Source code for plasmapy.analysis.time_series.running_moments

Functionality to calculate running moments of time series.

.. attention::


__all__ = ["running_mean", "running_moment"]

import numbers
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np

_run_moment_tuple = namedtuple("Running_Moment", ["run_moment", "time"])

[docs] def running_mean(signal, radius: int): """ Calculate the running mean of a sequence. Parameters ---------- signal : 1D |array_like| Signal to be averaged. radius : int The number of points on either side of each point for which the running mean is being calculated. The window size is ``2 * radius + 1``. Returns ------- 1D |array_like| Running mean of ``signal`` with length ``len(signal) - 2 * radius``. Raises ------ `ValueError` If ``len(signal) <= 2 * radius``. `TypeError` If ``radius`` is not of type `int`. Example ------- >>> from plasmapy.analysis.time_series.running_moments import running_mean >>> running_mean([1, 2, 3, 4], 1) array([2., 3.]) """ if len(signal) <= 2 * radius: raise ValueError("len(signal) must be bigger than 2*radius") if not isinstance(radius, numbers.Integral): raise TypeError("radius must be of type integer") window = 2 * radius + 1 run_mean = np.cumsum(signal, dtype=float) run_mean[window:] = run_mean[window:] - run_mean[:-window] return run_mean[window - 1 :] / window
[docs] def running_moment(signal, radius: int, moment=1, time=None): """ Calculate either the running mean, standard deviation, skewness or excess kurtosis of a sequence. Parameters ---------- signal : 1D |array_like| Signal to be averaged. radius : int The number of points on either side of each point for which the running moment is being calculated. The window size is ``2 * radius + 1`` for running mean and ``4 * radius + 1`` for higher moments. moment : int Choose between: - ``1``: running mean - ``2``: running standard deviation - ``3``: running skewness - ``4``: running excess kurtosis time : 1D |array_like|, optional Time base of ``signal``. Returns ------- `~collections.namedtuple` Contains the following attributes: - ``run_moment``: 1D |array_like| Running moment of ``signal``. The length is ``(len(signal) - 2 * radius)`` for the running mean or ``(len(signal) - 4 * signal)`` for higher moments. - ``time``: 1D |array_like| Time base corresponding to ``run_moment`` if ``time`` is not `None`. Raises ------ `ValueError` If ``moment`` is not in (1, 2, 3, 4). `ValueError` If ``signal`` and ``time`` don't have same length. `ValueError` If ``len(signal) <= 4 * radius`` and ``moment > 1``. Notes ----- The running rms divides by ``window``, not ``(window - 1)``. Example ------- >>> from plasmapy.analysis.time_series.running_moments import running_moment >>> running_moment([1, 2, 3, 2, 1], 1, 4, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) Running_Moment(run_moment=array([3.]), time=[3]) """ if moment not in range(1, 5): raise ValueError("Only first four moments implemented") if time is not None and (len(signal) != len(time)): raise ValueError("signal and time must have same length") if moment == 1: if time is not None: time = time[radius:-radius] return running_mean(signal, radius), time if len(signal) <= 4 * radius: raise ValueError("len(signal) must be bigger than 4*radius for chosen moment") difference = signal[radius:-radius] - running_mean(signal, radius) if moment == 2: run_moment = np.sqrt(running_mean(difference**2, radius)) elif moment == 3: run_moment = ( running_mean(difference**3, radius) / running_mean(difference**2, radius) ** 1.5 ) elif moment == 4: run_moment = ( running_mean(difference**4, radius) / running_mean(difference**2, radius) ** 2 ) if time is not None: time = time[2 * radius : -2 * radius] return _run_moment_tuple(run_moment=run_moment, time=time)