Source code for plasmapy.utils.decorators.checks

Decorator for checking input/output arguments of functions.
__all__ = [

import collections
import functools
import inspect
import warnings
from functools import reduce
from operator import add
from typing import Any, Optional, Union

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from astropy.constants import c
from astropy.units.equivalencies import Equivalency

from plasmapy.utils.decorators.helpers import preserve_signature
from plasmapy.utils.exceptions import (

[docs] class CheckBase: """ Base class for 'Check' decorator classes. Parameters ---------- checks_on_return specified checks on the return of the wrapped function **checks specified checks on the input arguments of the wrapped function """ def __init__(self, checks_on_return=None, **checks) -> None: self._checks = checks if checks_on_return is not None: self._checks["checks_on_return"] = checks_on_return @property def checks(self): """ Requested checks on the decorated function's input arguments and/or return. """ return self._checks
[docs] class CheckValues(CheckBase): """ A decorator class to 'check' — limit/control — the values of input and return arguments to a function or method. Parameters ---------- checks_on_return: Dict[str, bool] Specifications for value checks on the return of the function being wrapped. (see `check values`_ for valid specifications) **checks: Dict[str, Dict[str, bool]] Specifications for value checks on the input arguments of the function being wrapped. Each keyword argument in ``checks`` is the name of a function argument to be checked and the keyword value contains the value check specifications. .. _`check values`: The value check specifications are defined within a dictionary containing the keys defined below. If the dictionary is empty or omitting keys, then the default value will be assumed for the missing keys. ================ ======= ================================================ Key Type Description ================ ======= ================================================ can_be_negative `bool` [DEFAULT `True`] values can be negative can_be_complex `bool` [DEFAULT `False`] values can be complex numbers can_be_inf `bool` [DEFAULT `True`] values can be :data:`~numpy.inf` can_be_nan `bool` [DEFAULT `True`] values can be :data:`~numpy.nan` none_shall_pass `bool` [DEFAULT `False`] values can be a python `None` can_be_zero `bool` [DEFAULT `True`] values can be zero ================ ======= ================================================ Notes ----- * Checking of function arguments ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` is not supported. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python from plasmapy.utils.decorators.checks import CheckValues @CheckValues( arg1={"can_be_negative": False, "can_be_nan": False}, arg2={"can_be_inf": False}, checks_on_return={"none_shall_pass": True}, ) def foo(arg1, arg2): return None # on a method class Foo: @CheckValues( arg1={"can_be_negative": False, "can_be_nan": False}, arg2={"can_be_inf": False}, checks_on_return={"none_shall_pass": True}, ) def bar(self, arg1, arg2): return None """ #: Default values for the possible 'check' keys. # To add a new check to the class, the following needs to be done: # 1. Add a key & default value to the `__check_defaults` dictionary # 2. Add a corresponding if-statement to method `_check_value` # __check_defaults = { "can_be_negative": True, "can_be_complex": False, "can_be_inf": True, "can_be_nan": True, "none_shall_pass": False, "can_be_zero": True, } def __init__( self, checks_on_return: Optional[dict[str, bool]] = None, **checks: dict[str, bool], ) -> None: super().__init__(checks_on_return=checks_on_return, **checks)
[docs] def __call__(self, f): """ Decorate a function. Parameters ---------- f Function to be wrapped Returns ------- function wrapped function of ``f`` """ self.f = f wrapped_sign = inspect.signature(f) @preserve_signature @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # map args and kwargs to function parameters bound_args = wrapped_sign.bind(*args, **kwargs) bound_args.apply_defaults() # get checks checks = self._get_value_checks(bound_args) # check input arguments for arg_name in checks: # skip check of output/return if arg_name == "checks_on_return": continue # check argument self._check_value( bound_args.arguments[arg_name], arg_name, checks[arg_name] ) # call function _return = f(**bound_args.arguments) # check function return if "checks_on_return" in checks: self._check_value( _return, "checks_on_return", checks["checks_on_return"] ) return _return return wrapper
def _get_value_checks( self, bound_args: inspect.BoundArguments ) -> dict[str, dict[str, bool]]: """ Review :attr:`checks` and function bound arguments to build a complete 'checks' dictionary. If a check key is omitted from the argument checks, then a default value is assumed (see `check values`_). Parameters ---------- bound_args: :class:`inspect.BoundArguments` arguments passed into the function being wrapped .. code-block:: python bound_args = inspect.signature(f).bind(*args, **kwargs) Returns ------- Dict[str, Dict[str, bool]] A complete 'checks' dictionary for checking function input arguments and return. """ # initialize validation dictionary out_checks = {} # Iterate through function bound arguments + return and build `out_checks: # # artificially add "return" to parameters things_to_check = bound_args.signature.parameters.copy() things_to_check["checks_on_return"] = inspect.Parameter( "checks_on_return", inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY, annotation=bound_args.signature.return_annotation, ) for param in things_to_check.values(): # variable arguments are NOT checked # e.g. in foo(x, y, *args, d=None, **kwargs) variable arguments # *args and **kwargs will NOT be checked # if param.kind in ( inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD, inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL, ): continue # grab the checks dictionary for the desired parameter try: param_in_checks = self.checks[] except KeyError: # checks for parameter not specified continue # build `out_checks` # read checks and/or apply defaults values out_checks[] = {} for v_name, v_default in self.__check_defaults.items(): try: out_checks[][v_name] = param_in_checks.get( v_name, v_default ) except AttributeError: # for the case that checks are defined for an argument, # but is NOT a dictionary # (e.g. CheckValues( ... this scenario could happen # during subclassing) out_checks[][v_name] = v_default # Does `self.checks` indicate arguments not used by f? if missing_params := list(set(self.checks) - set(out_checks)): params_str = ", ".join(missing_params) warnings.warn( PlasmaPyWarning( f"Expected to value check parameters {params_str} but they " f"are missing from the call to {self.f.__name__}" ) ) return out_checks def _check_value( # noqa: C901, PLR0912 self, arg, arg_name: str, arg_checks: dict[str, bool], ): """ Perform checks ``arg_checks`` on function argument ``arg``. Parameters ---------- arg The argument to be checked. arg_name: str The name of the argument to be checked. arg_checks: Dict[str, bool] The requested checks for the argument. Raises ------ ValueError If a check fails. """ if arg_name == "checks_on_return": valueerror_msg = "The return value " else: valueerror_msg = f"The argument '{arg_name}' " valueerror_msg += f"to function {self.f.__name__}() can not contain" # check values # * 'none_shall_pass' always needs to be checked first ckeys = list(self.__check_defaults.keys()) ckeys.remove("none_shall_pass") ckeys = ("none_shall_pass", *tuple(ckeys)) for ckey in ckeys: if ckey == "can_be_complex": if not arg_checks[ckey] and np.any(np.iscomplexobj(arg)): raise ValueError(f"{valueerror_msg} complex numbers.") elif ckey == "can_be_inf": if not arg_checks[ckey] and np.any(np.isinf(arg)): raise ValueError(f"{valueerror_msg} infs.") elif ckey == "can_be_nan": if not arg_checks["can_be_nan"] and np.any(np.isnan(arg)): raise ValueError(f"{valueerror_msg} NaNs.") elif ckey == "can_be_negative": if not arg_checks[ckey] and np.any(arg < 0): raise ValueError(f"{valueerror_msg} negative numbers.") elif ckey == "can_be_zero": if not arg_checks[ckey] and np.any(arg == 0): raise ValueError(f"{valueerror_msg} zeros.") elif ckey == "none_shall_pass": if arg is None and arg_checks[ckey]: break elif arg is None: # noqa: RET508 raise ValueError(f"{valueerror_msg} Nones.")
[docs] class CheckUnits(CheckBase): """ A decorator class to 'check' — limit/control — the units of input and return arguments to a function or method. Parameters ---------- checks_on_return: list of :mod:`~astropy.units` or dict of unit specifications Specifications for unit checks on the return of the function being wrapped. (see `check units`_ for valid specifications) **checks: list of astropy :mod:`~astropy.units` or dict of unit specifications Specifications for unit checks on the input arguments of the function being wrapped. Each keyword argument in ``checks`` is the name of a function argument to be checked and the keyword value contains the unit check specifications. .. _`check units`: Unit checks can be defined by passing one of the astropy :mod:`~astropy.units`, a list of astropy units, or a dictionary containing the keys defined below. Units can also be defined with function annotations, but must be consistent with decorator ``**checks`` arguments if used concurrently. If a key is omitted, then the default value will be assumed. ====================== ======= ================================================ Key Type Description ====================== ======= ================================================ units list of desired astropy :mod:`~astropy.units` equivalencies | [DEFAULT `None`] A list of equivalent pairs to try if | the units are not directly convertible. | (see :mod:`~astropy.units.equivalencies`, and/or `astropy equivalencies`_) pass_equivalent_units `bool` | [DEFAULT `False`] allow equivalent units | to pass ====================== ======= ================================================ Notes ----- * Checking of function arguments ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` is not supported. * Decorator does NOT perform any unit conversions. * If it is desired that `None` values do not raise errors or warnings, then include `None` in the list of units or as a default value for the function argument. * If units are not specified in ``checks``, then the decorator will attempt to identify desired units by examining the function annotations. Examples -------- Define units with decorator parameters:: import astropy.units as u from plasmapy.utils.decorators import CheckUnits @CheckUnits(arg1={"units":},, checks_on_return=[,]) def foo(arg1, arg2): return arg1 + arg2 # or on a method class Foo: @CheckUnits(arg1={"units":},, checks_on_return=[,]) def bar(self, arg1, arg2): return arg1 + arg2 Define units with function annotations:: @CheckUnits() def foo(arg1:, arg2: -> return arg1 + arg2 # or on a method class Foo: @CheckUnits() def bar(self, arg1:, arg2: -> return arg1 + arg2 Allow `None` values to pass, on input and output:: @CheckUnits(checks_on_return=[, None]) def foo(arg1: = None): return arg1 Allow return values to have equivalent units:: @CheckUnits( arg1={"units":}, checks_on_return={"units":, "pass_equivalent_units": True}, ) def foo(arg1): return arg1 Allow equivalent units to pass with specified equivalencies:: @CheckUnits( arg1={ "units": u.K, "equivalencies": u.temperature_energy(), "pass_equivalent_units": True, } ) def foo(arg1): return arg1 .. _astropy equivalencies: """ #: Default values for the possible 'check' keys. # To add a new check to the class, the following needs to be done: # 1. Add a key & default value to the `__check_defaults` dictionary # 2. Add a corresponding conditioning statement to `_get_unit_checks` # 3. Add a corresponding behavior to `_check_unit` # __check_defaults = { "units": None, "equivalencies": None, "pass_equivalent_units": False, "none_shall_pass": False, } def __init__( self, checks_on_return: Union[u.Unit, list[u.Unit], dict[str, Any]] = None, **checks: Union[u.Unit, list[u.Unit], dict[str, Any]], ) -> None: super().__init__(checks_on_return=checks_on_return, **checks)
[docs] def __call__(self, f): """ Decorate a function. Parameters ---------- f Function to be wrapped Returns ------- function wrapped function of ``f`` """ self.f = f wrapped_sign = inspect.signature(f) @preserve_signature @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # combine args and kwargs into dictionary bound_args = wrapped_sign.bind(*args, **kwargs) bound_args.apply_defaults() # get checks checks = self._get_unit_checks(bound_args) # check (input) argument units for arg_name in checks: # skip check of output/return if arg_name == "checks_on_return": continue # check argument self._check_unit( bound_args.arguments[arg_name], arg_name, checks[arg_name] ) # call function _return = f(**bound_args.arguments) # check output if "checks_on_return" in checks: self._check_unit( _return, "checks_on_return", checks["checks_on_return"] ) return _return return wrapper
def _get_unit_checks( # noqa: C901, PLR0912, PLR0915 self, bound_args: inspect.BoundArguments ) -> dict[str, dict[str, Any]]: """ Review :attr:`checks` and function bound arguments to build a complete 'checks' dictionary. If a check key is omitted from the argument checks, then a default value is assumed (see `check units`_). Parameters ---------- bound_args: :class:`inspect.BoundArguments` arguments passed into the function being wrapped .. code-block:: python bound_args = inspect.signature(f).bind(*args, **kwargs) Returns ------- Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] A complete 'checks' dictionary for checking function input arguments and return. """ # initialize validation dictionary out_checks = {} # Iterate through function bound arguments + return and build `out_checks`: # # artificially add "return" to parameters things_to_check = bound_args.signature.parameters.copy() things_to_check["checks_on_return"] = inspect.Parameter( "checks_on_return", inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY, annotation=bound_args.signature.return_annotation, ) for param in things_to_check.values(): # variable arguments are NOT checked # e.g. in foo(x, y, *args, d=None, **kwargs) variable arguments # *args and **kwargs will NOT be checked # if param.kind in ( inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD, inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL, ): continue # grab the checks dictionary for the desired parameter try: param_checks = self.checks[] except KeyError: param_checks = None # -- Determine target units `_units` -- # target units can be defined in one of three ways (in # preferential order): # 1. direct keyword pass-through # i.e. CheckUnits( # CheckUnits(x=[, u.s]) # 2. keyword pass-through via dictionary definition # i.e. CheckUnits(x={'units':}) # CheckUnits(x={'units': [, u.s]}) # 3. function annotations # # * if option (3) is used simultaneously with option (1) or (2), then # checks defined by (3) must be consistent with checks from (1) or (2) # to avoid raising an error. # * if None is included in the units list, then None values are allowed # _none_shall_pass = False _units = None _units_are_from_anno = False if param_checks is not None: # checks for argument were defined with decorator try: _units = param_checks["units"] except TypeError: # if checks is NOT None and is NOT a dictionary, then assume # only units were specified # e.g. CheckUnits( # _units = param_checks except KeyError: # if checks does NOT have 'units' but is still a dictionary, # then other check conditions may have been specified and the # user is relying on function annotations to define desired # units _units = None # If no units have been specified by decorator checks, then look for # function annotations. # # Reconcile units specified by decorator checks and function annotations _units_anno = None if param.annotation is not inspect.Parameter.empty: # unit annotations defined _units_anno = param.annotation if _units is _units_anno is param_checks is None: # no checks specified and no unit annotations defined continue elif _units is _units_anno is None: # noqa: RET507 # checks specified, but NO unit checks msg = "No astropy.units specified for " if == "checks_on_return": msg += "return value " else: msg += f"argument {} " msg += f"of function {self.f.__name__}()." raise ValueError(msg) elif _units is None: _units = _units_anno _units_are_from_anno = True _units_anno = None # Ensure `_units` is an iterable if not isinstance(_units, _units = [_units] if not isinstance(_units_anno, _units_anno = [_units_anno] # Is None allowed? if None in _units or param.default is None: _none_shall_pass = True # Remove Nones if None in _units: _units = [t for t in _units if t is not None] if None in _units_anno: _units_anno = [t for t in _units_anno if t is not None] # ensure all _units are astropy.units.Unit or physical types & # define 'units' for unit checks & # define 'none_shall_pass' check _units = self._condition_target_units( _units, from_annotations=_units_are_from_anno ) _units_anno = self._condition_target_units( _units_anno, from_annotations=True ) if any(_u not in _units for _u in _units_anno): raise ValueError( f"For argument '{}', " f"annotation units ({_units_anno}) are not included in the units " f"specified by decorator arguments ({_units}). Use either " f"decorator arguments or function annotations to defined unit " f"types, or make sure annotation specifications match decorator " f"argument specifications." ) if not _units and not _units_anno and param_checks is None: # annotations did not specify units continue elif not _units and not _units_anno: # noqa: RET507 # checks specified, but NO unit checks msg = "No astropy.units specified for " if == "checks_on_return": msg += "return value " else: msg += f"argument {} " msg += f"of function {self.f.__name__}()." raise ValueError(msg) out_checks[] = { "units": _units, "none_shall_pass": _none_shall_pass, } # -- Determine target equivalencies -- # Unit equivalences can be defined by: # 1. keyword pass-through via dictionary definition # e.g. CheckUnits(x={'units': u.C, # 'equivalencies': u.temperature}) # # initialize equivalencies try: _equivs = param_checks["equivalencies"] except (KeyError, TypeError): _equivs = self.__check_defaults["equivalencies"] # ensure equivalences are properly formatted if _equivs is None or _equivs == [None]: _equivs = None elif isinstance(_equivs, Equivalency): pass elif isinstance(_equivs, (list, tuple)): # flatten list to non-list elements if isinstance(_equivs, tuple): _equivs = [_equivs] else: _equivs = self._flatten_equivalencies_list(_equivs) # ensure passed equivalencies list is structured properly # [(), ...] # or [Equivalency(), ...] # # * All equivalencies must be a list of 2, 3, or 4 element tuples # structured like... # (from_unit, to_unit, forward_func, backward_func) # if all(isinstance(el, Equivalency) for el in _equivs): _equivs = reduce(add, _equivs) else: _equivs = self._normalize_equivalencies(_equivs) out_checks[]["equivalencies"] = _equivs # -- Determine if equivalent units pass -- try: peu = param_checks.get( "pass_equivalent_units", self.__check_defaults["pass_equivalent_units"], ) except (AttributeError, TypeError): peu = self.__check_defaults["pass_equivalent_units"] out_checks[]["pass_equivalent_units"] = peu # Does `self.checks` indicate arguments not used by f? if missing_params := list(set(self.checks.keys()) - set(out_checks.keys())): params_str = ", ".join(missing_params) warnings.warn( PlasmaPyWarning( f"Expected to unit check parameters {params_str} but they " f"are missing from the call to {self.f.__name__}" ) ) return out_checks def _check_unit(self, arg, arg_name: str, arg_checks: dict[str, Any]): """ Perform unit checks ``arg_checks`` on function argument ``arg``. Parameters ---------- arg The argument to be checked arg_name: str The name of the argument to be checked arg_checks: Dict[str, Any] The requested checks for the argument Raises ------ ValueError If ``arg`` is `None` when `arg_checks['none_shall_pass']=False` TypeError If ``arg`` does not have units :class:`astropy.units.UnitTypeError` If the units of ``arg`` do not satisfy conditions of ``arg_checks`` """ arg, unit, equiv, err = self._check_unit_core(arg, arg_name, arg_checks) if err is not None: raise err def _check_unit_core( # noqa: C901, PLR0912, PLR0915 self, arg, arg_name: str, arg_checks: dict[str, Any] ) -> tuple[ Optional[u.Quantity], Optional[u.Unit], Optional[list[Any]], Optional[Exception], ]: """ Determines if `arg` passes unit checks `arg_checks` and if the units of `arg` is equivalent to any units specified in `arg_checks`. Parameters ---------- arg The argument to be checked arg_name: str The name of the argument to be checked arg_checks: Dict[str, Any] The requested checks for the argument Returns ------- (`arg`, `unit`, `equivalencies`, `error`) * `arg` is the original input argument `arg` or `None` if unit checks fail * `unit` is the identified astropy :mod:`~astropy.units` that `arg` can be converted to or `None` if none exist * `equivalencies` is the astropy :mod:`~astropy.units.equivalencies` used for the unit conversion or `None` * `error` is the `Exception` associated with the failed unit checks or `None` for successful unit checks """ # initialize str for error messages if arg_name == "checks_on_return": err_msg = "The return value " else: err_msg = f"The argument '{arg_name}' " err_msg += f"to function {self.f.__name__}()" # initialize ValueError message valueerror_msg = f"{err_msg} can not contain" # initialize TypeError message typeerror_msg = f"{err_msg} should be an astropy Quantity with " if len(arg_checks["units"]) == 1: typeerror_msg += f"the following unit: {arg_checks['units'][0]}" else: typeerror_msg += "one of the following units: " for unit in arg_checks["units"]: typeerror_msg += str(unit) if unit != arg_checks["units"][-1]: typeerror_msg += ", " if arg_checks["none_shall_pass"]: typeerror_msg += "or None " # pass Nones if allowed if arg is None: if arg_checks["none_shall_pass"]: return arg, None, None, None else: return None, None, None, ValueError(f"{valueerror_msg} Nones") # check units in_acceptable_units = [] equiv = arg_checks["equivalencies"] for unit in arg_checks["units"]: try: in_acceptable_units.append( arg.unit.is_equivalent(unit, equivalencies=equiv) ) except AttributeError: if hasattr(arg, "unit"): err_specifier = ( "a 'unit' attribute without an 'is_equivalent' method" ) else: err_specifier = "no 'unit' attribute" msg = ( f"{err_msg} has {err_specifier}. " f"Use an astropy Quantity instead." ) return None, None, None, TypeError(msg) # How many acceptable units? nacceptable = np.count_nonzero(in_acceptable_units) unit = None equiv = None err = None if nacceptable == 0: # NO equivalent units arg = None err = u.UnitTypeError(typeerror_msg) else: # is there an exact match? units_arr = np.array(arg_checks["units"]) units_equal_mask = np.equal(units_arr, arg.unit) units_mask = np.logical_and(units_equal_mask, in_acceptable_units) if np.count_nonzero(units_mask) == 1: # matched exactly to a desired unit unit = units_arr[units_mask][0] equiv = arg_checks["equivalencies"] elif nacceptable == 1: # there is a match to 1 equivalent unit unit = units_arr[in_acceptable_units][0] equiv = arg_checks["equivalencies"] if not arg_checks["pass_equivalent_units"]: err = u.UnitTypeError(typeerror_msg) elif not arg_checks["pass_equivalent_units"]: # there is a match to more than 1 equivalent units arg = None err = u.UnitTypeError(typeerror_msg) return arg, unit, equiv, err @staticmethod def _condition_target_units( targets: list[Union[str, u.Unit, u.Quantity]], from_annotations: bool = False, ) -> list: """ From a `list` of target objects that have or represent units, return a `list` of conditioned :class:`~astropy.units.Unit` objects. Parameters ---------- targets: `list` of `str`, `~astropy.units.Unit`, or `~astropy.units.Quantity` A list containing strings representing units (e.g., ``"kg"``, `~astropy.units.Unit` objects (e.g., ````), or |Quantity| objects indexed with a `~astropy.units.U nit` object (e.g., ``u.Quantity[]``). from_annotations: bool, default: `False` Indicates if ``targets`` originated from function/method annotations versus decorator input arguments. Returns ------- list: `list` of ``targets`` converted into :class:`~astropy.units.Unit` objects. Raises ------ TypeError If `target` is not a valid type for :class:`~astropy.units.Unit` when ``from_annotations == True``, ValueError If a ``target`` is a valid unit type but not a valid value for :class:`~astropy.units.Unit`. """ # Note: this method does not allow for astropy physical types. This is # done because we expect all use cases of CheckUnits to define the # exact units desired. allowed_units = [] for target in targets: # The following two blocks are to create extract the unit from # annotations of the form u.Quantity[u.m], which is an annotated # alias. The unit is stored as the first item in the __metadata__ # attribute and the original class is stored in the __origin__ # attribute. annotation_metadata = getattr(target, "__metadata__", None) annotation_original_class = getattr(target, "__origin__", None) if ( annotation_original_class is u.Quantity and annotation_metadata is not None ): target = annotation_metadata[0] # noqa: PLW2901 try: target_unit = u.Unit(target) allowed_units.append(target_unit) except TypeError: # not a unit type if not from_annotations: raise continue return allowed_units @staticmethod def _normalize_equivalencies(equivalencies): """ Normalize equivalencies to ensure each is in a 4-tuple of the form `(from_unit, to_unit, forward_func, backward_func)`. `forward_func` maps `from_unit` into `to_unit` and `backward_func` does the reverse. Parameters ---------- equivalencies: list of equivalent pairs list of astropy :mod:`~astropy.units.equivalencies` to be normalized Raises ------ ValueError if an equivalency can not be interpreted Notes ----- * the code here was copied and modified from :func:`astropy.units.core._normalize_equivalencies` from AstroPy version 3.2.3 * this will work on both the old style list equivalencies (pre AstroPy v3.2.1) and the modern equivalencies defined with the :class:`~astropy.units.equivalencies.Equivalency` class """ if equivalencies is None: return [] normalized = [] def return_argument(x): return x for i, equiv in enumerate(equivalencies): if len(equiv) == 2: from_unit, to_unit = equiv a = b = return_argument elif len(equiv) == 3: from_unit, to_unit, a = equiv b = a elif len(equiv) == 4: from_unit, to_unit, a, b = equiv else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid equivalence entry {i}: {equiv!r}") if not ( from_unit is u.Unit(from_unit) and (to_unit is None or to_unit is u.Unit(to_unit)) and callable(a) and callable(b) ): raise ValueError(f"Invalid equivalence entry {i}: {equiv!r}") normalized.append((from_unit, to_unit, a, b)) return normalized def _flatten_equivalencies_list(self, elist): """ Given a list of equivalencies, flatten out any sub-element lists. Parameters ---------- elist: list list of astropy :mod:`~astropy.units.equivalencies` to be flattened Returns ------- list a flattened list of astropy :mod:`~astropy.units.equivalencies` """ new_list = [] for el in elist: if not isinstance(el, list): new_list.append(el) else: new_list.extend(self._flatten_equivalencies_list(el)) return new_list
[docs] def check_units( func=None, checks_on_return: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, **checks: dict[str, Any], ): """ A decorator to 'check' — limit/control — the units of input and return arguments to a function or method. Parameters ---------- func: The function to be decorated checks_on_return: list of :mod:`~astropy.units` or dict of unit specifications Specifications for unit checks on the return of the function being wrapped. (see "check units"_ for valid specifications) **checks: list of :mod:`~astropy.units` or dict of unit specifications Specifications for unit checks on the input arguments of the function being wrapped. Each keyword argument in ``checks`` is the name of a function argument to be checked and the keyword value contains the unit check specifications. .. _`check units`: Unit checks can be defined by passing one of the astropy :mod:`~astropy.units`, a list of astropy units, or a dictionary containing the keys defined below. Units can also be defined with function annotations, but must be consistent with decorator ``**checks`` arguments if used concurrently. If a key is omitted, then the default value will be assumed. ====================== ======= ================================================ Key Type Description ====================== ======= ================================================ units list of desired astropy :mod:`~astropy.units` equivalencies | [DEFAULT `None`] A list of equivalent pairs to try if | the units are not directly convertible. | (see :mod:`~astropy.units.equivalencies`, and/or `astropy equivalencies`_) pass_equivalent_units `bool` | [DEFAULT `False`] allow equivalent units | to pass ====================== ======= ================================================ Notes ----- * Checking of function arguments ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` is not supported. * Decorator does NOT perform any unit conversions, look to :func:`~plasmapy.utils.decorators.validators.validate_quantities` if that functionality is desired. * If it is desired that `None` values do not raise errors or warnings, then include `None` in the list of units or as a default value for the function argument. * If units are not specified in ``checks``, then the decorator will attempt to identify desired units by examining the function annotations. * Full functionality is defined by the class :class:`CheckUnits`. Examples -------- Define units with decorator parameters:: import astropy.units as u from plasmapy.utils.decorators import check_units @check_units(arg1={"units":},, checks_on_return=[,]) def foo(arg1, arg2): return arg1 + arg2 # or on a method class Foo: @check_units(arg1={"units":},, checks_on_return=[,]) def bar(self, arg1, arg2): return arg1 + arg2 Define units with function annotations:: @check_units def foo(arg1:, arg2: -> return arg1 + arg2 # or on a method class Foo: @check_units def bar(self, arg1:, arg2: -> return arg1 + arg2 Allow `None` values to pass:: @check_units(checks_on_return=[, None]) def foo(arg1: = None): return arg1 Allow return values to have equivalent units:: @check_units( arg1={"units":}, checks_on_return={"units":, "pass_equivalent_units": True}, ) def foo(arg1): return arg1 Allow equivalent units to pass with specified equivalencies:: @check_units( arg1={ "units": u.K, "equivalencies": u.temperature(), "pass_equivalent_units": True, } ) def foo(arg1): return arg1 .. _astropy equivalencies: """ if checks_on_return is not None: checks["checks_on_return"] = checks_on_return return CheckUnits(**checks)(func) if func is not None else CheckUnits(**checks)
[docs] def check_values( func=None, checks_on_return: Optional[dict[str, bool]] = None, **checks: dict[str, bool], ): """ A decorator to 'check' — limit/control — the values of input and return arguments to a function or method. Parameters ---------- func: The function to be decorated checks_on_return: Dict[str, bool] Specifications for value checks on the return of the function being wrapped. (see `check values`_ for valid specifications) **checks: Dict[str, Dict[str, bool]] Specifications for value checks on the input arguments of the function being wrapped. Each keyword argument in ``checks`` is the name of a function argument to be checked and the keyword value contains the value check specifications. .. _`check values`: The value check specifications are defined within a dictionary containing the keys defined below. If the dictionary is empty or omitting keys, then the default value will be assumed for the missing keys. ================ ======= ================================================ Key Type Description ================ ======= ================================================ can_be_negative `bool` [DEFAULT `True`] values can be negative can_be_complex `bool` [DEFAULT `False`] values can be complex numbers can_be_inf `bool` [DEFAULT `True`] values can be :data:`~numpy.inf` can_be_nan `bool` [DEFAULT `True`] values can be :data:`~numpy.nan` none_shall_pass `bool` [DEFAULT `False`] values can be a python `None` can_be_zero `bool` [DEFAULT `True`] values can be zero ================ ======= ================================================ Notes ----- * Checking of function arguments ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` is not supported. * Full functionality is defined by the class :class:`CheckValues`. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python from plasmapy.utils.decorators import check_values @check_values( arg1={"can_be_negative": False, "can_be_nan": False}, arg2={"can_be_inf": False}, checks_on_return={"none_shall_pass": True}, ) def foo(arg1, arg2): return None # on a method class Foo: @check_values( arg1={"can_be_negative": False, "can_be_nan": False}, arg2={"can_be_inf": False}, checks_on_return={"none_shall_pass": True}, ) def bar(self, arg1, arg2): return None """ if checks_on_return is not None: checks["checks_on_return"] = checks_on_return return CheckValues(**checks) if func is None else CheckValues(**checks)(func)
[docs] def check_relativistic(func=None, betafrac: float = 0.05): """ Warns or raises an exception when the output of the decorated function is greater than ``betafrac`` times the speed of light. Parameters ---------- func : function, optional The function to decorate. betafrac : float, optional The minimum fraction of the speed of light that will raise a `~plasmapy.utils.exceptions.RelativityWarning`. Defaults to 5%. Returns ------- function Decorated function. Raises ------ TypeError If ``V`` is not a `~astropy.units.Quantity`. ~astropy.units.UnitConversionError If ``V`` is not in units of velocity. ValueError If ``V`` contains any `~numpy.nan` values. ~plasmapy.utils.exceptions.RelativityError If ``V`` is greater than or equal to the speed of light. Warns ----- : `~plasmapy.utils.exceptions.RelativityWarning` If ``V`` is greater than or equal to ``betafrac`` times the speed of light, but less than the speed of light. Examples -------- >>> import astropy.units as u >>> @check_relativistic ... def speed(): ... return 1 * u.m / u.s Passing in a custom ``betafrac``: >>> @check_relativistic(betafrac=0.01) ... def speed(): ... return 1 * u.m / u.s """ def decorator(f): @preserve_signature @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return_ = f(*args, **kwargs) _check_relativistic(return_, f.__name__, betafrac=betafrac) return return_ return wrapper return decorator(func) if func else decorator
def _check_relativistic( V: u.Quantity[u.m / u.s], funcname: str, betafrac: float = 0.05, ) -> None: r""" Warn or raise error for relativistic or superrelativistic velocities. Parameters ---------- V : ~astropy.units.Quantity A velocity. funcname : str The name of the original function to be printed in the error messages. betafrac : float, optional The minimum fraction of the speed of light that will generate a warning. Defaults to 5%. Raises ------ TypeError If ``V`` is not a `~astropy.units.Quantity`. ~astropy.units.UnitConversionError If ``V`` is not in units of velocity. ValueError If ``V`` contains any `~numpy.nan` values. RelativityError If ``V`` is greater than or equal to the speed of light. Warns ----- ~plasmapy.utils.RelativityWarning If ``V`` is greater than or equal to the specified fraction of the speed of light. Examples -------- >>> import astropy.units as u >>> _check_relativistic(1 * u.m / u.s, "function_calling_this") """ # TODO: Replace `funcname` with func.__name__? errmsg = "V must be a Quantity with units of velocity in _check_relativistic" if not isinstance(V, u.Quantity): raise TypeError(errmsg) try: V_over_c = (V / c).to_value(u.dimensionless_unscaled) except u.UnitConversionError as ex: raise u.UnitConversionError(errmsg) from ex beta = np.max(np.abs(V_over_c)) if beta == np.inf: raise RelativityError(f"{funcname} is yielding an infinite velocity.") elif beta >= 1: raise RelativityError( f"{funcname} is yielding a velocity that is {round(beta, 3)} " f"times the speed of light." ) elif beta >= betafrac: warnings.warn( f"{funcname} is yielding a velocity that is " f"{round(beta * 100, 3)}% of the speed of " f"light. Relativistic effects may be important.", RelativityWarning, )