Source code for plasmapy.particles.ionization_state_collection

A class for storing ionization state data for multiple elements or
__all__ = ["IonizationStateCollection"]

from numbers import Integral, Real
from typing import Optional, Union

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np

from plasmapy.particles.atomic import atomic_number
from plasmapy.particles.exceptions import (
from plasmapy.particles.ionization_state import IonicLevel, IonizationState
from plasmapy.particles.particle_class import CustomParticle, Particle, ParticleLike
from plasmapy.particles.particle_collections import ParticleList
from plasmapy.particles.symbols import particle_symbol
from plasmapy.utils.decorators import validate_quantities

def _atomic_number_and_mass_number(p: ParticleLike):
    return p.atomic_number, p.mass_number if p.isotope else 0

[docs] class IonizationStateCollection: """ Describe the ionization state distributions of multiple elements or isotopes. Parameters ---------- inputs : `list`, `tuple`, or `dict` A `list` or `tuple` of elements or isotopes (if ``T_e`` is provided); a `list` of `~plasmapy.particles.ionization_state.IonizationState` instances; a `dict` with elements or isotopes as keys and a `~numpy.ndarray` of ionic fractions as the values; or a `dict` with elements or isotopes as keys and `~astropy.units.Quantity` instances with units of number density. abundances : `dict`, |keyword-only|, optional A `dict` with `~plasmapy.particles.particle_class.ParticleLike` objects used as the keys and the corresponding relative abundance as the values. The values must be positive real numbers. log_abundances : `dict`, |keyword-only|, optional A `dict` with `~plasmapy.particles.particle_class.ParticleLike` objects used as the keys and the corresponding base 10 logarithms of their relative abundances as the values. The values must be real numbers. n0 : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, |keyword-only|, optional The number density normalization factor corresponding to the abundances. The number density of each element is the product of its abundance and ``n0``. T_e : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, |keyword-only|, optional The electron temperature in units of temperature or thermal energy per particle. kappa : `float`, |keyword-only|, optional The value of kappa for a kappa distribution function. tol : `float` or `integer`, |keyword-only|, default: ``1e-15`` The absolute tolerance used by `~numpy.isclose` when testing normalizations and making comparisons. Raises ------ `~plasmapy.particles.exceptions.ParticleError` If this class cannot be instantiated. See Also -------- ~plasmapy.particles.ionization_state.IonicLevel ~plasmapy.particles.ionization_state.IonizationState Examples -------- >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from plasmapy.particles import IonizationStateCollection >>> states = IonizationStateCollection( ... {"H": [0.5, 0.5], "He": [0.95, 0.05, 0]}, ... T_e=1.2e4 * u.K, ... n0=1e15 * u.m**-3, ... abundances={"H": 1, "He": 0.08}, ... ) >>> states.ionic_fractions {'H': array([0.5, 0.5]), 'He': array([0.95, 0.05, 0. ])} The number densities are given by the ionic fractions multiplied by the abundance and the number density scaling factor ``n0``. >>> states.number_densities["H"] <Quantity [5.e+14, 5.e+14] 1 / m3> >>> states["He"] = [0.4, 0.59, 0.01] To change the ionic fractions for a single element, use item assignment. >>> states = IonizationStateCollection(["H", "He"]) >>> states["H"] = [0.1, 0.9] Item assignment will also work if you supply number densities. >>> states["He"] = [0.4, 0.6, 0.0] * u.m**-3 >>> states.ionic_fractions["He"] array([0.4, 0.6, 0. ]) >>> states.number_densities["He"] <Quantity [0.4, 0.6, 0. ] 1 / m3> Notes ----- No more than one of ``abundances`` and ``log_abundances`` may be specified. If the value provided during item assignment is a `~astropy.units.Quantity` with units of number density that retains the total element density, then the ionic fractions will be set proportionately. When making comparisons between `~plasmapy.particles.ionization_state_collection.IonizationStateCollection` instances, `~numpy.nan` values are treated as equal. Equality tests are performed to within a tolerance of ``tol``. """ # TODO: Improve explanation of dunder methods in docstring # TODO: Add functionality to equilibrate initial ionization states @validate_quantities(T_e={"equivalencies": u.temperature_energy()}) def __init__( self, inputs: Union[dict[str, np.ndarray], list, tuple], *, T_e: u.Quantity[u.K] = np.nan * u.K, abundances: Optional[dict[str, Real]] = None, log_abundances: Optional[dict[str, Real]] = None, n0: u.Quantity[u.m**-3] = np.nan * u.m**-3, tol: Real = 1e-15, kappa: Real = np.inf, ) -> None: set_abundances = True if isinstance(inputs, dict) and np.all( [isinstance(fracs, u.Quantity) for fracs in inputs.values()] ): right_units = np.all( [fracs[0].si.unit == u.m**-3 for fracs in inputs.values()] ) if not right_units: raise ParticleError( "Units must be inverse volume for number densities." ) abundances_provided = abundances is not None or log_abundances is not None if abundances_provided: raise ParticleError( "Abundances cannot be provided if inputs " "provides number density information." ) set_abundances = False try: self._pars = {} self.T_e = T_e self.n0 = n0 self.tol = tol self.ionic_fractions = inputs if set_abundances: self.abundances = abundances self.log_abundances = log_abundances self.kappa = kappa except (ValueError, TypeError) as exc: raise ParticleError( "Unable to create IonizationStateCollection object." ) from exc def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._base_particles) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"<IonizationStateCollection for: {', '.join(self.base_particles)}>" def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__() def __getitem__(self, *values) -> Union[IonizationState, IonicLevel]: errmsg = f"Invalid indexing for IonizationStateCollection instance: {values[0]}" one_input = not isinstance(values[0], tuple) two_inputs = len(values[0]) == 2 if not one_input and not two_inputs: raise IndexError(errmsg) try: arg1 = values[0] if one_input else values[0][0] int_charge = None if one_input else values[0][1] particle = arg1 if arg1 in self.base_particles else particle_symbol(arg1) if int_charge is None: return IonizationState( particle=particle, ionic_fractions=self.ionic_fractions[particle], T_e=self._pars["T_e"], n_elem=np.sum(self.number_densities[particle]), tol=self.tol, ) if not isinstance(int_charge, Integral): raise TypeError(f"{int_charge} is not a valid charge for {particle}.") elif not 0 <= int_charge <= atomic_number(particle): raise ChargeError(f"{int_charge} is not a valid charge for {particle}.") except (ChargeError, KeyError, TypeError) as exc: raise IndexError(errmsg) from exc else: return IonicLevel( ion=particle_symbol(particle, Z=int_charge), ionic_fraction=self.ionic_fractions[particle][int_charge], number_density=self.number_densities[particle][int_charge], ) def __setitem__(self, key, value): # noqa: C901, PLR0912 errmsg = ( f"Cannot set item for this IonizationStateCollection instance for " f"key = {key!r} and value = {value!r}" ) try: particle = particle_symbol(key) self.ionic_fractions[key] except (ParticleError, TypeError): raise KeyError( f"{errmsg} because {key!r} is an invalid particle." ) from None except KeyError: raise KeyError( f"{errmsg} because {key!r} is not one of the base " f"particles whose ionization state is being kept track " f"of." ) from None if isinstance(value, u.Quantity) and value.unit != u.dimensionless_unscaled: try: new_number_densities =**-3) except u.UnitConversionError: raise ValueError( f"{errmsg} because the units of value do not " f"correspond to a number density." ) from None old_n_elem = np.sum(self.number_densities[particle]) new_n_elem = np.sum(new_number_densities) density_was_nan = np.all(np.isnan(self.number_densities[particle])) same_density = u.quantity.allclose(old_n_elem, new_n_elem, rtol=self.tol) if not same_density and not density_was_nan: raise ValueError( f"{errmsg} because the old element number density " f"of {old_n_elem} is not approximately equal to " f"the new element number density of {new_n_elem}." ) value = (new_number_densities / new_n_elem).to(u.dimensionless_unscaled) # If the abundance of this particle has not been defined, # then set the abundance if there is enough (but not too # much) information to do so. abundance_is_undefined = np.isnan(self.abundances[particle]) isnan_of_abundance_values = np.isnan(list(self.abundances.values())) all_abundances_are_nan = np.all(isnan_of_abundance_values) n_is_defined = not np.isnan(self.n0) if abundance_is_undefined: if n_is_defined: self._pars["abundances"][particle] = new_n_elem / self.n0 elif all_abundances_are_nan: self.n0 = new_n_elem self._pars["abundances"][particle] = 1 else: raise ParticleError( f"Cannot set number density of {particle} to " f"{value * new_n_elem} when the number density " f"scaling factor is undefined, the abundance " f"of {particle} is undefined, and some of the " f"abundances of other elements/isotopes is " f"defined." ) try: new_fractions = np.array(value, dtype=float) except TypeError as exc: raise TypeError( f"{errmsg} because value cannot be converted into an " f"array that represents ionic fractions." ) from exc # TODO: Create a separate function that makes sure ionic # TODO: fractions are valid to reduce code repetition. This # TODO: would probably best go as a private function in # TODO: required_nstates = atomic_number(particle) + 1 new_nstates = len(new_fractions) if new_nstates != required_nstates: raise ValueError( f"{errmsg} because value must have {required_nstates} " f"ionization levels but instead corresponds to " f"{new_nstates} levels." ) all_nans = np.all(np.isnan(new_fractions)) if not all_nans and (new_fractions.min() < 0 or new_fractions.max() > 1): raise ValueError( f"{errmsg} because the new ionic fractions are not " f"all between 0 and 1." ) normalized = np.isclose(np.sum(new_fractions), 1, rtol=self.tol) if not normalized and not all_nans: raise ValueError( f"{errmsg} because the ionic fractions are not normalized to one." ) self._ionic_fractions[particle][:] = new_fractions.copy() def __iter__(self): yield from [self[key] for key in self.ionic_fractions] def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, IonizationStateCollection): return False if self.base_particles != other.base_particles: return False min_tol = np.min([self.tol, other.tol]) # Check any of a whole bunch of equality measures, recalling # that np.nan == np.nan is False. for attribute in ("T_e", "n_e", "kappa"): this = getattr(self, attribute) that = getattr(other, attribute) this_equals_that = np.any( [ this == that, this is that, np.isnan(this) and np.isnan(that), np.isinf(this) and np.isinf(that), u.quantity.allclose(this, that, rtol=min_tol), ] ) if not this_equals_that: return False for attribute in ("ionic_fractions", "number_densities"): this_dict = getattr(self, attribute) that_dict = getattr(other, attribute) for particle in self.base_particles: this = this_dict[particle] that = that_dict[particle] this_equals_that = np.any( [ this is that, np.all(np.isnan(this)) and np.all(np.isnan(that)), u.quantity.allclose(this, that, rtol=min_tol), ] ) if not this_equals_that: return False return True @property def ionic_fractions(self) -> dict[str, np.array]: """ A `dict` containing the ionic fractions for each element and isotope. The keys of this `dict` are the symbols for each element or isotope. The values will be `~numpy.ndarray` objects containing the ionic fractions for each ionization level corresponding to each element or isotope. """ return self._ionic_fractions @ionic_fractions.setter def ionic_fractions( # noqa: C901, PLR0912, PLR0915 self, inputs: Union[dict, list, tuple], ): """ Set the ionic fractions. Notes ----- The ionic fractions are initialized during instantiation of `~plasmapy.particles.ionization_state_collection.IonizationStateCollection`. After this, the only way to reset the ionic fractions via the ``ionic_fractions`` attribute is via a `dict` with elements or isotopes that are a superset of the previous elements or isotopes. However, you may use item assignment of the `~plasmapy.particles.ionization_state.IonizationState` instance to assign new ionic fractions one element or isotope at a time. Raises ------ `~plasmapy.particles.exceptions.ParticleError` If the ionic fractions cannot be set. """ # A potential problem is that using item assignment on the # ionic_fractions attribute could cause the original attributes # to be overwritten without checks being performed. We might # eventually want to create a new class or subclass of UserDict # that goes through these checks. In the meantime, we should # make it clear to users to set ionic_fractions by using item # assignment on the IonizationStateCollection instance as a whole. An # example of the problem is `s = IonizationStateCollection(["He"])` being # followed by `s.ionic_fractions["He"] = 0.3`. if hasattr(self, "_ionic_fractions"): if not isinstance(inputs, dict): raise TypeError( "Can only reset ionic_fractions with a dict if " "ionic_fractions has been set already." ) old_particles = set(self.base_particles) new_particles = {particle_symbol(key) for key in inputs} missing_particles = old_particles - new_particles if missing_particles: raise ParticleError( "Can only reset ionic fractions with a dict if " "the new base particles are a superset of the " "prior base particles. To change ionic fractions " "for one base particle, use item assignment on the " "IonizationStateCollection instance instead." ) if isinstance(inputs, dict): original_keys = inputs.keys() ionfrac_types = {type(inputs[key]) for key in original_keys} inputs_have_quantities = u.Quantity in ionfrac_types if inputs_have_quantities and len(ionfrac_types) != 1: raise TypeError( "Ionic fraction information may only be inputted " "as a Quantity object if all ionic fractions are " "Quantity arrays with units of inverse volume." ) try: particles = {key: Particle(key) for key in original_keys} except (InvalidParticleError, TypeError) as exc: raise ParticleError( "Unable to create IonizationStateCollection instance " "because not all particles are valid." ) from exc # The particles whose ionization states are to be recorded # should be elements or isotopes but not ions or neutrals. for key in particles: is_element = particles[key].is_category("element") has_charge_info = particles[key].is_category( any_of=["charged", "uncharged"] ) if not is_element or has_charge_info: raise ParticleError( f"{key} is not an element or isotope without " f"charge information." ) # We are sorting the elements/isotopes by atomic number and # mass number since we will often want to plot and analyze # things and this is the most sensible order. def _sort_entries_by_atomic_and_mass_numbers(k): return ( particles[k].atomic_number, particles[k].mass_number if particles[k].isotope else 0, ) sorted_keys = sorted( original_keys, key=_sort_entries_by_atomic_and_mass_numbers ) _elements_and_isotopes = [] _particle_instances = [] new_ionic_fractions = {} if inputs_have_quantities: n_elems = {} for key in sorted_keys: new_key = particles[key].symbol _particle_instances.append(particles[key]) if new_key in _elements_and_isotopes: raise ParticleError( "Repeated particles in IonizationStateCollection." ) nstates_input = len(inputs[key]) nstates = particles[key].atomic_number + 1 if nstates != nstates_input: raise ParticleError( f"The ionic fractions array for {key} must " f"have a length of {nstates}." ) _elements_and_isotopes.append(new_key) if inputs_have_quantities: try: number_densities = inputs[key].to(u.m**-3) n_elem = np.sum(number_densities) new_ionic_fractions[new_key] = np.array( number_densities / n_elem ) n_elems[key] = n_elem except u.UnitConversionError as exc: raise ParticleError("Units are not inverse volume.") from exc elif ( isinstance(inputs[key], np.ndarray) and inputs[key].dtype.kind == "f" ): new_ionic_fractions[particles[key].symbol] = inputs[key] else: try: new_ionic_fractions[particles[key].symbol] = np.array( inputs[key], dtype=float ) except ValueError as exc: raise ParticleError( f"Inappropriate ionic fractions for {key}." ) from exc for key in _elements_and_isotopes: fractions = new_ionic_fractions[key] if not np.all(np.isnan(fractions)): if np.min(fractions) < 0 or np.max(fractions) > 1: raise ParticleError( f"Ionic fractions for {key} are not between 0 and 1." ) if not np.isclose(np.sum(fractions), 1, atol=self.tol, rtol=0): raise ParticleError( f"Ionic fractions for {key} are not normalized to 1." ) # When the inputs provide the densities, the abundances must # not have been provided because that would be redundant # or contradictory information. The number density scaling # factor might or might not have been provided. Have the # number density scaling factor default to the total number # of neutrals and ions across all elements and isotopes, if # it was not provided. Then go ahead and calculate the # abundances based on that. However, we need to be careful # that the abundances are not overwritten during the # instantiation of the class. if inputs_have_quantities: if np.isnan(self.n0): new_n = 0 * u.m**-3 for key in _elements_and_isotopes: new_n += n_elems[key] self.n0 = new_n new_abundances = {} for key in _elements_and_isotopes: new_abundances[key] = float(n_elems[key] / self.n0) self._pars["abundances"] = new_abundances elif isinstance(inputs, (list, tuple)): try: _particle_instances = [Particle(particle) for particle in inputs] except (InvalidParticleError, TypeError) as exc: raise ParticleError( "Invalid inputs to IonizationStateCollection." ) from exc _particle_instances.sort(key=_atomic_number_and_mass_number) _elements_and_isotopes = [ particle.symbol for particle in _particle_instances ] new_ionic_fractions = { particle.symbol: np.full( particle.atomic_number + 1, fill_value=np.nan, dtype=float ) for particle in _particle_instances } else: raise TypeError("Incorrect inputs to set ionic_fractions.") for i in range(1, len(_particle_instances)): if ( _particle_instances[i - 1].element == _particle_instances[i].element ) and ( not _particle_instances[i - 1].isotope and _particle_instances[i].isotope ): raise ParticleError( "Cannot have an element and isotopes of that element." ) self._particle_instances = _particle_instances self._base_particles = _elements_and_isotopes self._ionic_fractions = new_ionic_fractions
[docs] def normalize(self) -> None: """ Normalize the ionic fractions so that the sum for each element equals one. """ for particle in self.base_particles: tot = np.sum(self.ionic_fractions[particle]) self.ionic_fractions[particle] = self.ionic_fractions[particle] / tot
@property @validate_quantities def n_e(self) -> u.Quantity[u.m**-3]: """The electron number density under the assumption of quasineutrality.""" number_densities = self.number_densities n_e = 0.0 * u.m**-3 for elem in self.base_particles: atomic_numb = atomic_number(elem) number_of_ionization_states = atomic_numb + 1 charge_numbers = np.linspace(0, atomic_numb, number_of_ionization_states) n_e += np.sum(number_densities[elem] * charge_numbers) return n_e @property @validate_quantities def n0(self) -> u.Quantity[u.m**-3]: """The number density scaling factor.""" return self._pars["n"] @n0.setter @validate_quantities def n0(self, n: u.Quantity[u.m**-3]): """Set the number density scaling factor.""" try: n =**-3) except u.UnitConversionError as exc: raise ParticleError("Units cannot be converted to u.m ** -3.") from exc except ParticleError as exc: raise ParticleError(f"{n} is not a valid number density.") from exc if n < 0 * u.m**-3: raise ParticleError("Number density cannot be negative.") self._pars["n"] =**-3) @property def number_densities(self) -> dict[str, u.Quantity]: """ A `dict` containing the number densities for the elements and/or isotopes composing the collection. """ return { elem: self.n0 * self.abundances[elem] * self.ionic_fractions[elem] for elem in self.base_particles } @property def abundances(self) -> Optional[dict[ParticleLike, Real]]: """The elemental abundances.""" return self._pars["abundances"] @abundances.setter def abundances(self, abundances_dict: Optional[dict[ParticleLike, Real]]): """ Set the elemental (or isotopic) abundances. The elements and isotopes must be the same as or a superset of the elements whose ionization states are being tracked. """ if abundances_dict is None: self._pars["abundances"] = {elem: np.nan for elem in self.base_particles} elif not isinstance(abundances_dict, dict): raise TypeError( "The abundances attribute must be a dict with " "elements or isotopes as keys and real numbers " "representing relative abundances as values." ) else: old_keys = abundances_dict.keys() try: new_keys_dict = {} for old_key in old_keys: new_keys_dict[particle_symbol(old_key)] = old_key except ParticleError as ex: raise ParticleError( f"The key {old_key!r} in the abundances " f"dictionary is not a valid element or isotope." ) from ex new_elements = new_keys_dict.keys() old_elements_set = set(self.base_particles) new_elements_set = set(new_elements) if old_elements_set - new_elements_set: raise ParticleError( f"The abundances of the following particles are " f"missing: {old_elements_set - new_elements_set}" ) new_abundances_dict = {} for element in new_elements: inputted_abundance = abundances_dict[new_keys_dict[element]] try: inputted_abundance = float(inputted_abundance) except TypeError: raise TypeError( f"The abundance for {element} was provided as" f"{inputted_abundance}, which cannot be " f"converted to a real number." ) from None if inputted_abundance < 0: raise ParticleError(f"The abundance of {element} is negative.") new_abundances_dict[element] = inputted_abundance self._pars["abundances"] = new_abundances_dict @property def log_abundances(self) -> dict[str, Real]: """ A `dict` with atomic or isotope symbols as keys and the base 10 logarithms of the relative abundances as the corresponding values. """ return { atom: np.log10(abundance) for atom, abundance in self.abundances.items() } @log_abundances.setter def log_abundances(self, value: Optional[dict[str, Real]]): """Set the base 10 logarithm of the relative abundances.""" if value is not None: try: new_abundances_input = { atom: 10**log_abundance for atom, log_abundance in value.items() } self.abundances = new_abundances_input except ParticleError: raise ParticleError("Invalid log_abundances.") from None @property def T_e(self) -> u.Quantity[u.K]: """The electron temperature.""" return self._pars["T_e"] @T_e.setter @validate_quantities(electron_temperature={"equivalencies": u.temperature_energy()}) def T_e(self, electron_temperature: u.Quantity[u.K]): """Set the electron temperature.""" try: temperature = u.K, equivalencies=u.temperature_energy() ) except (AttributeError, u.UnitsError): raise ParticleError( f"{electron_temperature} is not a valid temperature." ) from None if temperature < 0 * u.K: raise ParticleError("The electron temperature cannot be negative.") self._pars["T_e"] = temperature @property def kappa(self) -> np.real: """ The κ parameter for a kappa distribution function for electrons. The value of ``kappa`` must be greater than ``1.5`` in order to have a valid distribution function. If ``kappa`` equals `~numpy.inf`, then the distribution function reduces to a Maxwellian. """ return self._pars["kappa"] @kappa.setter def kappa(self, value: Real): """ Set the kappa parameter for a kappa distribution function for electrons. The value must be between ``1.5`` and `~numpy.inf`. """ kappa_errmsg = "kappa must be a real number greater than 1.5" if not isinstance(value, Real): raise TypeError(kappa_errmsg) if value <= 1.5: raise ValueError(kappa_errmsg) self._pars["kappa"] = np.real(value) @property def base_particles(self) -> list[str]: """ A `list` of the elements and isotopes whose ionization states are being kept track of. """ return self._base_particles @property def tol(self) -> np.real: """The absolute tolerance for comparisons.""" return self._tol @tol.setter def tol(self, atol: Real): """Set the absolute tolerance for comparisons.""" if not isinstance(atol, Real): raise TypeError("The attribute tol must be a real number.") if 0 <= atol <= 1.0: self._tol = np.real(atol) else: raise ValueError("Need 0 <= tol <= 1.")
[docs] def average_ion( self, *, include_neutrals: bool = True, use_rms_charge: bool = False, use_rms_mass: bool = False, ) -> CustomParticle: """ Return a |CustomParticle| representing the mean particle included across all ionization states. By default, this method will use the weighted mean to calculate the properties of the |CustomParticle|, where the weights for each ionic level is given by its ionic fraction multiplied by the abundance of the base element or isotope. If ``use_rms_charge`` or ``use_rms_mass`` is `True`, then this method will return the root mean square of the charge or mass, respectively. Parameters ---------- include_neutrals : `bool`, |keyword-only|, default: `True` If `True`, include neutrals when calculating the mean values of the different particles. If `False`, exclude neutrals. use_rms_charge : `bool`, |keyword-only|, default: `False` If `True`, use the root-mean-square charge instead of the mean charge. use_rms_mass : `bool`, |keyword-only|, default: `False` If `True`, use the root-mean-square mass instead of the mean mass. Raises ------ `~plasmapy.particles.exceptions.ParticleError` If the abundance of any of the elements or isotopes is not defined and the |IonizationStateCollection| instance includes more than one element or isotope. Returns ------- ~plasmapy.particles.particle_class.CustomParticle Examples -------- >>> states = IonizationStateCollection( ... {"H": [0.1, 0.9], "He": [0, 0.1, 0.9]}, abundances={"H": 1, "He": 0.1} ... ) >>> states.average_ion() CustomParticle(mass=2.12498...e-27 kg, charge=1.5876...e-19 C) >>> states.average_ion( ... include_neutrals=False, ... use_rms_charge=True, ... use_rms_mass=True, ... ) CustomParticle(mass=2.633...e-27 kg, charge=1.805...e-19 C) """ min_charge = 0 if include_neutrals else 1 all_particles = ParticleList() all_abundances = [] for base_particle in self.base_particles: ionization_state = self[base_particle] ionic_levels = ionization_state.to_list()[min_charge:] all_particles.extend(ionic_levels) base_particle_abundance = self.abundances[base_particle] if np.isnan(base_particle_abundance): if len(self) == 1: base_particle_abundance = 1 else: raise ParticleError( "Unable to provide an average particle without abundances." ) ionic_fractions = ionization_state.ionic_fractions[min_charge:] ionic_abundances = base_particle_abundance * ionic_fractions all_abundances.extend(ionic_abundances) return all_particles.average_particle( use_rms_charge=use_rms_charge, use_rms_mass=use_rms_mass, abundances=all_abundances, )
[docs] def summarize(self, minimum_ionic_fraction: Real = 0.01) -> None: """ Print quicklook information. Parameters ---------- minimum_ionic_fraction : `Real`, default: ``0.01`` If the ionic fraction for a particular ionization state is below this level, then information for it will not be printed. Examples -------- >>> states = IonizationStateCollection( ... {"H": [0.1, 0.9], "He": [0.95, 0.05, 0.0]}, ... T_e=12000 * u.K, ... n0=3e9 ***-3, ... abundances={"H": 1.0, "He": 0.1}, ... kappa=3.4, ... ) >>> states.summarize() IonizationStateCollection instance for: H, He ---------------------------------------------------------------- H 0+: 0.100 n_i = 3.00e+14 m**-3 T_i = 1.20e+04 K H 1+: 0.900 n_i = 2.70e+15 m**-3 T_i = 1.20e+04 K ---------------------------------------------------------------- He 0+: 0.950 n_i = 2.85e+14 m**-3 T_i = 1.20e+04 K He 1+: 0.050 n_i = 1.50e+13 m**-3 T_i = 1.20e+04 K ---------------------------------------------------------------- n_e = 2.71e+15 m**-3 T_e = 1.20e+04 K kappa = 3.40 ---------------------------------------------------------------- """ separator_line = 64 * "-" output = [ f"IonizationStateCollection instance for: {', '.join(self.base_particles)}" ] # Get the ionic symbol with the corresponding ionic fraction and # number density (if available), but only for the most abundant # ionization levels for each element. for ionization_state in self: states_info = ionization_state._get_states_info( # noqa: SLF001 minimum_ionic_fraction, ) if len(states_info) > 0: output += states_info output[-1] += "\n" + separator_line attributes = [] if np.isfinite(self.n_e): attributes.append(f"n_e = {self.n_e.value:.2e} m**-3") if np.isfinite(self.T_e): attributes.append(f"T_e = {self.T_e.value:.2e} K") if np.isfinite(self.kappa): attributes.append(f"kappa = {self.kappa:.2f}") if attributes: attributes.append(separator_line) output.append("\n".join(attributes)) if len(output) > 1: output[0] += "\n" + separator_line output_string = "\n".join(output) else: output_string = output[0] print(output_string.strip("\n")) # noqa: T201