Source code for plasmapy.particles.serialization

"""Functionality for JSON deserialization of particle objects."""
__all__ = [

import json

from plasmapy.particles.exceptions import InvalidElementError
from plasmapy.particles.particle_class import (

[docs] class ParticleJSONDecoder(json.JSONDecoder): """ A custom `~json.JSONDecoder` class to deserialize JSON objects into the appropriate particle objects. Parameters ---------- object_hook : If specified, will be called with the result of every JSON object decoded and its return value will be used in place of the given `dict`. This can be used to provide custom deserializations (e.g. to support JSON-RPC class hinting). If not specified, then defaults to `~plasmapy.particles.serialization.ParticleJSONDecoder.particle_hook`.). **kwargs : Any keyword accepted by `~json.JSONDecoder`. """ def __init__(self, *, object_hook=None, **kwargs) -> None: if object_hook is None: object_hook = self.particle_hook json.JSONDecoder.__init__(self, object_hook=object_hook, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def particle_hook(json_dict): """ Decode JSON strings into the appropriate particle class. This method is an ``object_hook`` utilized by the `json` deserialization processes to decode json strings into a particle class (`~plasmapy.particles.particle_class.AbstractParticle`, `~plasmapy.particles.particle_class.CustomParticle`, `~plasmapy.particles.particle_class.DimensionlessParticle`, `~plasmapy.particles.particle_class.Particle`). """ particle_types = { "AbstractParticle": AbstractParticle, "CustomParticle": CustomParticle, "DimensionlessParticle": DimensionlessParticle, "Particle": Particle, } if "plasmapy_particle" not in json_dict: return json_dict try: pardict = json_dict["plasmapy_particle"] partype = pardict["type"] args = pardict["__init__"]["args"] kwargs = pardict["__init__"]["kwargs"] except KeyError as ex: raise InvalidElementError( "json file does not define a valid plasmapy particle" ) from ex else: return particle_types[partype](*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def json_load_particle(fp, *, cls=ParticleJSONDecoder, **kwargs): """ Deserialize a JSON document into the appropriate particle object. This function is a convenient form of `json.load` to deserialize a JSON document into a particle object. (Mirrors `json.load` with ``cls`` defaulting to `ParticleJSONDecoder`.). Parameters ---------- fp : `file object <>`_ A file object containing a JSON document. cls : `json.JSONDecoder` class A `~json.JSONDecoder` class. (Default `ParticleJSONDecoder`). **kwargs : Any keyword accepted by `json.load`. """ return json.load(fp, cls=cls, **kwargs)
[docs] def json_loads_particle(s, *, cls=ParticleJSONDecoder, **kwargs): """ Deserialize a JSON string into the appropriate particle object. This function is convenient form of `json.loads` to deserialize a JSON string into a particle object. (Mirrors `json.loads` with ``cls`` defaulting to `ParticleJSONDecoder`.). Parameters ---------- s : str A JSON string. cls : `json.JSONDecoder` class A `~json.JSONDecoder` class. (Default `ParticleJSONDecoder`). **kwargs : Any keyword accepted by `json.loads`. """ return json.loads(s, cls=cls, **kwargs)