Source code for plasmapy.formulary.lengths

"""Functions to calculate fundamental plasma length parameters."""

__all__ = ["Debye_length", "gyroradius", "inertial_length"]
__aliases__ = ["cwp_", "lambdaD_", "rc_", "rhoc_"]

import warnings

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from import c, e, eps0, k_B

from plasmapy.formulary import frequencies, speeds
from plasmapy.formulary.relativity import RelativisticBody
from plasmapy.particles.decorators import particle_input
from plasmapy.particles.particle_class import ParticleLike
from plasmapy.utils.decorators import validate_quantities

__all__ += __aliases__

[docs] @validate_quantities( T_e={"can_be_negative": False, "equivalencies": u.temperature_energy()}, n_e={"can_be_negative": False}, ) def Debye_length(T_e: u.Quantity[u.K], n_e: u.Quantity[u.m**-3]) -> u.Quantity[u.m]: r""" Calculate the exponential scale length for charge screening in an electron plasma with stationary ions. The Debye length is given by .. math:: λ_D = \sqrt{\frac{ε_0 k_B T_e}{n_e q_e^2}}, where :math:`n_e` is the electron number density, :math:`T_e` is the electron temperature, :math:`k_B` is the Boltzmann constant, :math:`q_e` is the elementary charge, and :math:`ε_0` is the vacuum permittivity. **Aliases:** `lambdaD_` Parameters ---------- T_e : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Electron temperature. n_e : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Electron number density. Returns ------- lambda_D : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The Debye length in meters. Raises ------ `TypeError` If either argument is not a `~astropy.units.Quantity`. `~astropy.units.UnitConversionError` If either argument is in incorrect units. `ValueError` If either argument contains invalid values. Warns ----- : `~astropy.units.UnitsWarning` If units are not provided, SI units are assumed. See Also -------- ~plasmapy.formulary.dimensionless.Debye_number Notes ----- Plasmas will generally be quasineutral on length scales significantly longer than the Debye length. The electrical potential will drop by a factor of :math:`∼\frac{1}{e}` every Debye length away from the vicinity of a charged particle. Examples -------- >>> import astropy.units as u >>> Debye_length(5e6 * u.K, 5e15 * u.m**-3) <Quantity 0.002182... m> """ return np.sqrt(eps0 * k_B * T_e / (n_e * e**2))
lambdaD_ = Debye_length """Alias to `~plasmapy.formulary.lengths.Debye_length`."""
[docs] @validate_quantities( Vperp={"can_be_nan": True}, # none_shall_pass T={ "can_be_nan": True, "equivalencies": u.temperature_energy(), "none_shall_pass": True, }, validations_on_return={"equivalencies": u.dimensionless_angles()}, ) @particle_input(any_of={"charged", "uncharged"}) def gyroradius( B: u.Quantity[u.T], particle: ParticleLike, *, Vperp: u.Quantity[u.m / u.s] = np.nan * u.m / u.s, T: u.Quantity[u.K] = None, lorentzfactor=np.nan, relativistic: bool = True, mass_numb: int | None = None, Z: float | None = None, ) -> u.Quantity[u.m]: r""" Calculate the radius of circular motion for a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field (including relativistic effects by default). **Aliases:** `rc_`, `rhoc_` Parameters ---------- B : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The magnetic field magnitude in units convertible to tesla. particle : |particle-like| Representation of the particle species (e.g., ``"p+"`` for protons, ``"D+"`` for a deuteron, or ``"He-4 1+"`` for singly ionized helium-4). Vperp : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, |keyword-only|, optional The component of particle velocity that is perpendicular to the magnetic field in units convertible to meters per second. T : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, |keyword-only|, optional The particle temperature in units convertible to kelvin or electron-volts. If provided, the perpendicular velocity gets set to the most probable *non-relativistic* thermal velocity for that particle at this temperature. Cannot be provided if ``Vperp`` is provided. lorentzfactor : `float` or `~numpy.ndarray`, |keyword-only|, optional The :wikipedia:`Lorentz factor` of the particle corresponding to the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field. Cannot be provided if ``Vperp`` or ``T`` is provided. relativistic : `bool`, |keyword-only|, default: `True` If `True`, the relativistic formula for gyroradius will be used. If `False`, the non-relativistic formula will be used. Returns ------- r_L : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The particle gyroradius in units of meters. This `~astropy.units.Quantity` will be based on either the perpendicular component of particle velocity as inputted, or the most probable speed for a particle within a Maxwellian distribution for the particle temperature. Other Parameters ---------------- mass_numb : integer, |keyword-only|, optional The mass number, if not provided in ``particle``. Z : real number, |keyword-only|, optional The |charge number|, if not provided in ``particle``. Raises ------ `~astropy.units.UnitConversionError` If a |Quantity| argument has units of an incorrect physical type. `ValueError` If any argument contains invalid values. Warns ----- : `~astropy.units.UnitsWarning` Issued if any of ``B``, ``Vperp``, or ``T`` do not have units, in which case SI units will be assumed. Warnings -------- The Lorentz factor can be inferred from ``Vperp`` or ``T`` but near the speed of light, this can lead to rounding errors. For very high values of the Lorentz factor, its use should be preferred. Notes ----- The relativistic :wikipedia:`gyroradius` for a particle of species :math:`s` is given by .. math:: r_{L,s} = \frac{γ m_s V_{⟂,s}}{ |q_s| B} where :math:`V_⟂` is the component of particle velocity that is perpendicular to the magnetic field, :math:`m_s` is the particle mass, :math:`q_s` is the particle charge, :math:`B` is the magnetic field magnitude, and :math:`γ` is the :wikipedia:`Lorentz factor`. In the non-relativistic limit, the gyroradius reduces to .. math:: r_{Ls} = \frac{V_{⟂,s}}{ω_{c,s}} where :math:`ω_{c,s}` is the particle gyrofrequency. To turn off relativistic effects, set the ``relativistic`` keyword to `False`. The gyroradius is sometimes called the Larmor radius, cyclotron radius, or radius of gyration. Examples -------- >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from plasmapy.formulary import gyroradius >>> from astropy.constants import c Let's estimate the proton gyroradius in the solar corona. >>> gyroradius(B=0.2 * u.T, particle="p+", T=1e6 * u.K) <Quantity 0.0067... m> Let's estimate the gyroradius of a deuteron and a triton in ITER by providing the characteristic thermal energy per particle, :math:`k_B T`, to ``T``. >>> gyroradius(B=5 * u.T, particle=["D+", "T+"], T=13 * u.keV) <Quantity [0.00465..., 0.00570...] m> Relativistic effects are included by default, but can be turned off using the ``relativistic`` parameter. Let's use this in the calculation of the gyroradius of a cosmic ray in the interstellar medium (ISM). We will provide the magnetic field in units of microgauss (μG). >>> gyroradius(B=10 * u.uG, particle="p+", Vperp=0.99 * c) <Quantity 2.19642688e+10 m> >>> gyroradius(B=10 * u.uG, particle="p+", Vperp=0.99 * c, relativistic=False) <Quantity 3.09844141e+09 m> Let's calculate the gyroradius of a much higher energy cosmic ray in the ISM using ``lorentzfactor``. >>> gyroradius(B=10 * u.uG, particle="p+", lorentzfactor=3e6).to("pc") <Quantity 0.30428378 pc> """ if T is None: T = np.nan * u.K # Determine output shape and broadcast inputs accordingly target_shape = np.broadcast(T, Vperp, lorentzfactor, particle).shape # type: ignore[arg-type] lorentzfactor_in = lorentzfactor lorentzfactor = np.array(np.broadcast_to(lorentzfactor, target_shape)) Vperp = np.array(np.broadcast_to(Vperp, target_shape, subok=True), subok=True) T = np.array(np.broadcast_to(T, target_shape, subok=True), subok=True) isfinite_T = np.isfinite(T) isfinite_Vperp = np.isfinite(Vperp) isfinite_lorentzfactor = np.isfinite(lorentzfactor) # Check if lorentzfactor is given despite relativistic being false if not relativistic and not np.isnan(lorentzfactor): raise ValueError("Lorentz factor is provided but relativistic is set to false") # Check if V and T are both given at the same time at any position if np.any(isfinite_Vperp & isfinite_T): raise ValueError( "Must give Vperp or T, but not both, as arguments to gyroradius" ) # Check if V or T and lorentzfactor are both given at the same time at any position if np.any(isfinite_lorentzfactor & (isfinite_Vperp | isfinite_T)): warnings.warn( "lorentzfactor is given along with Vperp or T, will lead " "to inaccurate predictions unless they correspond" ) # Check if V and T are both missing at any position but lorentzfactor is not scalar if np.any(~isfinite_Vperp & ~isfinite_T) and not np.isscalar(lorentzfactor_in): raise ValueError( "Inferring velocity(s) from more than one Lorentz " "factor is not currently supported" ) # In the positions where Vperp is missing but T is given, calculate the thermal speed if np.any(isfinite_T): Vperp[isfinite_T] = speeds.thermal_speed(T[isfinite_T], particle=particle) isfinite_Vperp = np.isfinite(Vperp) # In the positions where Vperp is still missing, calculate Vperp from lorentzfactor if np.any(~isfinite_Vperp): Vperp[~isfinite_Vperp] = RelativisticBody( particle, lorentz_factor=lorentzfactor_in ).velocity # Calculate the final lorentzfactor if relativistic: # Fill in missing entries of lorentzfactor by calculating it using Vperp lorentzfactor[~isfinite_lorentzfactor] = RelativisticBody( particle, V=Vperp ).lorentz_factor[~isfinite_lorentzfactor] else: lorentzfactor = 1.0 # Calculate gyrofrequency and finally the gyroradius omega_ci = frequencies.gyrofrequency(B, particle) return lorentzfactor * np.abs(Vperp) / omega_ci
rc_ = gyroradius """Alias to `~plasmapy.formulary.lengths.gyroradius`.""" rhoc_ = gyroradius """Alias to `~plasmapy.formulary.lengths.gyroradius`."""
[docs] @validate_quantities( n={"can_be_negative": False}, validations_on_return={"equivalencies": u.dimensionless_angles()}, ) @particle_input(require="charged") def inertial_length( n: u.Quantity[u.m**-3], particle: ParticleLike, *, mass_numb: int | None = None, Z: float | None = None, ) -> u.Quantity[u.m]: r""" Calculate a charged particle's inertial length. The inertial length of a particle of species :math:`s` is given by .. math:: d = \frac{c}{ω_{ps}} The inertial length is the characteristic length scale for a particle to be accelerated in a plasma. The Hall effect becomes important on length scales shorter than the ion inertial length. **Aliases:** `cwp_` Parameters ---------- n : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Particle number density in units convertible to m\ :sup:`-3`\ . particle : |particle-like| Representation of the particle species (e.g., 'p+' for protons, 'D+' for deuterium, or 'He-4 +1' for singly ionized helium-4). Returns ------- d : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The particle's inertial length in meters. Other Parameters ---------------- mass_numb : integer, |keyword-only|, optional The mass number, if not provided in ``particle``. Z : real number, |keyword-only|, optional The |charge number|, if not provided in ``particle``. Raises ------ `TypeError` If ``n`` is not a `~astropy.units.Quantity` or ``particle`` is not a string. `~astropy.units.UnitConversionError` If ``n`` is not in units of a number density. `ValueError` The particle density does not have an appropriate value. Warns ----- : `~astropy.units.UnitsWarning` If units are not provided and SI units are assumed. Notes ----- The inertial length is also known as the skin depth. Examples -------- >>> import astropy.units as u >>> inertial_length(5 * u.m**-3, "He+") <Quantity 2.02985...e+08 m> >>> inertial_length(5 * u.m**-3, "e-") <Quantity 2376534.75... m> """ omega_p = frequencies.plasma_frequency(n, particle=particle) return c / omega_p
cwp_ = inertial_length """ Alias to `~plasmapy.formulary.lengths.inertial_length`. * Name is shorthand for :math:`c / ω_p`. """