Source code for plasmapy.plasma.equilibria1d

"""Functionality for representing one-dimensional equilibria."""

__all__ = ["HarrisSheet"]

import astropy.constants as const
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np

from plasmapy.utils.decorators.validators import validate_quantities

[docs] class HarrisSheet: r""" Define a Harris Sheet Equilibrium. Magnetic field will be in the :math:`±x` direction and the current density will be in the :math:`±z` direction in a :math:`\hat{x} × \hat{y} = \hat{z}` coordinate system. Parameters ---------- B0 : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Magnitude of magnetic field in the limit of :math:`y → ∞` in units convertible to teslas. delta : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The thickness of the current sheet in units convertible to meters. P0 : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The plasma pressure in the limit of :math:`y → ∞` in units convertible to pascals. Notes ----- A current sheet is current limited to a surface. A Harris sheet is a 1D ideal MHD equilibrium. In resistive MHD if there is any resistivity, it won't be a true equilibrium since the resistivity will gradually smooth the profile out over time. A Harris sheet is often used as the initial condition for simulations of magnetic reconnection. Examples -------- >>> import astropy.units as u >>> harris_sheet = HarrisSheet(delta=3 * u.m, B0=2 * u.T) >>> harris_sheet.magnetic_field(y=5 * u.m) <Quantity 1.8622... T> """ def __init__(self, B0, delta, P0=0 * u.Pa) -> None: self.B0 = B0 = delta self.P0 = P0
[docs] @validate_quantities def magnetic_field(self, y: u.Quantity[u.m]) -> u.Quantity[u.T]: r""" Compute the magnetic field. In this equation, :math:`B_0` is the asymptotic magnitude of the magnetic field for :math:`y → ±∞` and :math:`δ` is the thickness of the sheet. .. math:: B_x(y) = B_0 \tanh \left( \frac{y}{δ} \right) Parameters ---------- y : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Orthogonal distance from the current sheet center. Examples -------- >>> import astropy.units as u >>> B0 = 1 * u.T >>> delta = 1 * u.m >>> P0 = 0 * u.Pa >>> hs = HarrisSheet(B0, delta, P0) >>> y = [-2, 0, 2] * u.m >>> hs.magnetic_field(y) <Quantity [-0.9640..., 0. , 0.9640...] T> """ return self.B0 * np.tanh(u.rad * y /
[docs] @validate_quantities def current_density(self, y: u.Quantity[u.m]) -> u.Quantity[u.A / u.m**2]: r""" Compute the current density. .. math:: J_z(y) = - \frac{B_0}{δ μ_0) \mathrm{sech}^2 \left( \frac{y}{δ} \right) Parameters ---------- y : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Orthogonal distance from the current sheet center. Examples -------- >>> import astropy.units as u >>> B0 = 1 * u.T >>> delta = 1 * u.m >>> P0 = 0 * u.Pa >>> hs = HarrisSheet(B0, delta, P0) >>> y = [-2, 0, 2] * u.m >>> hs.current_density(y) <Quantity [ -56222.14... , -795774.71..., -56222.14... ] A / m2> """ return ( -self.B0 / ( * const.mu0) * np.cosh(u.rad * y / ** -2 )
[docs] @validate_quantities def plasma_pressure(self, y: u.Quantity[u.m]) -> u.Quantity[u.Pa]: r""" Compute plasma pressure. .. math:: p(y) = \frac{B_0^2}{2 μ_0} \mathrm{sech}^2 \left( \frac{y}{δ} \right) + p_0 Parameters ---------- y : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Orthogonal distance from the current sheet center. Examples -------- >>> import astropy.units as u >>> B0 = 1 * u.T >>> delta = 1 * u.m >>> P0 = 0 * u.Pa >>> hs = HarrisSheet(B0, delta, P0) >>> y = [-2, 0, 2] * u.m >>> hs.plasma_pressure(y) <Quantity [ 28111.07..., 397887.35..., 28111.07...] Pa> """ return ( self.B0**2 / (2 * const.mu0) * (np.cosh(u.rad * y / ** -2) + self.P0 )