Source code for plasmapy.analysis.time_series.excess_statistics

Functionality to calculate excess statistics of time series.

.. attention::


__all__ = ["ExcessStatistics"]

import numbers
from import Iterable

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np

[docs] class ExcessStatistics: """ Calculate total time, number of upwards crossings, average time and root-mean-square time above given thresholds of a sequence. Parameters ---------- signal : 1D |array_like| Signal to be analyzed. thresholds : 1D |array_like| Threshold values. time_step : int Time step of ``signal``. Raises ------ `ValueError` If ``time_step`` ≤ 0. Examples -------- >>> from plasmapy.analysis.time_series.excess_statistics import ExcessStatistics >>> signal = [0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 4] >>> thresholds = [1, 3, 5] >>> time_step = 1 >>> excess_statistics = ExcessStatistics(signal, thresholds, time_step) >>> excess_statistics.total_time_above_threshold [3, 1, 0] >>> excess_statistics.number_of_crossings [2, 1, 0] >>> excess_statistics.average_times [1.5, 1.0, 0] >>> excess_statistics.rms_times [0.5, 0.0, 0] """ def __init__(self, signal, thresholds, time_step) -> None: if time_step <= 0: raise ValueError("time_step must be positive") # make sure thresholds is an iterable if not isinstance(thresholds, Iterable): thresholds = [thresholds] self._total_time_above_threshold = [] self._number_of_crossings = [] self._average_times = [] self._rms_times = [] self.events_per_threshold = {} self._calculate_excess_statistics(signal, thresholds, time_step) def _calculate_excess_statistics(self, signal, thresholds, time_step) -> None: for threshold in thresholds: indices_above_threshold = np.where(np.array(signal) > threshold)[0] if len(indices_above_threshold) == 0: self._times_above_threshold = [] self._total_time_above_threshold.append(0) self._number_of_crossings.append(0) self._average_times.append(0) self._rms_times.append(0) else: self._total_time_above_threshold.append( time_step * len(indices_above_threshold) ) distances_to_next_index = ( indices_above_threshold[1:] - indices_above_threshold[:-1] ) split_indices = np.where(distances_to_next_index != 1)[0] event_lengths = np.split(distances_to_next_index, split_indices) # set correct length for first event event_lengths[0] = np.append(event_lengths[0], 1) self._times_above_threshold = [ time_step * len(event_lengths[i]) for i in range(len(event_lengths)) ] if isinstance(time_step, u.Quantity): self._times_above_threshold *= time_step.unit self._number_of_crossings.append(len(event_lengths)) if indices_above_threshold[0] == 0: # Don't count the first event if there is no crossing. self._number_of_crossings[-1] -= 1 self._average_times.append(np.mean(self._times_above_threshold)) self._rms_times.append(np.std(self._times_above_threshold)) self.events_per_threshold.update({threshold: self._times_above_threshold})
[docs] def hist(self, bins=32): """ Computes the probability density function of the time above each value in ``thresholds``. Parameters ---------- bins : int, default: 32 The number of bins in the estimation of the PDF above ``thresholds``. Returns ------- hist: 2D `~numpy.ndarray`, shape (``thresholds.size``, ``bins`` ) For each value in ``thresholds``, returns the estimated PDF of time above threshold. bin_centers: 2D `~numpy.ndarray`, shape (``thresholds.size``, ``bins`` ) Bin centers for ``hist``. Raises ------ `TypeError` If ``bins`` is not a positive integer. Examples -------- >>> from plasmapy.analysis.time_series.excess_statistics import ExcessStatistics >>> signal = [0, 0, 2, 0, 4] >>> thresholds = [1, 3, 5] >>> time_step = 1 >>> excess_statistics = ExcessStatistics(signal, thresholds, time_step) >>> excess_statistics.hist(2) (array([[0., 2.], [0., 2.], [0., 0.]]), array([[0.75, 1.25], [0.75, 1.25], [0. , 0. ]])) """ if not isinstance(bins, numbers.Integral): raise TypeError("bins must be an integer") hist = np.zeros((len(self.events_per_threshold), bins)) bin_centers = np.zeros((len(self.events_per_threshold), bins)) for i, threshold in enumerate(self.events_per_threshold.keys()): if len(self.events_per_threshold[threshold]) >= 1: hist[i, :], bin_edges = np.histogram( self.events_per_threshold[threshold], bins=bins, density=True ) bin_centers[i, :] = (bin_edges[1:] + bin_edges[:-1]) / 2 return hist, bin_centers
@property def total_time_above_threshold(self): """ Total time above threshold(s). Returns ------- total_time_above_threshold: 1D |array_like| Total time above threshold for each value in ``thresholds``. """ return self._total_time_above_threshold @property def number_of_crossings(self): """ Total number of upwards crossings for threshold(s). Returns ------- number_of_crossings: 1D |array_like| Total number of upwards crossings for each value in ``thresholds``. """ return self._number_of_crossings @property def average_times(self): """ Average time above threshold(s). Returns ------- average_times: 1D |array_like| Average time above each value in ``thresholds``. """ return self._average_times @property def rms_times(self): """ Root-mean-square values of time above threshold(s). Returns ------- rms_times: 1D |array_like| Root-mean-square values of time above each value in ``thresholds``. """ return self._rms_times