"""Decorators for `plasmapy.particles`."""
__all__ = ["particle_input"]
import functools
import inspect
import warnings
from collections.abc import Callable, Iterable, MutableMapping
from inspect import BoundArguments
from numbers import Integral, Real
from typing import Any, TypeAlias, TypedDict, get_type_hints
import numpy as np
import wrapt
from plasmapy.particles._factory import _physical_particle_factory
from plasmapy.particles.exceptions import (
from plasmapy.particles.particle_class import CustomParticle, Particle, ParticleLike
from plasmapy.particles.particle_collections import ParticleList, ParticleListLike
from plasmapy.utils.exceptions import PlasmaPyDeprecationWarning
class _CallableDataDict(TypedDict, total=False):
allow_custom_particles: bool
allow_particle_lists: bool
annotations: dict[str, Any]
any_of: str | Iterable[str] | None
callable_: Callable[..., Any]
exclude: str | Iterable[str] | None
parameters_to_process: list[str]
require: str | Iterable[str] | None
signature: inspect.Signature
_basic_particle_input_annotations: tuple[type | TypeAlias, ...] = (
Particle, # deprecated
ParticleLike | ParticleListLike,
(Particle, Particle), # deprecated
_optional_particle_input_annotations = tuple(
annotation | None
# remove [:-1] index in following line when dropping (Particle, Particle)
# as a valid annotation
for annotation in _basic_particle_input_annotations[:-1]
if annotation != (Particle, Particle) # temporary hack
_particle_input_annotations = (
_basic_particle_input_annotations + _optional_particle_input_annotations
def _make_into_set_or_none(obj: Any) -> Iterable[str] | None:
Return `None` if ``obj`` is `None`, and otherwise convert ``obj``
into a `set`.
If ``obj`` is a string, then a `set` containing only ``obj`` will
be returned (i.e., ``obj`` will not be treated as iterable).
if obj is None:
return obj
return {obj} if isinstance(obj, str) else set(obj)
def _bind_arguments(
wrapped_signature: inspect.Signature,
callable_: Callable[..., Any],
args: Iterable[Any],
kwargs: MutableMapping[str, Any],
instance: Any = None,
) -> inspect.BoundArguments:
Bind the arguments provided by ``args`` and ``kwargs`` to
the corresponding parameters in the signature of the callable_
or method being decorated.
wrapped_signature : `inspect.Signature`
The signature of the function or method to which to bind
``args`` and ``kwargs``.
callable_ : callable
The function or method to which to bind ``args`` and ``kwargs``.
This argument is only needed for a deprecation warning message.
args : tuple, optional
Positional arguments.
kwargs : `dict` of `str` to `object`, optional
Keyword arguments.
If ``callable_`` is a class instance method, then ``instance``
should be the instance to which ``callable_`` belongs.
A dictionary with the parameters of ``callable_`` as keys and
the corresponding arguments as values, but removing ``self`` and
# We should keep the warning about "z_mean" for perhaps ∼2
# releases following the last pull request that removes a "z_mean"
# parameter from a callable decorated with @particle_input. After
# that, we should change this warning to an exception for ∼2 more
# releases before deleting it.
if "z_mean" in kwargs and "Z" not in kwargs and "Z" in wrapped_signature.parameters:
function_name = getattr(callable_, "__name__", None)
name_clause = f"to '{function_name}' " if function_name else ""
f"The 'z_mean' parameter {name_clause}has been deprecated "
"and will be removed in a subsequent release. Define the "
"(mean) charge number with 'Z' instead.",
kwargs["Z"] = kwargs.pop("z_mean")
# When decorating a callable_ or staticmethod, instance will
# be None. When decorating a class instance method, instance
# will be the class instance, and will need to be bound to
# the "self" parameter but later removed. For a class method,
# it will be bound to the "cls" parameter instead.
if instance is None:
bound_arguments = wrapped_signature.bind(*args, **kwargs)
bound_arguments = wrapped_signature.bind(instance, *args, **kwargs)
bound_arguments.arguments.pop("self", None)
bound_arguments.arguments.pop("cls", None)
return bound_arguments
class _ParticleInput:
Processes arguments for |particle_input|.
callable_ : callable
The callable_ or method to be decorated.
require : `str`, `set`, `list`, or `tuple`, |keyword-only|, optional
Categories that a particle must be in. If a particle is not in
all of these categories, then a |ParticleError| will be raised.
any_of : `str`, `set`, `list`, or `tuple`, |keyword-only|, optional
Categories that a particle may be in. If a particle is not in
any of these categories, then a |ParticleError| will be raised.
exclude : `str`, `set`, `list`, or `tuple`, |keyword-only|, optional
Categories that a particle cannot be in. If a particle is in
any of these categories, then a |ParticleError| will be raised.
allow_custom_particles : bool, |keyword-only|, default: `True`
If `True`, allow |CustomParticle| instances to be passed through.
allow_particle_lists : bool, |keyword-only|, default: `True`
If `True`, allow |ParticleList| instances to be passed through.
def __init__(
callable_: Callable[..., Any],
require: str | Iterable[str] | None = None,
any_of: str | Iterable[str] | None = None,
exclude: str | Iterable[str] | None = None,
allow_custom_particles: bool = True,
allow_particle_lists: bool = True,
) -> None:
self._data: _CallableDataDict = {}
self.callable_: Callable[..., Any] = callable_
self.require = require
self.any_of = any_of
self.exclude = exclude
self.allow_custom_particles = allow_custom_particles
self.allow_particle_lists = allow_particle_lists
def callable_(self) -> Callable[..., Any]:
The callable that is being decorated.
return self._data["callable_"]
def callable_(self, callable_: Callable[..., Any]) -> None:
self._data["callable_"] = callable_
self._data["annotations"] = get_type_hints(callable_)
self._data["parameters_to_process"] = self.find_parameters_to_process()
self._data["signature"] = inspect.signature(callable_)
def signature(self) -> inspect.Signature:
"""The signature of the wrapped callable."""
return self._data["signature"]
def find_parameters_to_process(self) -> list[str]:
Identify the parameters that have annotations to indicate that
they should be processed.
`list` of `str`
return [
for parameter, annotation in self.annotations.items()
if annotation in _particle_input_annotations and parameter != "return"
def annotations(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
The annotations of the decorated callable_.
`dict` of `str` to `object`
return self._data.get("annotations") # type: ignore[return-value]
def require(self) -> Iterable[str] | None:
Categories that the particle must belong to.
`set` of `str`, or `None`
return self._data["require"]
def require(self, require_: str | Iterable[str] | None) -> None:
self._data["require"] = _make_into_set_or_none(require_)
def any_of(self) -> Iterable[str] | None:
Categories of which the particle must belong to at least one.
`set` of `str`, or `None`
return self._data["any_of"]
def any_of(self, any_of_: str | Iterable[str] | None) -> None:
self._data["any_of"] = _make_into_set_or_none(any_of_)
def exclude(self) -> Iterable[str] | None:
Categories that the particle cannot belong to.
`set` of `str`, or `None`
return self._data["exclude"]
def exclude(self, exclude_: str | Iterable[str] | None) -> None:
self._data["exclude"] = _make_into_set_or_none(exclude_)
def allow_custom_particles(self) -> bool:
If `True`, then the decorated argument may be or include
|CustomParticle| instances.
return self._data["allow_custom_particles"]
def allow_custom_particles(self, allow_custom_particles_: bool) -> None:
self._data["allow_custom_particles"] = allow_custom_particles_
def allow_particle_lists(self) -> bool:
If `True`, then the decorated argument may be a |ParticleList|.
return self._data["allow_particle_lists"]
def allow_particle_lists(self, allow_particle_lists_: bool) -> None:
self._data["allow_particle_lists"] = allow_particle_lists_
def parameters_to_process(self) -> list[str]:
The parameters of
`~plasmapy.particles.decorators._ParticleInput.callable_` that have
annotations to be processed by |particle_input|.
`list` of `str`
return self._data["parameters_to_process"]
def verify_charge_categorization(
self, particle: Particle | CustomParticle | ParticleList
) -> None:
Raise an exception if the particle does not meet charge
categorization criteria.
If the particle is required to have charge information and
does not, or if the particle is required to be charged and
is either uncharged or lacks charge information.
must_be_charged = self.require is not None and "charged" in self.require
must_have_charge_info = self.any_of == {"charged", "uncharged"}
if isinstance(particle, ParticleList):
uncharged = particle.is_category("uncharged", particlewise=True)
lacks_charge_info = particle.is_category(
exclude={"charged", "uncharged"}, particlewise=True
uncharged = particle.is_category("uncharged")
lacks_charge_info = particle.is_category(exclude={"charged", "uncharged"})
if isinstance(uncharged, Iterable):
uncharged = any(uncharged)
lacks_charge_info = any(lacks_charge_info)
if must_be_charged and (uncharged or must_have_charge_info):
raise ChargeError(f"{self.callable_} can only accept charged particles.")
if must_have_charge_info and lacks_charge_info:
raise ChargeError(
f"{self.callable_} can only accept particles which have "
f"explicit charge information."
def category_errmsg(
particle: Particle | CustomParticle | ParticleList,
require: str | Iterable[str] | None,
exclude: str | Iterable[str] | None,
any_of: str | Iterable[str] | None,
callable_name: str,
) -> str:
Return an error message for when a particle does not meet
categorization criteria.
category_errmsg = (
f"The particle {particle} does not meet the required "
f"classification criteria to be a valid input to {callable_name}. "
errmsg_table = [
(require, "must belong to all"),
(any_of, "must belong to any"),
(exclude, "cannot belong to any"),
for condition, phrase in errmsg_table:
if condition:
category_errmsg += (
f"The particle {phrase} of the following categories: {condition}. "
return category_errmsg
def verify_particle_categorization(
self, particle: Particle | CustomParticle | ParticleList
) -> None:
Verify that the particle meets the categorization criteria.
particle : Particle | CustomParticle
If the particle does not meet the categorization criteria.
This method does not yet work with |ParticleList| objects.
See Also
particle_in_category = particle.is_category(
if not particle_in_category:
errmsg = self.category_errmsg(
raise ParticleError(errmsg)
def verify_particle_name_criteria(
self, parameter: str, particle: Particle | CustomParticle | ParticleList
) -> None:
Check that parameters with special names meet the expected
categorization criteria.
if (
parameter == "ion"
and isinstance(particle, CustomParticle)
and not np.isnan(particle.charge)
and particle.mass.value > 0
return None
name_categorization_exception: list[
tuple[str, dict[str, str | Iterable[str] | None], type]
] = [
("element", {"require": "element"}, InvalidElementError),
("isotope", {"require": "isotope"}, InvalidIsotopeError),
{"require": "element", "any_of": {"charged", "uncharged"}},
for name, categorization, exception in name_categorization_exception:
if parameter != name or particle is None:
if isinstance(particle, ParticleList):
meets_name_criteria = particle.is_category(
**categorization, particlewise=True
meets_name_criteria = particle.is_category(**categorization)
if isinstance(particle, Iterable) and not isinstance(particle, str):
meets_name_criteria = all(meets_name_criteria) # type: ignore[arg-type]
if not meets_name_criteria:
raise exception(
f"The argument {parameter} = {particle!r} to "
f"{self.callable_.__name__} does not correspond to a "
f"valid {parameter}."
def verify_allowed_types(
self, particle: Particle | CustomParticle | ParticleList
) -> None:
Verify that the particle object contains only the allowed types
of particles.
if not self.allow_custom_particles and isinstance(particle, CustomParticle):
raise InvalidParticleError(
f"{self.callable_.__name__} does not accept CustomParticle "
f"or CustomParticle-like inputs."
if not self.allow_particle_lists and isinstance(particle, ParticleList):
raise InvalidParticleError(
f"{self.callable_.__name__} does not accept ParticleList "
"or particle-list-like inputs."
if (
not self.allow_custom_particles
and isinstance(particle, ParticleList)
and any(particle.is_category("custom", particlewise=True)) # type: ignore[arg-type]
raise InvalidParticleError(
f"{self.callable_.__name__} does not accept CustomParticle "
f"or CustomParticle-like inputs."
def process_argument(
parameter: str,
argument: Any,
Z: float | None,
mass_numb: int | None,
) -> Any:
Process an argument that has an appropriate annotation.
If the annotation is not one covered by |particle_input|, then
this method will return ``argument`` without alteration.
Otherwise, if the annotation is ``Optional[...]`` and
``argument`` is `None`, then this method will return `None`.
Otherwise, this method will use ``argument`` (and possibly ``Z``
and/or ``mass_numb``) to create a |Particle|, |CustomParticle|,
or |ParticleList|. If the resulting particle object does not
meet the specified criteria (if provided), then this method will
raise an exception. Otherwise, the resulting particle object
will be returned. See the docstring for |particle_input| for
more details.
parameter : str
The name of the |parameter| that was decorated.
argument : object
The value of the |argument| associated with ``parameter``.
Z : integer, optional
The |charge number| of an ion or neutral particle.
mass_numb : integer, optional
The mass number of an isotope.
This method will return a |Particle|, |CustomParticle|,
|ParticleList|, or `None` if the parameter has an annotation
as described in the docstring for |particle_input|. For all
other annotations, this method will return ``argument``
without alteration.
annotation = self.annotations.get(parameter)
if annotation not in _particle_input_annotations:
return argument
if annotation in _optional_particle_input_annotations and argument is None:
return argument
# This does not yet include cases like Optional[ParticleList],
# Union[ParticleList, ParticleLike], etc. and thus needs updating.
if annotation == (Particle, Particle): # deprecated
if not hasattr(argument, "__len__") or len(argument) != 2:
raise ValueError(f"The length of {argument} must be 2.")
return Particle(argument[0]), Particle(argument[1])
if annotation in _basic_particle_input_annotations and argument is None:
raise TypeError(f"{parameter} may not be None.")
particle = _physical_particle_factory(argument, Z=Z, mass_numb=mass_numb)
self.verify_particle_name_criteria(parameter, particle)
return particle
parameters_to_skip = ("Z", "mass_numb")
def perform_pre_validations(self, Z: float | None, mass_numb: int | None) -> None:
Perform a variety of pre-checks on the arguments.
Check that there are annotated parameters. Check that ``Z`` is
a real number if not `None`. Check that ``mass_numb`` is an
integer if not `None`. Verify that ``Z`` and ``mass_numb`` are
not included if there are multiple annotated parameters.
if not self.parameters_to_process:
raise ParticleError(
"No parameters have an annotation that will invoke particle_input."
Z_or_mass_numb = Z is not None or mass_numb is not None
multiple_annotated_parameters = len(self.parameters_to_process) > 1
if Z is not None and not isinstance(Z, Real):
raise TypeError("Z must be a real number.")
if mass_numb is not None and not isinstance(mass_numb, Integral):
raise TypeError("mass_numb must be an integer.")
if Z_or_mass_numb and multiple_annotated_parameters:
raise ParticleError(
"The arguments Z and mass_numb are not allowed when more "
"than one argument or keyword is annotated with ParticleLike "
"in callables decorated with @particle_input."
def process_arguments(
args: Iterable[Any],
kwargs: MutableMapping[str, Any],
instance: Any = None,
) -> BoundArguments:
Process the arguments passed to the callable_ callable.
args : tuple
Positional arguments passed to the callable_ callable.
kwargs : `dict` of `str` to `object`
Keyword arguments provided to the callable_ callable.
instance : `object`, optional
If the callable_ callable is a class instance method, then
``instance`` should be the class instance to which ``func``
This method does not work when there are positional arguments
before variadic positional arguments. See :issue:`2150`.
bound_arguments = _bind_arguments(
self.signature, self.callable_, args, kwargs, instance
Z = bound_arguments.arguments.pop("Z", None)
mass_numb = bound_arguments.arguments.pop("mass_numb", None)
self.perform_pre_validations(Z, mass_numb)
processed_kwargs = {
parameter: self.process_argument(parameter, argument, Z, mass_numb)
for parameter, argument in bound_arguments.arguments.items()
for parameter in processed_kwargs:
bound_arguments.arguments[parameter] = processed_kwargs[parameter]
return bound_arguments
def particle_input(
callable_: Callable[..., Any] | None = None,
require: str | Iterable[str] | None = None,
any_of: str | Iterable[str] | None = None,
exclude: str | Iterable[str] | None = None,
allow_custom_particles: bool = True,
allow_particle_lists: bool = True,
) -> Callable[..., Any]:
r"""Convert |particle-like| |arguments| into particle objects.
When a callable is |decorated| with |particle_input|,
|particle-like| arguments that are appropriately |annotated| (i.e.,
with |ParticleLike| or |ParticleListLike|) will be converted into a
|Particle|, |CustomParticle|, or |ParticleList|.
The parameters ``Z`` and ``mass_numb`` may be used to specify the
|charge number| of an ion and mass number of an isotope,
respectively, as long as ``Z`` and/or ``mass_numb`` are
|parameters| of the callable and only one parameter is
annotated with |ParticleLike| or |ParticleListLike|.
To indicate that `None` can be passed to a parameter, annotate it
with :py:`ParticleLike | None` or :py:`ParticleListLike | None`.
If the particle representation does not satisfy any categorization
criteria that have been provided, then |particle_input| will raise
an exception.
If the annotated parameter is named ``element``, ``isotope``, or
``ion``, then |particle_input| will raise an exception if the
argument provided to the callable is not consistent with
.. note::
An annotated parameter named ``ion`` will accept neutral atoms
and |CustomParticle|\ -like objects as long as the
|charge number| is explicitly defined. To enforce that the
particle be charged, provide :py:`require={"charged"}` to
.. note::
When both |particle_input| and |validate_quantities| are used to
decorate a :term:`function`, they may be used in either order.
When using both |particle_input| and |validate_quantities| to
decorate an instance :term:`method`, |particle_input| should be
the outer decorator and |validate_quantities| should be the inner
decorator (see :issue:`2035`).
.. code-block:: python
import astropy.units as u
from plasmapy.particles import particle_input, ParticleLike
from plasmapy.utils.decorators.validators import validate_quantities
class SomeClass:
def instance_method(self, particle: ParticleLike, B: u.Quantity[u.T]): ...
.. note::
When decorating a class method with |particle_input|,
`classmethod` should be the outer decorator and |particle_input|
should be the inner decorator, and the first argument
(representing the class) must be named ``cls``.
callable_ : callable, optional
The function or method to be decorated.
require : `str` | `set` | `list` | `tuple`, |keyword-only|, optional
Categories that each particle are required to be in.
any_of : `str` | `set` | `list` | `tuple`, |keyword-only|, optional
Categories of which each particle must belong to at least one.
exclude : `str` | `set` | `list` | `tuple`, |keyword-only|, optional
Categories that each particle cannot be in.
allow_custom_particles : bool, |keyword-only|, default: `True`
If `True`, allow |CustomParticle| instances to be passed through.
allow_particle_lists : bool, |keyword-only|, default: `True`
If `True`, allow |ParticleList| instances to be passed through.
If the annotated argument is not |particle-like|; or if ``Z`` or
``mass_numb`` is not an integer.
If the annotated argument does not correspond to a valid
particle, ``allow_custom_particles`` is `False` and the argument
corresponds to a |CustomParticle|, or ``allow_particle_lists``
is `False` and the argument corresponds to a |ParticleList|.
If the decorated argument has charge and/or mass number
information, and ``Z`` and/or ``mass_numb`` contain
contradictory information.
If an annotated argument is named ``element``, and the input
does not correspond to an element, isotope, or ion.
If an annotated argument is named ``isotope``, and the input
does not correspond to an isotope or an ion of an isotope.
If an annotated argument is named ``ion``, and the input does
not correspond to an ion.
If ``"charged"`` is in the ``require`` argument and the particle
is not explicitly charged, or if
:py:`any_of = {"charged", "uncharged"}` and the particle does
not have charge information associated with it.
If the returned particle(s) do not meet the categorization
criteria specified through ``require``, ``any_of``, or
``exclude``; or if none of the parameters of ``callable_`` have
been appropriately annotated.
If the annotated argument is a |Quantity|, but does not have a
physical type of mass or charge.
: `~plasmapy.particles.exceptions.ParticleWarning`
If decorated argument has charge and/or mass number information,
and ``Z`` and/or ``mass_numb`` contain redundant information.
See Also
There are some known limitations to |particle_input|.
- Particle categorization criteria are not yet applied to
arguments that get converted into a |ParticleList| (see
- This decorator is not compatible with setters (see
- |particle_input| has limited compatibility with positional-only,
variadic positional, and variadic keyword arguments (see
- When |particle_input| and |validate_quantities| are both
used to decorate an instance method on a class, |particle_input|
must be the outside decorator (see :issue:`2035`).
- Because it dynamically changes arguments, functions decorated with
|particle_input| often do not work well with static type checkers
like mypy. These errors may be silenced by commenting
:py:`# type: ignore[union-attr]` on a line of code, where
``union-attr`` is the name of the mypy error code.
The |particle_input| decorator takes appropriately annotated
|particle-like| or |particle-list-like| arguments that are provided
to ``callable_``, and converts them into a |Particle|,
|CustomParticle|, or |ParticleList| object.
The following decorated function accepts a |particle-like| input and
returns the corresponding particle object.
>>> from plasmapy.particles import particle_input, ParticleLike
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> @particle_input
... def get_particle(particle: ParticleLike):
... return particle
>>> get_particle("p+")
>>> get_particle(["p+", "e-"])
ParticleList(['p+', 'e-'])
>>> get_particle(1e-26 * u.kg)
CustomParticle(mass=1e-26 kg, charge=nan C)
To allow `None` to pass, use :py:`ParticleLike | None` as the
>>> from typing import Optional
>>> @particle_input
... def get_particle_or_none(particle: ParticleLike | None):
... return particle
>>> get_particle_or_none("p+")
>>> print(get_particle_or_none(None))
If the decorated callable has parameters named ``Z`` and/or
``mass_numb`` and exactly one annotated parameter, then ``Z`` may
be used to provide the |charge number| and ``mass_numb`` may be used
to provide the mass number. Making ``Z`` and ``mass_numb``
|keyword-only| reduces the chances of confusion or mistakes.
>>> @particle_input
... def make_particle(particle: ParticleLike, *, Z=None, mass_numb=None):
... return particle
>>> make_particle("H", Z=0, mass_numb=3)
Particle("T 0+")
Instance methods can also be decorated with |particle_input| as long
as the first argument (representing the instance itself) is named
``self`` following standard convention.
>>> class SampleClass:
... @particle_input
... def __init__(self, particle: ParticleLike):
... self.particle = particle
... @particle_input
... def return_particle(self, new_particle: ParticleLike):
... return new_particle
>>> instance = SampleClass("α")
>>> instance.particle
Particle("He-4 2+")
>>> instance.return_particle("T+")
Particle("T 1+")
The ``allow_custom_particles`` and ``allow_particle_lists`` keyword
arguments indicate whether ``callable_`` should accept
|CustomParticle| and |ParticleList| objects, respectively.
>>> @particle_input(allow_custom_particles=False, allow_particle_lists=False)
... def get_atomic_number(particle: ParticleLike):
... return particle.atomic_number
>>> get_atomic_number("Fe")
The ``require``, ``any_of``, and ``exclude`` keyword arguments may
be used to specify categorization criteria that a particle must be
consistent with. For more details, please refer to the docstring for
>>> @particle_input(require="element", any_of={"charged", "uncharged"})
... def return_ionic_level(particle: ParticleLike):
... return particle
>>> return_ionic_level("Fe-56 0+")
Particle("Fe-56 0+")
When the parameter is named ``element``, ``isotope``, or ``ion``,
then the corresponding argument must be consistent with the name.
When the parameter is named ``ion``, then the particle(s) may also
be a neutral atom as long as the |charge number| is explicitly
>>> @particle_input
... def mass_number(isotope: ParticleLike):
... return isotope.mass_number
>>> mass_number("D")
# The following pattern comes from the docs for wrapt, and requires
# that the arguments to the decorator are keyword-only.
if callable_ is None:
return functools.partial(
particle_validator = _ParticleInput(
def wrapper(
callable__: Callable[..., Any],
instance: Any,
args: Iterable[Any],
kwargs: MutableMapping[str, Any],
) -> Callable[..., Any]:
bound_arguments = particle_validator.process_arguments(args, kwargs, instance)
return callable__( # type: ignore[no-any-return]
return wrapper(callable_, instance=None, args=(), kwargs={})