Module of dimensionless parameters related to collisions.
__all__ = [
from typing import Literal
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from astropy.constants.si import e, eps0, k_B
from plasmapy import particles
from plasmapy.formulary.collisions import lengths, misc
from plasmapy.formulary.mathematics import Fermi_integral
from plasmapy.formulary.quantum import (
from plasmapy.utils.decorators import validate_quantities
T={"can_be_negative": False, "equivalencies": u.temperature_energy()},
n_e={"can_be_negative": False},
def coupling_parameter(
T: u.Quantity[u.K],
n_e: u.Quantity[u.m**-3],
z_mean: float = np.nan,
V: u.Quantity[u.m / u.s] = np.nan * u.m / u.s,
method: Literal["classical", "quantum"] = "classical",
) -> u.Quantity[u.dimensionless_unscaled]:
Ratio of the Coulomb energy to the kinetic (usually thermal) energy.
Classical plasmas are weakly coupled (:math:`Γ ≪ 1`, where :math:`Γ`
is the coupling parameter). Dense plasmas tend to have significant
to strong coupling (:math:`Γ ≥ 1`\ ). For more details, see the
notes section below.
T : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Temperature in units of temperature or energy per particle,
which is assumed to be equal for both the test particle and the
target particle.
n_e : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
The electron number density in units convertible to per cubic
species : `tuple`
A tuple containing string representations of the test particle
(listed first) and the target particle (listed second).
z_mean : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional
The average ionization (arithmetic mean) of a plasma for which a
macroscopic description is valid. This parameter is used to
compute the average ion density (given the average ionization
and electron density) for calculating the ion sphere radius for
non-classical impact parameters. ``z_mean`` is a required
parameter if ``method`` is ``"ls_full_interp"``,
``"hls_max_interp"``, or ``"hls_full_interp"``.
V : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional
The relative velocity between particles. If not provided,
thermal velocity is assumed: :math:`μ V^2 \sim 2 k_B T` where
:math:`μ` is the reduced mass.
method : {``"classical"``, ``"quantum"``}, default: "classical"
The method by which to compute the coupling parameter: either
``"classical"`` or ``"quantum"``. The Notes section of this
docstring has more information about these two methods.
coupling : `float` or `~numpy.ndarray`
The coupling parameter for a plasma.
If the mass or charge of either particle cannot be found, or any
of the inputs contain incorrect values.
If the units on any of the inputs are incorrect.
If any of ``n_e``, ``T``, or ``V`` is not a
If the input velocity is same or greater than the speed of
: `~astropy.units.UnitsWarning`
If units are not provided, SI units are assumed.
: `~plasmapy.utils.exceptions.RelativityWarning`
If the input velocity is greater than 5% of the speed of light.
The coupling parameter is given by
.. math::
Γ = \frac{E_{Coulomb}}{E_{Kinetic}}
The Coulomb energy is given by
.. math::
E_{Coulomb} = \frac{Z_1 Z_2 q_e^2}{4 π ε_0 r}
where :math:`r` is the Wigner-Seitz radius, and 1 and 2 refer to
particle species 1 and 2 between which we want to determine the
In the classical case the kinetic energy is the thermal energy:
.. math::
E_{kinetic} = k_B T_e
The quantum case is more complex. The kinetic energy is dominated by
the Fermi energy, modulated by a correction factor based on the
ideal chemical potential. This is obtained more precisely by taking
the thermal kinetic energy and dividing by the degeneracy
parameter, modulated by the Fermi integral :cite:p:`gericke:2002`\ :
.. math::
E_{kinetic} = 2 k_B T_e / χ f_{3/2} (μ_{ideal} / k_B T_e)
where :math:`χ` is the degeneracy parameter, :math:`f_{3/2}` is the
Fermi integral, and :math:`μ_{ideal}` is the ideal chemical
The degeneracy parameter is given by
.. math::
χ = n_e Λ_{de Broglie} ^ 3
where :math:`n_e` is the electron density and :math:`Λ_{de Broglie}`
is the thermal de Broglie wavelength.
See equations 1.2, 1.3 and footnote 5 in :cite:t:`bonitz:1998` for
details on the ideal chemical potential.
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> n = 1e19 * u.m**-3
>>> T = 1e6 * u.K
>>> species = ("e", "p")
>>> coupling_parameter(T, n, species)
<Quantity 5.8033...e-05>
>>> coupling_parameter(T, n, species, V=1e6 * u.m / u.s)
<Quantity 5.8033...e-05>
T, masses, charges, reduced_mass, V = misc._process_inputs( # noqa: SLF001
T=T, species=species, V=V
if np.isnan(z_mean):
# using mean charge to get average ion density.
# If you are running this, you should strongly consider giving
# a value of z_mean as an argument instead.
Z1 = np.abs(particles.atomic.charge_number(species[0]))
Z2 = np.abs(particles.atomic.charge_number(species[1]))
Z = (Z1 + Z2) / 2
# getting ion density from electron density
n_i = n_e / Z
# getting ion density from electron density
n_i = n_e / z_mean
# getting Wigner-Seitz radius based on ion density
radius = Wigner_Seitz_radius(n_i)
# Coulomb potential energy between particles
if np.isnan(z_mean):
coulomb_energy = charges[0] * charges[1] / (4 * np.pi * eps0 * radius)
coulomb_energy = (z_mean * e) ** 2 / (4 * np.pi * eps0 * radius)
if method == "classical":
# classical thermal kinetic energy
kinetic_energy = k_B * T
elif method == "quantum":
# quantum kinetic energy for dense plasmas
lambda_deBroglie = thermal_deBroglie_wavelength(T)
chem_potential = chemical_potential(n_e, T)
fermi_integral = Fermi_integral(chem_potential.si.value, 1.5)
denominator = (n_e * lambda_deBroglie**3) * fermi_integral
kinetic_energy = 2 * k_B * T / denominator
if np.all(np.imag(kinetic_energy) < 1e-15 * u.J):
kinetic_energy = np.real(kinetic_energy)
raise ValueError(
"Kinetic energy should not be imaginary."
"Something went horribly wrong."
raise ValueError(
f"Keyword 'method' must be either 'classical' or "
f"'quantum', instead of '{method}'."
return coulomb_energy / kinetic_energy
T={"can_be_negative": False, "equivalencies": u.temperature_energy()},
n_e={"can_be_negative": False},
def Knudsen_number(
T: u.Quantity[u.K],
n_e: u.Quantity[u.m**-3],
z_mean: float = np.nan,
V: u.Quantity[u.m / u.s] = np.nan * u.m / u.s,
method: str = "classical",
) -> u.Quantity[u.dimensionless_unscaled]:
Knudsen number (dimensionless).
characteristic_length : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Rough order-of-magnitude estimate of the relevant size of the
T : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Temperature in units of temperature or energy per particle,
which is assumed to be equal for both the test particle and the
target particle.
n_e : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
The electron number density in units convertible to m\ :sup:`-3`.
species : `tuple`
A tuple containing string representations of the test particle
(listed first) and the target particle (listed second).
z_mean : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional
The average ionization (arithmetic mean) of a plasma for which a
macroscopic description is valid. This parameter is used to
compute the average ion density (given the average ionization
and electron density) for calculating the ion sphere radius for
non-classical impact parameters. ``z_mean`` is a required
parameter if ``method`` is ``"ls_full_interp"``,
``"hls_max_interp"``, or ``"hls_full_interp"``.
V : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional
The relative velocity between particles. If not provided,
thermal velocity is assumed: :math:`μ V^2 \sim 2 k_B T` where
:math:`μ` is the reduced mass.
method : `str`, optional
The method by which to compute the Coulomb logarithm. The
default method is the classical straight-line Landau-Spitzer
method (``"classical"`` or ``"ls"``). The other 6 supported
methods are ``"ls_min_interp"``, ``"ls_full_interp"``,
``"ls_clamp_mininterp"``, ``"hls_min_interp"``,
``"hls_max_interp"``, and ``"hls_full_interp"``. Please refer
to the docstring of
`~plasmapy.formulary.collisions.coulomb.Coulomb_logarithm` for more
information about these methods.
knudsen_param : `float` or `numpy.ndarray`
The dimensionless Knudsen number.
If the mass or charge of either particle cannot be found, or any
of the inputs contain incorrect values.
If the units on any of the inputs are incorrect.
If any of ``n_e``, ``T``, or ``V`` is not a
If the input velocity is same or greater than the speed of
: `~astropy.units.UnitsWarning`
If units are not provided, SI units are assumed.
: `~plasmapy.utils.exceptions.RelativityWarning`
If the input velocity is greater than 5% of the speed of light.
The `Knudsen number <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knudsen_number>`_
is given by
.. math::
Kn = \frac{λ_{mfp}}{L}
where :math:`λ_{mfp}` is the collisional mean free path for
particles in a plasma and :math:`L` is the characteristic scale
length of interest.
The characteristic scale length is typically the plasma size or the
size of a diagnostic (such as the length or radius of a Langmuir
probe tip). The Knudsen number tells us whether collisional effects
are important on this scale length.
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> L = 1e-3 * u.m
>>> n = 1e19 * u.m**-3
>>> T = 1e6 * u.K
>>> species = ("e", "p")
>>> Knudsen_number(L, T, n, species)
<Quantity 7839.5...>
>>> Knudsen_number(L, T, n, species, V=1e6 * u.m / u.s)
<Quantity 10.91773...>
path_length = lengths.mean_free_path(
T=T, n_e=n_e, species=species, z_mean=z_mean, V=V, method=method
return path_length / characteristic_length