This sub-package defines
that do not fall under the scopes of `~plasmapy_sphinx.autodoc` or
`~plasmapy_sphinx.automodsumm`. If a directive that has an associated role,
then that role is used for cross-referencing the declared item. For example,
``:meth:`Foo.bar``` is a cross-referencing role to link back to where
``.. automethod:: Foo.bar`` was declared.
| Directive | Role | Description |
| | :rst:dir:`confval` | | :rst:role:`confval` | For declaring and referencing |
| | ``.. confval:: name`` | | ``:confval:`name``` | Sphinx configuration values. |
| | :rst:dir:`event` | | :rst:role:`event` | For declaring and referencing |
| | ``.. event:: name`` | | ``:event:`name``` | Sphinx events. |
from sphinx.application import Sphinx
from . import confval, event
def setup(app: Sphinx) -> None:
A `sphinx` ``setup()`` function for setting up all the functionality defined in