetohydrodynamic waves.

  • k (Quantity) – Wavenumber in units convertible to rad/m`. Either single valued or 1-D array of length \(N\).

  • theta (Quantity) – The angle of propagation of the wave with respect to the magnetic field, \(\cos^{-1}(k_z / k)\), in units convertible to radians. Either single valued or 1-D array of size \(M\).


group_velocity – An array of group_velocities in units m/s with shape \(2 × N × M\). The first dimension maps to the two coordinate arrays in the direction of k and in the direction of increasing theta, the second dimension maps to the k array, and the third dimension maps to the theta array.

Return type:

Quantity of shape (2, N, M)

  • UnitTypeError – If applicable arguments do not have units convertible to the expected units.

  • ValueError – If k is negative or zero.

  • ValueError – If k or theta are not single valued or a 1-D array.


PhysicsWarning – When the computed wave frequencies violate the low-frequency (\(ω ≪ ω_c,ω_p\)) assumption of the dispersion relation.


The group velocity \(\mathbf{v}_g\) is given by

mathbf{v}_g = frac{domega}{dmathbf{k}}
= hat{mathbf{k}} frac{partialomega}{partial k}
  • hat{mathbf{theta}} frac{partial v_{ph}}{partialtheta}

where \(ω\) is the angular frequency, \(\mathbf{k}\) is the wavevector, \(θ\) is the angle between \(\mathbf{k}\) and the unperturbed magnetic field, and \(v_{ph}\) is the phase velocity.

phase_velocity(k: Quantity, theta: Quantity) Quantity[source]

Calculate the phase velocities of magnetohydrodynamic waves.

  • k (Quantity) – Wavenumber in units convertible to rad/m`. Either single valued or 1-D array of size \(N\).

  • theta (Quantity) – The angle of propagation of the wave with respect to the magnetic field, \(\cos^{-1}(k_z / k)\), in units convertible to radians. Either single valued or 1-D array of size \(M\).


phase_velocity – An \(N × M\) array of computed phase velocities in units of m/s.

Return type:


  • UnitTypeError – If applicable arguments do not have units convertible to the expected units.

  • ValueError – If k is negative or zero.

  • ValueError – If k or theta are not single valued or a 1-D array.


PhysicsWarning – When the computed wave frequencies violate the low-frequency (\(ω ≪ ω_c,ω_p\)) assumption of the dispersion relation.