"""Functionality for determining the floating potential of a Langmuir sweep."""
__all__ = ["find_floating_potential", "VFExtras"]
__aliases__ = ["find_vf_"]
import numbers
import warnings
from typing import NamedTuple
import numpy as np
from plasmapy.analysis import fit_functions as ffuncs
from plasmapy.analysis.swept_langmuir.helpers import check_sweep
from plasmapy.utils.exceptions import PlasmaPyWarning
__all__ += __aliases__
def find_floating_potential( # noqa: C901, PLR0912, PLR0915
voltage: np.ndarray,
current: np.ndarray,
threshold: int = 1,
min_points: float | None = None,
fit_type: str = "exponential",
) -> tuple[np.floating, VFExtras]:
Determine the floating potential (:math:`V_f`) for a given
current-voltage (IV) curve obtained from a swept Langmuir probe.
The floating potential is the probe bias where the collected
current equals zero :math:`I = 0`. (For additional details see
the **Notes** section below.)
voltage: `numpy.ndarray`
1-D numpy array of monotonically ascending probe biases
(should be in volts)
current: `numpy.ndarray`
1-D numpy array of probe current (should be in amperes)
corresponding to the ``voltage`` array
threshold: positive, non-zero `int`
Max allowed index distance between crossing-points before a new
crossing-island is formed. That is, if ``threshold=5`` then
consecutive crossing-points are considered to be in the same
crossing-island if they are within 5 index steps of each other.
(Default: 1)
min_points: positive `int` or `float`
Minimum number of data points required for the fitting to be
applied to. See **Notes** section below for additional details.
The following list specifies the optional values:
- ``min_points = None`` (Default) The largest of 5 and
``factor * array_size`` is taken, where ``array_size`` is the
size of ``voltage`` and ``factor = 0.1`` for
``fit_type = "linear"`` and ``0.2`` for ``"exponential"``.
- ``min_points = numpy.inf`` The entire passed array is fitted.
- ``min_points >= 1`` Exact minimum number of points.
- ``0 < min_points < 0`` The minimum number of points is taken
as ``min_points * array_size``.
fit_type: str
The type of curve to be fitted to the Langmuir trace,
``"linear"`` or ``"exponential"`` (Default). This selects
which ``FitFunction`` class should be applied to the trace.
| linear | `~plasmapy.analysis.fit_functions.Linear` |
| exponential | `~plasmapy.analysis.fit_functions.ExponentialPlusOffset` |
vf: `float` or `numpy.nan`
The calculated floating potential (same units as the
``voltage`` array). Returns `numpy.nan` if the floating
potential can not be determined.
extras: `VFExtras`
Additional information from the fit:
``extras.vf_err`` (`float` or `numpy.nan`)
The uncertainty associated with the floating potential
calculation (units same as ``vf``). Returns `numpy.nan`
if the floating potential can not be determined. Like
:math:`V_f`:, the calculation depends on the applied fit
function. The ``root_solve()`` method also describes how
this is calculated.
``extras.rsq`` (`float`)
The coefficient of determination (r-squared) value of the
fit. See the documentation of the ``rsq`` property on the
associated fit function (e.g. the
property of
``extras.fitted_func`` (:term:`fit-function`)
The computed :term:`fit-function` specified by ``fit_type``.
``extras.islands`` (``List[slice]``)
List of `slice` objects representing the indices of the
identified crossing-islands.
``extras.fitted_indices`` (`slice`)
A `slice` object representing the indices of the ``voltage``
and ``current`` arrays used for the fit.
The internal functionality works like:
1. The current array ``current`` is scanned for all points equal to
zero and point pairs that straddle :math:`I = 0`. This forms an
array of "crossing-points."
2. The crossing-points are then grouped into "crossing-islands" in
based on the ``threshold`` keyword.
- A new island is formed when a successive crossing-point is more
(index) steps away from the previous crossing-point than
allowed by ``threshold``.
- If multiple crossing-islands are identified, then the span
from the first point in the first island to the last point in
the last island is compared to ``min_points``. If the span is
less than or equal to ``min_points``, then that span is taken
as one larger crossing-island for the fit; otherwise, the
function is incapable of identifying :math:`V_f` and will
return `numpy.nan` values.
3. To calculate the floating potential...
- If the crossing-island contains fewer points than
``min_points``, then each side of the crossing-island is
equally padded with the nearest neighbor points until
``min_points`` is satisfied.
- A fit is then performed using `scipy.stats.linregress` for
``fit_type="linear"`` and `scipy.optimize.curve_fit` for
rtn_extras = VFExtras(
vf_err=np.nan, rsq=None, fitted_func=None, islands=None, fitted_indices=None
_settings = {
"linear": {"func": ffuncs.Linear, "min_point_factor": 0.1},
"exponential": {"func": ffuncs.ExponentialPlusOffset, "min_point_factor": 0.2},
min_point_factor = _settings[fit_type]["min_point_factor"]
fit_func = _settings[fit_type]["func"]()
rtn_extras["fitted_func"] = fit_func
except KeyError as ex:
raise ValueError(
f"Requested fit '{fit_type}' is not a valid option. Valid options "
f"are {list(_settings.keys())}."
) from ex
# check voltage and current arrays
voltage, current = check_sweep(voltage, current, strip_units=True)
# condition kwarg threshold
if not isinstance(threshold, numbers.Integral):
raise TypeError(
f"Keyword 'threshold' is of type {type(threshold)}, expected an int "
f"int >= 1."
elif threshold < 1:
raise ValueError(
f"Keyword 'threshold' has value ({threshold}) less than 1, "
f"value must be an int >= 1."
# condition min_points
if min_points is None:
min_points = int(np.max([5, np.around(min_point_factor * voltage.size)]))
elif not isinstance(min_points, float | np.floating | int | np.integer):
raise TypeError(
f"Argument 'min_points' is wrong type '{type(min_points)}', expecting "
f"an int or float."
elif np.isinf(min_points):
# this signals to use all points
elif 0 < min_points < 1:
min_points = int(np.round(min_points * voltage.size))
elif min_points >= 1:
min_points = int(np.round(min_points))
raise ValueError(f"Argument 'min_points' can not be negative ({min_points}).")
# find possible crossing points (cp)
lower_vals = current < 0
upper_vals = current > 0
cp_exact = (current == 0.0).nonzero()[0]
cp_low2high = np.logical_and(np.roll(lower_vals, 1), upper_vals).nonzero()[0]
cp_high2low = np.logical_and(np.roll(lower_vals, -1), upper_vals).nonzero()[0]
# adjust for array wrapping cause by np.roll
cp_low2high = cp_low2high[cp_low2high != 0]
cp_high2low = cp_high2low[cp_high2low != current.size - 1]
# collect all candidates
cp_candidates = np.concatenate(
(cp_exact, cp_low2high, cp_low2high - 1, cp_high2low, cp_high2low + 1)
cp_candidates = np.unique(cp_candidates) # sorted and unique
# How many crossing-islands?
cp_intervals = np.diff(cp_candidates)
threshold_indices = np.where(cp_intervals > threshold)[0]
n_islands = threshold_indices.size + 1
if np.isinf(min_points) or n_islands == 1:
rtn_extras["islands"] = [slice(cp_candidates[0], cp_candidates[-1] + 1)]
# There are multiple crossing points
isl_start = np.concatenate(
([cp_candidates[0]], cp_candidates[threshold_indices + 1])
isl_stop = np.concatenate(
(cp_candidates[threshold_indices] + 1, [cp_candidates[-1] + 1])
rtn_extras["islands"] = [
slice(start, stop) for start, stop in zip(isl_start, isl_stop, strict=False)
# do islands fall within the min_points window?
isl_window = (
- np.r_[rtn_extras["islands"][0]][0]
+ 1
if isl_window > min_points:
f"Unable to determine floating potential, Langmuir sweep has "
f"{n_islands} crossing-islands. Try adjusting keyword 'threshold' "
f"and/or smooth the current.",
return np.nan, VFExtras(**rtn_extras)
# Construct crossing-island (pad if needed)
if np.isinf(min_points):
# us all points
istart = 0
istop = voltage.size - 1
istart = cp_candidates[0]
istop = cp_candidates[-1]
iadd = (istop - istart + 1) - min_points
if iadd < 0:
# pad front
ipad_2_start = ipad_2_stop = int(np.ceil(-iadd / 2.0))
if istart - ipad_2_start < 0:
ipad_2_stop += ipad_2_start - istart
istart = 0
istart -= ipad_2_start
ipad_2_start = 0
# pad rear
if ((current.size - 1) - (istop + ipad_2_stop)) < 0:
ipad_2_start += ipad_2_stop - (current.size - 1 - istop)
istop = current.size - 1
istop += ipad_2_stop
# re-pad front if possible
if ipad_2_start > 0:
if istart - ipad_2_start < 0:
istart = 0
istart -= ipad_2_start
if (istop - istart + 1) < min_points:
f"The number of elements in the current array ({istop - istart + 1}) "
f"is less than 'min_points' ({min_points}).",
# Perform Linear Regression Fit
volt_sub = voltage[istart : istop + 1]
curr_sub = current[istart : istop + 1]
fit_func.curve_fit(volt_sub, curr_sub)
vf, rtn_extras["vf_err"] = fit_func.root_solve()
rtn_extras.update({"rsq": fit_func.rsq, "fitted_indices": slice(istart, istop + 1)})
return vf, VFExtras(**rtn_extras)
find_vf_ = find_floating_potential
Alias to