Functionality for calculating the numerical solutions to the Stix cold
plasma function.
__all__ = ["stix"]
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from astropy.constants.si import c
from plasmapy.formulary.frequencies import gyrofrequency, plasma_frequency
from plasmapy.particles import Particle, ParticleList
from plasmapy.utils.decorators import validate_quantities
c_si_unitless = c.value
B={"can_be_negative": False},
n_i={"can_be_negative": False},
w={"can_be_negative": False, "can_be_zero": False},
def stix( # noqa: C901, PLR0912, PLR0915
B: u.Quantity[u.T],
w: u.Quantity[u.rad / u.s],
ions: Particle,
n_i: u.Quantity[u.m**-3],
theta: u.Quantity[u.rad],
Calculate the cold plasma dispersion function presented by
:cite:t:`stix:1992`, and discussed by :cite:t:`bellan:2012`.
This is an analytical solution of equation 8 in
:cite:t:`bellan:2012`. See the **Notes** section below for
additional details.
B : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
The magnetic field magnitude in units convertible to T.
w : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, single valued or 1-D array
Wavefrequency in units convertible to rad/s. Either singled
valued or 1-D array of length :math:`N`.
ions: a single or `list` of |particle-like| object(s)
A list or single instance of |particle-like| objects
representing the ion species (e.g., ``"p"`` for protons,
``"D+"`` for deuterium, ``["H+", "He+"]`` for hydrogen and
helium, etc.). All ions must be positively charged.
n_i: `~astropy.units.Quantity`, single valued or 1-D array
Ion number density in units convertible to m\ :sup:`-3`. Must
be single valued or equal length to ``ions``.
theta: `~astropy.units.Quantity`, single valued or 1-D array
The angle of propagation of the wave with respect to the
magnetic field, :math:`\cos^{-1}(k_z / k)`, in units convertible
to radians. Either single valued or 1-D array of size
k : `~astropy.units.Quantity` of shape ``(N, M, 4)``
An array of wavenubmers in units rad/m (shape
:math:`N × M × 4`). The first dimension maps to the
``w`` array, the second dimension maps to the ``theta`` array,
and the third dimension maps to the four roots of the Stix
* ``k[0]`` is the square root of the positive quadratic solution
* ``k[1] = -k[0]``
* ``k[2]`` is the square root of the negative quadratic solution
* ``k[3] = -k[2]``
If applicable arguments are not instances of
`~astropy.units.Quantity` or cannot be converted into one.
Particles in ``ions`` are not positively charged ions.
The size of ``n_i`` is not the same as the length of ``ions``.
If of ``B`` or ``n_i`` is negative.
If ``w`` is negative or zero.
If ``w`` or ``theta`` are not single valued or a 1-D array.
If applicable arguments do not have units convertible to the
expected units.
The cold plasma dispersion function is defined by
:cite:t:`stix:1992` in section 1-3 (and present by
:cite:t:`bellan:2012` in equation 8) to be
.. math::
(S\sin^{2}(θ) + P\cos^{2}(θ))(ck/ω)^{4}
- [
RL\sin^{2}(θ) + PS(1 + \cos^{2}(θ))
](ck/ω)^{2} + PRL = 0
.. math::
\mathbf{B_o} &= B_{o} \mathbf{\hat{z}} \\
\cos θ &= \frac{k_z}{k} \\
\mathbf{k} &= k_{\rm x} \hat{x} + k_{\rm z} \hat{z}
.. math::
S &= 1 - \sum_{s} \frac{ω^{2}_{p,s}}{ω^{2} -
P &= 1 - \sum_{s} \frac{ω^{2}_{p,s}}{ω^{2}}\\
D &= \sum_{s}
\frac{ω^{2}_{p,s}}{ω^{2} -
.. math::
R = S + D \hspace{1cm} L = S - D
:math:`ω` is the wave frequency, :math:`k` is the wavenumber,
:math:`θ` is the wave propagation angle with respect to the
background magntic field :math:`\mathbf{B_o}`, :math:`s` corresponds
to plasma species :math:`s`, :math:`ω_{p,s}` is the plasma
frequency of species :math:`s`, and :math:`ω_{c,s}` is the
gyrofrequency of species :math:`s`. The derivation of this
dispersion relation assumed:
* zero temperature for all plasma species (:math:`T_{s}=0`)
* quasi-neutrality
* a uniform background magntic field
:math:`\mathbf{B_o} = B_{o} \mathbf{\hat{z}}`
* no D.C. electric field :math:`\mathbf{E_o}=0`
* zero-order quantities for all plasma parameters (densities,
electric-field, magnetic field, particle speeds, etc.) are
constant in time and space
* first-order perturbations in plasma parameters vary like
:math:`\sim e^{\left [ i (\textbf{k}\cdot\textbf{r} - ω t)\right ]}`
Due to the cold plasma assumption, this equation is valid for all
:math:`ω` and :math:`k` given
:math:`\frac{ω}{k_{z}} \gg v_{Th}` for all thermal speeds
:math:`v_{Th}` of all plasma species and :math:`k_{x} r_{L} \ll 1`
for all gyroradii :math:`r_{L}` of all plasma species.
The relation predicts :math:`k \to 0` when any one of P, R or L
vanish (cutoffs) and :math:`k \to ∞` for perpendicular
propagation during wave resonance :math:`S \to 0`.
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> from plasmapy.particles import Particle
>>> from plasmapy.dispersion.analytical.stix_ import stix
>>> inputs = {
... "B": 8.3e-9 * u.T,
... "w": 0.001 * u.rad / u.s,
... "ions": [Particle("H+"), Particle("He+")],
... "n_i": [4.0e5,2.0e5] * u.m**-3,
... "theta": 30 * u.deg,
... }
>>> stix(**inputs)
<Quantity [ 6.03817661e-09-0.j, -6.03817661e-09+0.j,
6.97262784e-09-0.j, -6.97262784e-09+0.j] rad / m>
# Validate ions argument
if not isinstance(ions, list | tuple | ParticleList):
ions = [ions]
ions = ParticleList(ions)
if not all(failed := [ion.is_ion and ion.charge_number > 0 for ion in ions]):
raise ValueError(
"Particle(s) passed to 'ions' must be a positively charged"
" ion. The following particle(s) is(are) not allowed "
f"{[ion for ion, fail in zip(ions, failed, strict=False) if not fail]}"
# Validate n_i argument
if n_i.ndim not in {0, 1}:
raise ValueError(
"Argument 'n_i' must be a single valued or a 1D array of "
f"size 1 or {len(ions)}, instead got shape of {n_i.shape}"
elif n_i.ndim == 1 and n_i.size != len(ions):
raise ValueError(
"Argument 'n_i' and 'ions' need to be the same length, got"
f" value of shape {len(ions)} and {len(n_i.shape)}."
n_i = n_i.value
if n_i.ndim == 0:
n_i = np.array([n_i] * len(ions))
elif n_i.size == 1:
n_i = np.repeat(n_i, len(ions))
species = [*ions, Particle("e-")]
densities = np.zeros(n_i.size + 1)
densities[:-1] = n_i
densities[-1] = np.sum(n_i * ions.charge_number)
# Validate B argument
B = B.squeeze()
if B.ndim != 0:
raise ValueError(
"Argument 'B' must be single valued and not an array of"
f" shape {B.shape}."
# Validate w argument and dimension
w = w.value.squeeze()
if w.ndim not in {0, 1}:
raise ValueError(
"Argument 'w' needs to be a single value or a 1D array "
f" astropy Quantity, got a value of shape {w.shape}."
elif np.isscalar(w):
w = np.array([w])
# Validate theta value
theta = theta.value.squeeze()
if theta.ndim not in {0, 1}:
raise TypeError(
"Argument 'theta' needs to be a single value or 1D array "
f" astropy Quantity, got array of shape {theta.shape}."
elif np.isscalar(theta):
theta = np.array([theta])
# Generate mesh grid of w x theta
w, theta = np.meshgrid(w, theta, indexing="ij")
# Generate the plasma parameters needed
wps = []
wcs = []
for par, dens in zip(species, densities, strict=False):
wps.append(plasma_frequency(n=dens * u.m**-3, particle=par).value)
wcs.append(gyrofrequency(B=B, particle=par, signed=True).value)
# Stix method implemented
S = np.ones_like(w, dtype=np.float64)
P = np.ones_like(S)
D = np.zeros_like(S)
for wc, wp in zip(wcs, wps, strict=False):
S -= (wp**2) / (w**2 - wc**2)
P -= (wp / w) ** 2
D += ((wp**2) / (w**2 - wc**2)) * (wc / w)
R = S + D
L = S - D
# Generate coefficients to solve, a * k**4 + b * k**2 + c = 0
a = (S * np.sin(theta) ** 2) + (P * np.cos(theta) ** 2)
b = -((R * L * np.sin(theta) ** 2) + (P * S * (1 + np.cos(theta) ** 2)))
c = P * R * L
# Solve for k values
k = np.empty((*w.shape, 4), dtype=np.complex128)
k[..., 0] = (
np.emath.sqrt((-b + np.emath.sqrt(b**2 - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a))
* w
/ c_si_unitless
k[..., 1] = -k[..., 0]
k[..., 2] = (
np.emath.sqrt((-b - np.emath.sqrt(b**2 - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a))
* w
/ c_si_unitless
k[..., 3] = -k[..., 2]
return k.squeeze() * u.rad / u.m