Functionality for determining the ion-saturation current of a Langmuir sweep.
__all__ = ["find_ion_saturation_current", "ISatExtras"]
__aliases__ = ["find_isat_"]
import numbers
from typing import Any, NamedTuple
import numpy as np
from plasmapy.analysis import fit_functions as ffuncs
from plasmapy.analysis.swept_langmuir.helpers import check_sweep
__all__ += __aliases__
def find_ion_saturation_current(
voltage: np.ndarray,
current: np.ndarray,
fit_type: str = "exp_plus_linear",
current_bound: float | None = None,
voltage_bound: float | None = None,
) -> tuple[ffuncs.Linear, ISatExtras]:
Determines the ion-saturation current (:math:`I_{sat}`) for a given
current-voltage (IV) curve obtained from a swept Langmuir probe.
The current collected by a Langmuir probe reaches ion-saturation
when the probe is sufficiently biased so the influx of electrons is
completely repelled, which leads to only the collection of ions.
(For additional details see the **Notes** section below.).
**Aliases:** :func:`~plasmapy.analysis.swept_langmuir.ion_saturation_current.find_isat_`
voltage: `numpy.ndarray`
1-D numpy array of monotonically increasing probe biases
(should be in volts).
current: `numpy.ndarray`
1-D numpy array of probe current (should be in amperes)
corresponding to the ``voltage`` array.
fit_type: `str`
The type of curve (:term:`fit-function`) to be fitted to the
Langmuir trace, valid options are listed below.
(DEFAULT ``"exp_plus_linear"``)
| ``"linear"`` | `~plasmapy.analysis.fit_functions.Linear` |
| ``"exp_plus_offset"`` | `~plasmapy.analysis.fit_functions.ExponentialPlusOffset` |
| ``"exp_plus_linear"`` | `~plasmapy.analysis.fit_functions.ExponentialPlusLinear` |
current_bound: `float`
A fraction representing a percentile window around the minimum
current. The points to be fitted are defined to be within this
window. For example, a value of ``0.1`` indicates to use all
points within 10% of the minimum current. (DEFAULT ``None``)
If neither ``current_bound`` or ``voltage_bound`` are specified,
then the routine will collect indices based on an internal
``current_bound`` setting for the specified ``fit_type``.
| ``"linear"`` | 0.4 |
| ``"exponential"`` | 1.0 |
| ``"exp_plus_linear"`` | 1.0 |
Cannot be used with keyword ``voltage_bound``.
voltage_bound: `float`
A bias voltage (in volts) that specifies an upper bound used to
collect the points for the curve fit. That is, points that
satisfy ``voltage <= voltage_bound`` are used in the fit.
(DEFAULT ``None``)
Cannot be used with keyword ``current_bound``.
isat: `~plasmapy.analysis.fit_functions.Linear`
A :term:`fit-function` representing the linear portion of the
fitted curve. **Note:** All ``isat`` parameters will be in the
same units as those of ``voltage`` and ``current``. For
example, if the ``voltage`` array is in milli-volts and the
``current`` array is in milli-amperes, then all parameters and
computed values of ``isat`` will have the same units.
extras: `ISatExtras`
Additional information from the curve fit:
``extras.fitted_func`` (:term:`fit-functions`)
The computed :term:`fit-function` specified by
``extras.rsq`` (`float`)
The coefficient of determination (r-squared) value of the
fit, that is of ``extras.fitted_func``.
``extras.fitted_indices`` (`slice`)
A `slice` object representing the indices of the ``voltage``
and ``current`` arrays used for the fit.
This routine works by:
1. Selecting the points to be used in the fit as determined by
``voltage_bound`` or ``current_bound``.
2. Fitting the selected points with the :term:`fit-function`
specified by ``fit_type``.
3. Extracting the linear component of the fit and returning that as
the ion-saturation current.
This routine opts to return a function representing a linear
ion-saturation current, since, while ideal planar Langmuir probes
reach a steady-state ion-saturation current, real world Langmuir
probes "suffer" from expanding sheaths as the bias voltage
becomes increasingly negative. This sheath expansion results in the
ion-saturation current also increasing.
rtn_extras = ISatExtras(rsq=None, fitted_func=None, fitted_indices=None)._asdict()
_settings: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = {
"linear": {
"func": ffuncs.Linear,
"current_bound": 0.4,
"exp_plus_linear": {
"func": ffuncs.ExponentialPlusLinear,
"current_bound": 1.0,
"exp_plus_offset": {
"func": ffuncs.ExponentialPlusOffset,
"current_bound": 1.0,
default_current_bound = _settings[fit_type]["current_bound"]
fit_func = _settings[fit_type]["func"]()
rtn_extras["fitted_func"] = fit_func
except KeyError as ex:
raise ValueError(
f"Requested fit '{fit_type}' is not a valid option. Valid options "
f"are {list(_settings.keys())}."
) from ex
# check voltage and current arrays
voltage, current = check_sweep(voltage, current, strip_units=True)
# condition kwargs voltage_bound and current_bound
if voltage_bound is current_bound is None:
current_bound = default_current_bound
elif voltage_bound is not None and current_bound is not None:
raise ValueError(
"Both keywords 'current_bound' and 'voltage_bound' are specified, "
"use only one."
if current_bound is not None:
if not isinstance(current_bound, numbers.Real):
raise TypeError(
f"Keyword 'current_bound' is of type {type(current_bound)}, "
f"expected an int or float."
current_min = current.min()
current_bound = (1.0 - current_bound) * current_min
mask = np.where(current <= current_bound)[0]
elif isinstance(voltage_bound, numbers.Real):
mask = np.where(voltage <= voltage_bound)[0]
raise TypeError(
f"Keyword 'voltage_bound' is of type {type(voltage_bound)}, "
f"expected an int or float."
if mask.size == 0:
raise ValueError(
f"The specified bounding keywords, 'voltage_bound' "
f"({voltage_bound}) and 'current_bound' ({current_bound}), "
f"resulted in a fit window containing no points."
mask = slice(0, mask[-1] + 1)
rtn_extras["fitted_indices"] = mask
volt_sub = voltage[mask]
curr_sub = current[mask]
fit_func.curve_fit(volt_sub, curr_sub)
rtn_extras["rsq"] = fit_func.rsq
m = getattr(fit_func.params, "m", 0.0)
b = getattr(fit_func.params, "b", 0.0)
m_err = getattr(fit_func.param_errors, "m", 0.0)
b_err = getattr(fit_func.param_errors, "b", 0.0)
isat = ffuncs.Linear(params=(m, b), param_errors=(m_err, b_err))
return isat, ISatExtras(**rtn_extras)
find_isat_ = find_ion_saturation_current
Alias to