Abstract classes for numerical simulations.
.. attention::
__all__ = [
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import astropy.units as u
class AbstractSimulation(ABC):
A prototype abstract interface for numerical simulations.
.. attention::
def summarize(self):
Print a summary of the simulation parameters and status.
def initialize(self) -> None:
"""Prepare the simulation to be run."""
def simulate(self):
"""Perform the simulation."""
def finalize(self) -> None:
"""Perform the steps to close the simulation."""
class AbstractTimeDependentSimulation(AbstractSimulation):
A prototype abstract interface for time-dependent numerical simulations.
.. warning::
This interface is unstable and is subject to change.
class AbstractNormalizations(ABC):
An abstract base class to represent the normalization constants for
systems of equations describing plasmas.
.. warning::
This interface is unstable and is subject to change.
def current_density(self) -> u.Quantity[u.A / u.m**2]:
"""The current density normalization."""
def diffusivity(self) -> u.Quantity[u.m**2 / u.s]:
"""The normalization for diffusivity."""
def dynamic_viscosity(self) -> u.Quantity[u.Pa * u.s]:
"""The normalization for dynamic viscosity."""
def electric_field(self) -> u.Quantity[u.V / u.m]:
"""The electric field normalization."""
def heat_flux(self) -> u.Quantity[u.J * u.m**-2 * u.s**-1]:
"""The normalization for heat flux."""
def length(self) -> u.Quantity[u.m]:
"""The normalization for length."""
def magnetic_field(self) -> u.Quantity[u.T]:
"""The magnetic field normalization."""
def magnetic_flux(self) -> u.Quantity[u.T * u.m]:
"""The normalization for the magnetic flux or vector potential."""
def mass(self) -> u.Quantity[u.kg]:
"""The normalization for mass."""
def mass_density(self) -> u.Quantity[u.kg / u.m**3]:
"""The normalization for mass density."""
def number_density(self) -> u.Quantity[u.m**-3]:
"""The normalization for number density."""
def pressure(self) -> u.Quantity[u.Pa]:
"""The normalization for pressure."""
def temperature(self) -> u.Quantity[u.K]:
"""The normalization for temperature."""
def thermal_conductivity(self) -> u.Quantity[u.W / u.m / u.K]:
"""The normalization for thermal conductivity."""
def time(self) -> u.Quantity[u.s]:
"""The normalization for time."""
def wavenumber(self) -> u.Quantity[u.m**-1]:
"""The normalization for inverse length."""
def velocity(self) -> u.Quantity[u.m / u.s]:
"""The normalization for velocity."""
def volumetric_heating_rate(self) -> u.Quantity[u.J * u.m**-3 * u.s**-1]:
"""The normalization for the volumetric heating rate."""
def volumetric_rate(self) -> u.Quantity[u.m**-3 * u.s**-1]:
The normalization for a volumetric rate.
This normalization is applicable to, for example, the number
of collisions per unit volume per unit time.