Source code for plasmapy.diagnostics.charged_particle_radiography.synthetic_radiography

Routines for the analysis of proton radiographs. These routines can be broadly
classified as either creating synthetic radiographs from prescribed fields or
methods of 'inverting' experimentally created radiographs to reconstruct the
original fields (under some set of assumptions).

__all__ = ["Tracker", "synthetic_radiograph"]

import collections
import sys
import warnings
from import Iterable

import astropy.constants as const
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm

from plasmapy import particles
from plasmapy.formulary.mathematics import rot_a_to_b
from plasmapy.particles import Particle
from plasmapy.plasma.grids import AbstractGrid
from plasmapy.simulation.particle_integrators import boris_push

def _coerce_to_cartesian_si(pos):
    Takes a tuple of `astropy.unit.Quantity` values representing a position
    in space in either Cartesian, cylindrical, or spherical coordinates, and
    returns a numpy array representing the same point in Cartesian
    coordinates and units of meters.
    # Auto-detect geometry based on units
    geo_units = [x.unit for x in pos]
    if geo_units[2].is_equivalent(u.rad):
        geometry = "spherical"
    elif geo_units[1].is_equivalent(u.rad):
        geometry = "cylindrical"
        geometry = "cartesian"

    # Convert geometrical inputs between coordinates systems
    pos_out = np.zeros(3)
    if geometry == "cartesian":
        x, y, z = pos
        pos_out[0] =
        pos_out[1] =
        pos_out[2] =

    elif geometry == "cylindrical":
        r, t, z = pos
        r =
        t =
        z =
        pos_out[0] = (r * np.cos(t)).to(u.m).value
        pos_out[1] = (r * np.sin(t)).to(u.m).value
        pos_out[2] =

    elif geometry == "spherical":
        r, t, p = pos
        r =
        t =
        p =

        pos_out[0] = (r * np.sin(t) * np.cos(p)).to(u.m).value
        pos_out[1] = (r * np.sin(t) * np.sin(p)).to(u.m).value
        pos_out[2] = (r * np.cos(t)).to(u.m).value

    return pos_out

[docs] class Tracker: r""" Represents a charged particle radiography experiment with simulated or calculated E and B fields given at positions defined by a grid of spatial coordinates. The particle source and detector plane are defined by vectors from the origin of the grid. Parameters ---------- grids : `~plasmapy.plasma.grids.AbstractGrid` or subclass thereof, or list of same. A Grid object or list of grid objects containing the required quantities [E_x, E_y, E_z, B_x, B_y, B_z]. If any of these quantities are missing, a warning will be given and that quantity will be assumed to be zero everywhere. source : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, shape (3) A vector pointing from the origin of the grid to the location of the particle source. This vector will be interpreted as being in either cartesian, cylindrical, or spherical coordinates based on its units. Valid geometries are: * Cartesian (x,y,z) : (meters, meters, meters) * Cylindrical (r, theta, z) : (meters, radians, meters) * Spherical (r, theta, phi) : (meters, radians, radians) In spherical coordinates theta is the polar angle. detector : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, shape (3) A vector pointing from the origin of the grid to the center of the detector plane. The vector from the source point to this point defines the normal vector of the detector plane. This vector can also be specified in cartesian, cylindrical, or spherical coordinates (see the ``source`` keyword). detector_hdir : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (3), optional A unit vector (in Cartesian coordinates) defining the horizontal direction on the detector plane. By default, the horizontal axis in the detector plane is defined to be perpendicular to both the source-to-detector vector and the z-axis (unless the source-to-detector axis is parallel to the z axis, in which case the horizontal axis is the x-axis). The detector vertical axis is then defined to be orthogonal to both the source-to-detector vector and the detector horizontal axis. verbose : bool, optional If true, updates on the status of the program will be printed into the standard output while running. """ def __init__( self, grids: AbstractGrid | Iterable[AbstractGrid], source: u.Quantity[u.m], detector: u.Quantity[u.m], detector_hdir=None, verbose: bool = True, ) -> None: # self.grid is the grid object if isinstance(grids, AbstractGrid): self.grids = [ grids, ] elif isinstance(grids, self.grids = grids else: raise TypeError("Type of argument `grids` not recognized.") # self.grid_arr is the grid positions in si units. This is created here # so that it isn't continuously called later self.grids_arr = [ for grid in self.grids] self.verbose = verbose # A list of wire meshes added to the grid with add_wire_mesh # Particles that would hit these meshes will be removed at runtime # by _apply_wire_mesh self.mesh_list = [] # This flag records whether the simulation has been run self._has_run = False # ************************************************************************ # Setup the source and detector geometries # ************************************************************************ self.source = _coerce_to_cartesian_si(source) self.detector = _coerce_to_cartesian_si(detector) self._log(f"Source: {self.source} m") self._log(f"Detector: {self.detector} m") # Calculate normal vectors (facing towards the grid origin) for both # the source and detector planes self.src_n = -self.source / np.linalg.norm(self.source) self.det_n = -self.detector / np.linalg.norm(self.detector) # Vector directly from source to detector self.src_det = self.detector - self.source # Magnification self.mag = 1 + (np.linalg.norm(self.detector) / np.linalg.norm(self.source)) self._log(f"Magnification: {self.mag}") # Check that source-detector vector actually passes through the grid test = [ grid.vector_intersects(self.source * u.m, self.detector * u.m) for grid in self.grids ] if not any(test): raise ValueError( "The vector between the source and the detector " "does not intersect the grid provided!" ) # Determine the angle above which particles will not hit the grid # these particles can be ignored until the end of the simulation, # then immediately advanced to the detector grid with their original # velocities self.max_theta_hit_grid = self._max_theta_hit_grid() # ********************************************************************* # Define the detector plane # ********************************************************************* # Load or calculate the detector hdir if detector_hdir is not None: self.det_hdir = detector_hdir / np.linalg.norm(detector_hdir) else: self.det_hdir = self._default_detector_hdir() # Calculate the detector vdir ny = np.cross(self.det_hdir, self.det_n) self.det_vdir = -ny / np.linalg.norm(ny) # ********************************************************************* # Validate the E and B fields # ********************************************************************* req_quantities = ["E_x", "E_y", "E_z", "B_x", "B_y", "B_z"] for grid in self.grids: grid.require_quantities(req_quantities, replace_with_zeros=True) for rq in req_quantities: # Check that there are no infinite values if not np.isfinite(grid[rq].value).all(): raise ValueError( f"Input arrays must be finite: {rq} contains " "either NaN or infinite values." ) # Check that the max values on the edges of the arrays are # small relative to the maximum values on that grid # # Array must be dimensionless to re-assemble it into an array # of max values like this arr = np.abs(grid[rq]).value edge_max = np.max( np.array( [ np.max(a) for a in ( arr[0, :, :], arr[-1, :, :], arr[:, 0, :], arr[:, -1, :], arr[:, :, 0], arr[:, :, -1], ) ] ) ) if edge_max > 1e-3 * np.max(arr): unit = grid.recognized_quantities[rq].unit warnings.warn( "Fields should go to zero at edges of grid to avoid " f"non-physical effects, but a value of {edge_max:.2E} {unit} was " f"found on the edge of the {rq} array. Consider applying a " "envelope function to force the fields at the edge to go to " "zero.", RuntimeWarning, ) @property def num_grids(self): # noqa: D102 return len(self.grids) def _default_detector_hdir(self): """ Calculates the default horizontal unit vector for the detector plane (see __init__ description for details). """ # Create unit vectors that define the detector plane # Define plane horizontal axis if np.allclose(np.abs(self.det_n), np.array([0, 0, 1])): nx = np.array([1, 0, 0]) else: nx = np.cross(np.array([0, 0, 1]), self.det_n) return nx / np.linalg.norm(nx) def _max_theta_hit_grid(self): r""" Using the grid and the source position, compute the maximum particle theta that will impact the grid. This value can be used to determine which particles are worth tracking. """ theta = np.zeros([8, self.num_grids]) for i, _grid in enumerate(self.grids): # noqa: B007 ind = 0 for x in (0, -1): for y in (0, -1): for z in (0, -1): # Source to grid corner vector vec = self.grids_arr[i][x, y, z, :] - self.source # Calculate angle between vec and the source-to-detector # axis, which is the central axis of the particle beam theta[ind, i] = np.arccos(, self.src_det) / np.linalg.norm(vec) / np.linalg.norm(self.src_det) ) ind += 1 return np.max(theta) def _log(self, msg) -> None: if self.verbose: # We'll need to switch from print() to using logging library print(msg) # noqa: T201 # Define some constants so they don't get constantly re-evaluated _c = # ************************************************************************* # Create mesh # *************************************************************************
[docs] def add_wire_mesh( self, location, extent, nwires, wire_diameter, mesh_hdir=None, mesh_vdir=None ): """ Add a wire mesh grid between the particle source and the object grid that blocks particles whose paths intersect the wires. Parameters ---------- location : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, shape (3) A vector pointing from the origin of the grid to the center of the mesh grid. This location must be between the source and the object grid. This vector will be interpreted as being in either cartesian, cylindrical, or spherical coordinates based on its units. Valid geometries are: * Cartesian (x,y,z) : (meters, meters, meters) * Cylindrical (r, theta, z) : (meters, radians, meters) * Spherical (r, theta, phi) : (meters, radians, radians) In spherical coordinates theta is the polar angle. extent : Tuple of 1 or 2 `~astropy.units.Quantity` The size of the mesh grid (in the mesh plane). If one value is provided, the mesh is circular and the value provided is interpreted as the diameter. If two values are provided, the mesh is rectangular and the values are interpreted as the width and height respectively. nwires : Tuple of 1 or 2 ints, or a single int The number of wires in the horizontal and vertical directions. If only one value is provided, the number in the two directions is assumed to be equal. Note that a wire will cross the center of the mesh only when nwires is odd. wire_diameter : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The diameter of the wires. mesh_hdir : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (3), optional A unit vector (in Cartesian coordinates) defining the horizontal direction on the mesh plane. Modifying this vector can rotate the mesh in the plane or tilt the mesh plane relative to the source-detector axis. By default, ``mesh_hdir`` is set equal to ``detector_hdir`` (see ``detector_hdir`` keyword in ``__init__``). mesh_vdir : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (3), optional A unit vector (in Cartesian coordinates) defining the vertical direction on the mesh plane. Modifying this vector can tilt the mesh relative to the source-detector axis. By default, ``mesh_vdir`` is defined to be perpendicular to ``mesh_hdir`` and the detector plane normal (such that the mesh is parallel to the detector plane). Raises ------ ValueError Raises a ValueError if the provided mesh location is not between the source and the object grid. """ # Raise an error if the run method has already been called. self._enforce_order() location = _coerce_to_cartesian_si(location) wire_radius = / 2 if not isinstance(extent, tuple): extent = (extent,) if len(extent) == 1: radius = 0.5 * extent[0].si.value width = extent[0].si.value height = extent[0].si.value elif len(extent) == 2: radius = None width = extent[0].si.value height = extent[1].si.value else: raise ValueError( "extent must be a tuple of 1 or 2 elements, but " f"{len(extent)} elements were provided." ) if not isinstance(nwires, tuple): nwires = (nwires,) if len(nwires) != 2: nwires = (nwires[0], nwires[0]) # If no hdir/vdir is specified, calculate a default value # If one is specified, make sure it is normalized if mesh_hdir is None: # Re-calculate the default here, in case the user # specified a different det_hdir mesh_hdir = self._default_detector_hdir() else: mesh_hdir = mesh_hdir / np.linalg.norm(mesh_hdir) if mesh_vdir is None: mesh_vdir = np.cross(mesh_hdir, self.det_n) mesh_vdir = -mesh_vdir / np.linalg.norm(mesh_vdir) else: mesh_vdir = mesh_vdir / np.linalg.norm(mesh_vdir) # Raise exception if mesh is AFTER the field grid if np.linalg.norm(location - self.source) > np.linalg.norm(self.source): raise ValueError( f"The specified mesh location, {location}," "is not between the source and the origin." ) mesh_entry = { "location": location, "wire_radius": wire_radius, "radius": radius, "width": width, "height": height, "nwires": nwires, "mesh_hdir": mesh_hdir, "mesh_vdir": mesh_vdir, } self.mesh_list.append(mesh_entry)
def _apply_wire_mesh( self, location=None, wire_radius=None, radius=None, width=None, height=None, nwires=None, mesh_hdir=None, mesh_vdir=None, ): """ Apply wire meshes that were added to ``self.mesh_list``. """ x = self._coast_to_plane(location, mesh_hdir, mesh_vdir) # Particle positions in 2D on the mesh plane xloc = - location, mesh_hdir) yloc = - location, mesh_vdir) # Create an array in which True indicates that a particle has hit # a wire and False indicates that it has not hit = np.zeros(self.nparticles, dtype=bool) # Mark particles that overlap vertical or horizontal position with # a wire h_centers = np.linspace(-width / 2, width / 2, num=nwires[0]) for c in h_centers: hit |= np.isclose(xloc, c, atol=wire_radius) v_centers = np.linspace(-height / 2, height / 2, num=nwires[1]) for c in v_centers: hit |= np.isclose(yloc, c, atol=wire_radius) # Put back any particles that are outside the mesh boundaries # First handle the case where the mesh is rectangular if radius is None: # Replace particles outside the x-boundary hit[ np.logical_or( xloc > np.max(h_centers) + wire_radius, xloc < np.min(h_centers) - wire_radius, ) ] = False # Replace particles outside the y-boundary hit[ np.logical_or( yloc > np.max(v_centers) + wire_radius, yloc < np.min(v_centers) - wire_radius, ) ] = False # Handle the case where the mesh is circular else: loc_rad = np.sqrt(xloc**2 + yloc**2) hit[loc_rad > radius] = False # In the case of a circular mesh, also create a round wire along # the outside edge hit[np.isclose(loc_rad, radius, atol=wire_radius)] = True # Identify the particles that have hit something, then remove them from # all of the arrays keep_these_particles = ~hit number_kept_particles = keep_these_particles.sum() nremoved = self.nparticles - number_kept_particles if self.nparticles - nremoved <= 0: raise ValueError( "The specified mesh is blocking all of the particles. " f"The wire diameter ({2*wire_radius}) may be too large." ) self.x = self.x[keep_these_particles, :] self.v = self.v[keep_these_particles, :] self.theta = self.theta[ keep_these_particles ] # Important to apply here to get correct grid_ind self.nparticles = number_kept_particles # ************************************************************************* # Particle creation methods # ************************************************************************* def _angles_monte_carlo(self, random_seed=None): """ Generates angles for each particle randomly such that the flux per solid angle is uniform. """ # Create a probability vector for the theta distribution # Theta must follow a sine distribution in order for the particle # flux per solid angle to be uniform. arg = np.linspace(0, self.max_theta, num=int(1e5)) prob = np.sin(arg) prob *= 1 / np.sum(prob) # Create a numpy random number generator instance rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=random_seed) # Randomly choose theta's weighted with the sine probabilities theta = rng.choice(arg, size=self.nparticles, replace=True, p=prob) # Also generate a uniform phi distribution phi = rng.uniform(high=2 * np.pi, size=self.nparticles) return theta, phi def _angles_uniform(self): """ Generates angles for each particle such that their velocities are uniformly distributed on a grid in theta and phi. This method requires that `nparticles` be a perfect square. If it is not, `nparticles` will be set as the largest perfect square smaller than the provided `nparticles`. """ # Calculate the approximate square root n_per = np.floor(np.sqrt(self.nparticles)).astype(np.int32) # Set new nparticles to be a perfect square self.nparticles = n_per**2 # Create an imaginary grid positioned 1 unit from the source # and spanning max_theta at the corners extent = np.sin(self.max_theta) / np.sqrt(2) arr = np.linspace(-extent, extent, num=n_per) harr, varr = np.meshgrid(arr, arr, indexing="ij") # calculate the angles from the source for each point in # the grid. theta = np.arctan(np.sqrt(harr**2 + varr**2)) phi = np.arctan2(varr, harr) return theta.flatten(), phi.flatten()
[docs] @particles.particle_input def create_particles( self, nparticles, particle_energy, max_theta=None, particle: Particle = Particle("p+"), # noqa: B008 distribution="monte-carlo", random_seed=None, ) -> None: r""" Generates the angular distributions about the Z-axis, then rotates those distributions to align with the source-to-detector axis. By default, particles are generated over almost the entire pi/2. However, if the detector is far from the source, many of these particles will never be observed. The max_theta keyword allows these extraneous particles to be neglected to focus computational resources on the particles who will actually hit the detector. Parameters ---------- nparticles : integer The number of particles to include in the simulation. The default is 1e5. particle_energy : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The energy of the particle, in units convertible to eV. All particles are given the same energy. max_theta : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional The largest velocity vector angle (measured from the source-to-detector axis) for which particles should be generated. Decreasing this angle can eliminate particles that would never reach the detector region of interest. If no value is given, a guess will be made based on the size of the grid. Units must be convertible to radians. particle : ~plasmapy.particles.particle_class.Particle or string representation of same, optional Representation of the particle species as either a |Particle| object or a string representation. The default particle is protons. distribution: str A keyword which determines how particles will be distributed in velocity space. Options are: - 'monte-carlo': velocities will be chosen randomly, such that the flux per solid angle is uniform. - 'uniform': velocities will be distributed such that, left unperturbed,they will form a uniform pattern on the detection plane. This method requires that ``nparticles`` be a perfect square. If it is not, ``nparticles`` will be set as the largest perfect square smaller than the provided ``nparticles``. Simulations run in the ``'uniform'`` mode will imprint a grid pattern on the image, but will well-sample the field grid with a smaller number of particles. The default is ``'monte-carlo'``. random_seed : int, optional A random seed to be used when generating random particle distributions, e.g. with the ``monte-carlo`` distribution. """ self._log("Creating Particles") # Raise an error if the run method has already been called. self._enforce_order() # Load inputs self.nparticles = int(nparticles) self.particle_energy = self.q = self.m = # If max_theta is not specified, make a guess based on the grid size if max_theta is None: self.max_theta = np.clip( 1.5 * self.max_theta_hit_grid, 0.01, 0.99 * np.pi / 2 ) else: self.max_theta = # Calculate the velocity corresponding to the particle energy ER = self.particle_energy * 1.6e-19 / (self.m * self._c**2) v0 = self._c * np.sqrt(1 - 1 / (ER + 1) ** 2) if distribution == "monte-carlo": theta, phi = self._angles_monte_carlo(random_seed=random_seed) elif distribution == "uniform": theta, phi = self._angles_uniform() # Temporarily save theta to later determine which particles # should be tracked self.theta = theta # Construct the velocity distribution around the z-axis self.v = np.zeros([self.nparticles, 3]) self.v[:, 0] = v0 * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi) self.v[:, 1] = v0 * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi) self.v[:, 2] = v0 * np.cos(theta) # Calculate the rotation matrix that rotates the z-axis # onto the source-detector axis a = np.array([0, 0, 1]) b = self.detector - self.source rot = rot_a_to_b(a, b) # Apply rotation matrix to calculated velocity distribution self.v = np.matmul(self.v, rot) # Place particles at the source self.x = np.tile(self.source, (self.nparticles, 1))
[docs] @particles.particle_input def load_particles( self, x, v, particle: Particle = Particle("p+"), # noqa: B008 ): r""" Load arrays of particle positions and velocities. Parameters ---------- x : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, shape (N,3) Positions for N particles v: `~astropy.units.Quantity`, shape (N,3) Velocities for N particles particle : |particle-like|, optional Representation of the particle species as either a |Particle| object or a string representation. The default particle is protons. distribution: str A keyword which determines how particles will be distributed in velocity space. Options are: - 'monte-carlo': velocities will be chosen randomly, such that the flux per solid angle is uniform. - 'uniform': velocities will be distributed such that, left unperturbed,they will form a uniform pattern on the detection plane. Simulations run in the ``'uniform'`` mode will imprint a grid pattern on the image, but will well-sample the field grid with a smaller number of particles. The default is ``'monte-carlo'``. """ # Raise an error if the run method has already been called. self._enforce_order() self.q = self.m = if x.shape[0] != v.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "Provided x and v arrays have inconsistent numbers " " of particles " f"({x.shape[0]} and {v.shape[0]} respectively)." ) else: self.nparticles = x.shape[0] self.x = self.v = / u.s).value self.theta = np.arccos( np.inner(self.v, self.src_n) / np.linalg.norm(self.v, axis=-1) ) n_wrong_way = np.sum(np.where(self.theta > np.pi / 2, 1, 0)) if n_wrong_way > 1: warnings.warn( f"{100*n_wrong_way/self.nparticles:.2f}% of particles " "initialized are heading away from the grid. Check the " " orientation of the provided velocity vectors.", RuntimeWarning, )
# ************************************************************************* # Run/push loop methods # ************************************************************************* def _adaptive_dt(self, Ex, Ey, Ez, Bx, By, Bz): # noqa: ARG002 r""" Calculate the appropriate dt for each grid based on a number of considerations including the local grid resolution (ds) and the gyroperiod of the particles in the current fields. """ # If dt was explicitly set, skip the rest of this function if self.dt.size == 1: return self.dt # candidate timesteps includes one per grid (based on the grid resolution) # plus additional candidates based on the field at each particle candidates = np.ones([self.nparticles_grid, self.num_grids + 1]) * np.inf # Compute the timestep indicated by the grid resolution ds = np.array([ for grid in self.grids]) gridstep = 0.5 * (ds / self.vmax) # Wherever a particle is on a grid, include that grid's gridstep # in the list of candidate timesteps for i, _grid in enumerate(self.grids): # noqa: B007 candidates[:, i] = np.where(self.on_grid[:, i] > 0, gridstep[i], np.inf) # If not, compute a number of possible timesteps # Compute the cyclotron gyroperiod Bmag = np.max(np.sqrt(Bx**2 + By**2 + Bz**2)).to(u.T).value # Compute the gyroperiod if Bmag == 0: gyroperiod = np.inf else: gyroperiod = 2 * np.pi * self.m / (self.q * np.max(Bmag)) candidates[:, self.num_grids] = gyroperiod / 12 # TODO: introduce a minimum timestep based on electric fields too! # Enforce limits on dt candidates = np.clip(candidates, self.dt[0], self.dt[1]) # dt is the min of all the candidates for each particle # a separate dt is returned for each particle dt = np.min(candidates, axis=-1) # dt should never actually be infinite, so replace any infinities # with the largest gridstep return np.where(dt == np.inf, np.max(gridstep), dt) def _coast_to_grid(self) -> None: r""" Coasts all particles to the timestep when the first particle should be entering the grid. Doing in this in one step (rather than pushing the particles through zero fields) saves computation time. """ # Distance from the source to the nearest point on any grid dist = min( np.min(np.linalg.norm(arr - self.source, axis=3)) for arr in self.grids_arr ) # Find speed of each particle towards the grid. vmax =, self.src_n) # Time for each particle to reach the grid t = dist / vmax # Coast the particles to the advanced position self.x = self.x + self.v * t[:, np.newaxis] def _coast_to_plane(self, center, hdir, vdir, x=None): """ Calculates the positions where the current trajectories of each particle impact a plane, described by the plane's center and horizontal and vertical unit vectors. Returns an [nparticles, 3] array of the particle positions in the plane By default this function does not alter self.x. The optional keyword x can be used to pass in an output array that will used to hold the positions in the plane. This can be used to directly update self.x as follows: self._coast_to_plane(self.detector, self.det_hdir, self.det_vdir, x = self.x) """ normal = np.cross(hdir, vdir) # Calculate the time required to evolve each particle into the # plane t = np.inner(center[np.newaxis, :] - self.x, normal) / np.inner(self.v, normal) # Calculate particle positions in the plane if x is None: # If no output array is provided, preallocate x = np.empty_like(self.x) x[...] = self.x + self.v * t[:, np.newaxis] # Check that all points are now in the plane # (Eq. of a plane is nhat*x + d = 0) plane_eq = - center, normal) assert np.allclose(plane_eq, 0, atol=1e-6) return x def _remove_deflected_particles(self) -> None: r""" Removes any particles that have been deflected away from the detector plane (eg. those that will never hit the grid). """ dist_remaining =, self.det_n) + np.linalg.norm(self.detector) v_towards_det =, -self.det_n) # If particles have not yet reached the detector plane and are moving # away from it, they will never reach the detector. # So, we can remove them from the arrays # Find the indices of all particles that we should keep: # i.e. those still moving towards the detector. ind = np.logical_not((v_towards_det < 0) & (dist_remaining > 0)).nonzero()[0] # Drop the other particles self.x = self.x[ind, :] self.v = self.v[ind, :] self.v_init = self.v_init[ind, :] self.nparticles_grid = self.x.shape[0] # Store the number of particles deflected self.fract_deflected = (self.nparticles - ind.size) / self.nparticles # Warn the user if a large number of particles are being deflected if self.fract_deflected > 0.05: warnings.warn( f"{100*self.fract_deflected:.1f}% particles have been " "deflected away from the detector plane. The fields " "provided may be too high to successfully radiograph " "with this particle energy.", RuntimeWarning, ) def _push(self) -> None: r""" Advance particles using an implementation of the time-centered Boris algorithm. """ # Get a list of positions (input for interpolator) pos = self.x[self.grid_ind, :] * u.m # Update the list of particles on and off the grid # shape [nparticles, ngrids] self.on_grid = np.array([grid.on_grid(pos) for grid in self.grids]).T # entered_grid is zero at the end if a particle has never # entered any grid self.entered_grid += np.sum(self.on_grid, axis=-1) Ex = np.zeros(self.nparticles_grid) * u.V / u.m Ey = np.zeros(self.nparticles_grid) * u.V / u.m Ez = np.zeros(self.nparticles_grid) * u.V / u.m Bx = np.zeros(self.nparticles_grid) * u.T By = np.zeros(self.nparticles_grid) * u.T Bz = np.zeros(self.nparticles_grid) * u.T for grid in self.grids: # Estimate the E and B fields for each particle # Note that this interpolation step is BY FAR the slowest part of the push # loop. Any speed improvements will have to come from here. if self.field_weighting == "volume averaged": _Ex, _Ey, _Ez, _Bx, _By, _Bz = grid.volume_averaged_interpolator( pos, "E_x", "E_y", "E_z", "B_x", "B_y", "B_z", persistent=True, ) elif self.field_weighting == "nearest neighbor": _Ex, _Ey, _Ez, _Bx, _By, _Bz = grid.nearest_neighbor_interpolator( pos, "E_x", "E_y", "E_z", "B_x", "B_y", "B_z", persistent=True, ) # Interpret any NaN values (points off the grid) as zero # Do this before adding to the totals, because 0 + nan = nan _Ex = np.nan_to_num(_Ex, nan=0.0 * u.V / u.m) _Ey = np.nan_to_num(_Ey, nan=0.0 * u.V / u.m) _Ez = np.nan_to_num(_Ez, nan=0.0 * u.V / u.m) _Bx = np.nan_to_num(_Bx, nan=0.0 * u.T) _By = np.nan_to_num(_By, nan=0.0 * u.T) _Bz = np.nan_to_num(_Bz, nan=0.0 * u.T) # Add the values interpolated for this grid to the totals Ex += _Ex Ey += _Ey Ez += _Ez Bx += _Bx By += _By Bz += _Bz # Create arrays of E and B as required by push algorithm E = np.array( [ / u.m).value, / u.m).value, / u.m).value] ) E = np.moveaxis(E, 0, -1) B = np.array([,,]) B = np.moveaxis(B, 0, -1) # Calculate the adaptive timestep from the fields currently experienced # by the particles # If user sets dt explicitly, that's handled in _adaptive_dt dt = self._adaptive_dt(Ex, Ey, Ez, Bx, By, Bz) # TODO: Test v/c and implement relativistic Boris push when required # vc = np.max(v)/_c # If dt is not a scalar, make sure it can be multiplied by an # [nparticles, 3] shape field array if dt.size > 1: dt = dt[:, np.newaxis] x = self.x[self.grid_ind, :] v = self.v[self.grid_ind, :] boris_push(x, v, B, E, self.q, self.m, dt) self.x[self.grid_ind, :] = x self.v[self.grid_ind, :] = v @property def on_any_grid(self): """ Binary array for each particle indicating whether it is currently on ANY grid. """ return np.sum(self.on_grid, axis=-1) > 0 def _stop_condition(self) -> bool: r""" The stop condition is that most of the particles have entered the grid and almost all have now left it. """ # Count the number of particles who have entered, which is the # number of non-zero entries in entered_grid self.num_entered = np.nonzero(self.entered_grid)[0].size # How many of the particles have entered the grid self.fract_entered = np.sum(self.num_entered) / self.nparticles_grid # Of the particles that have entered the grid, how many are currently # on the grid? # if/else avoids dividing by zero if np.sum(self.num_entered) > 0: # Normalize to the number that have entered a grid still_on = np.sum(self.on_any_grid) / np.sum(self.num_entered) else: still_on = 0.0 if self.fract_entered <= 0.1 or still_on >= 0.001: return False # Warn user if < 10% of the particles ended up on the grid if self.num_entered < 0.1 * self.nparticles: warnings.warn( f"Only {100*self.num_entered/self.nparticles:.2f}% of " "particles entered the field grid: consider " "decreasing the max_theta to increase this " "number.", RuntimeWarning, ) return True
[docs] def run( self, dt=None, field_weighting="volume averaged", ): r""" Runs a particle-tracing simulation. Timesteps are adaptively calculated based on the local grid resolution of the particles and the electric and magnetic fields they are experiencing. After all particles have left the grid, they are advanced to the detector plane where they can be used to construct a synthetic diagnostic image. Parameters ---------- dt : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional An explicitly set timestep in units convertible to seconds. Setting this optional keyword overrules the adaptive time step capability and forces the use of this timestep throughout. If a tuple of timesteps is provided, the adaptive timestep will be clamped between the first and second values. field_weighting : str String that selects the field weighting algorithm used to determine what fields are felt by the particles. Options are: * 'nearest neighbor': Particles are assigned the fields on the grid vertex closest to them. * 'volume averaged' : The fields experienced by a particle are a volume-average of the eight grid points surrounding them. The default is 'volume averaged'. Returns ------- None """ # Load and validate inputs field_weightings = ["volume averaged", "nearest neighbor"] if field_weighting in field_weightings: self.field_weighting = field_weighting else: raise ValueError( f"{field_weighting} is not a valid option for ", "field_weighting. Valid choices are", f"{field_weightings}", ) # By default, set dt as an infinite range (auto dt with no restrictions) self.dt = np.array([0.0, np.inf]) * u.s if dt is None else dt self.dt = (self.dt).to(u.s).value # Check to make sure particles have already been generated if not hasattr(self, "x"): raise ValueError( "Either the create_particles or load_particles method must be " "called before running the particle tracing algorithm." ) # If meshes have been added, apply them now for mesh in self.mesh_list: self._apply_wire_mesh(**mesh) # Store a copy of the initial velocity distribution in memory # This will be used later to calculate the maximum deflection self.v_init = np.copy(self.v) # Calculate the maximum velocity # Used for determining the grid crossing maximum timestep self.vmax = np.max(np.linalg.norm(self.v, axis=-1)) # Determine which particles should be tracked # This array holds the indices of all particles that WILL hit the grid # Only these particles will actually be pushed through the fields self.grid_ind = np.where(self.theta < self.max_theta_hit_grid)[0] self.nparticles_grid = len(self.grid_ind) self.fract_tracked = self.nparticles_grid / self.nparticles # Create flags for tracking when particles during the simulation # on_grid -> zero if the particle is off grid, 1 # shape [nparticles, ngrids] self.on_grid = np.zeros([self.nparticles_grid, self.num_grids]) # Entered grid -> non-zero if particle EVER entered a grid self.entered_grid = np.zeros([self.nparticles_grid]) # Generate a null distribution of points (the result in the absence of # any fields) for statistical comparison self.x0 = self._coast_to_plane(self.detector, self.det_hdir, self.det_vdir) # Advance the particles to the near the start of the grid self._coast_to_grid() # Initialize a "progress bar" (really more of a meter) # Setting sys.stdout lets this play nicely with regular print() pbar = tqdm( initial=0, total=self.nparticles_grid + 1, disable=not self.verbose, desc="Particles on grid", unit="particles", bar_format="{l_bar}{bar}{n:.1e}/{total:.1e} {unit}", file=sys.stdout, ) # Push the particles until the stop condition is satisfied # (no more particles on the simulation grid) while not self._stop_condition(): n_on_grid = np.sum(self.on_any_grid) pbar.n = n_on_grid pbar.last_print_n = n_on_grid pbar.update() self._push() pbar.close() # Remove particles that will never reach the detector self._remove_deflected_particles() # Advance the particles to the image plane self._coast_to_plane(self.detector, self.det_hdir, self.det_vdir, x=self.x) # Log a summary of the run self._log("Run completed") self._log(f"Fraction of particles tracked: {self.fract_tracked:.1%}") self._log( "Fraction of tracked particles that entered the grid: " f"{self.fract_entered*100:.1f}%" ) self._log( "Fraction of tracked particles deflected away from the " "detector plane: " f"{self.fract_deflected*100}%" ) # Simulation has not run, because creating new particles changes the simulation self._has_run = True
@property def results_dict(self): r""" A dictionary containing the results of the simulation. .. list-table:: Dictionary keys and descriptions. :width: 100% :widths: 1 1 4 :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Type - Description * - ``"source"`` - `~numpy.ndarray` - The source location vector, in meters. * - ``"detector"`` - `~numpy.ndarray` - The detector location vector, in meters. * - ``"mag"`` - `float` - The system magnification. * - ``"nparticles"`` - `int` - Number of particles in the simulation. * - ``"max_deflection"`` - `~numpy.ndarray` - The maximum deflection experienced by a particle in the simulation, in radians. * - ``"x"`` - `~numpy.ndarray`, [``nparticles``,] - The x-coordinate location where each particle hit the detector plane, in meters. * - ``"y"`` - `~numpy.ndarray`, [``nparticles``,] - The y-coordinate location where each particle hit the detector plane, in meters. * - ``"v"`` - `~numpy.ndarray`, [``nparticles``, 3] - The velocity of each particle when it hits the detector plane, in meters per second. The velocity is in a coordinate system relative to the detector plane. The components are [normal, horizontal, vertical] relative to the detector plane coordinates. * - ``"x0"`` - `~numpy.ndarray`, [``nparticles``,] - The x-coordinate location where each particle would have hit the detector plane if the grid fields were zero, in meters. Useful for calculating the source profile. * - ``"y0"`` - `~numpy.ndarray`, [``nparticles``,] - The y-coordinate location where each particle would have hit the detector plane if the grid fields were zero, in meters. Useful for calculating the source profile. * - ``"v0"`` - `~numpy.ndarray`, [``nparticles``, 3] - The velocity of each particle when it hit the detector plan if the grid fields were zero, in meters per second. The velocity is in a coordinate system relative to the detector plane. The components are [normal, horizontal, vertical] relative to the detector plane coordinates. """ if not self._has_run: raise RuntimeError( "The simulation must be run before a results " "dictionary can be created." ) # Determine locations of points in the detector plane using unit # vectors xloc = - self.detector, self.det_hdir) yloc = - self.detector, self.det_vdir) x0loc = - self.detector, self.det_hdir) y0loc = - self.detector, self.det_vdir) # Determine the velocity components of each particle in the # coordinate frame of the detector, eg. the components of v are # now [normal, det_hdir, det_vdir] v = np.zeros(self.v.shape) v[:, 0] =, self.det_n) v[:, 1] =, self.det_hdir) v[:, 2] =, self.det_vdir) v0 = np.zeros(self.v.shape) v0[:, 0] =, self.det_n) v0[:, 1] =, self.det_hdir) v0[:, 2] =, self.det_vdir) return { "source": self.source, "detector": self.detector, "mag": self.mag, "nparticles": self.nparticles, "max_deflection":, "x": xloc, "y": yloc, "v": v, "x0": x0loc, "y0": y0loc, "v0": v0, }
[docs] def save_results(self, path) -> None: """ Save the simulations results :attr:`results_dict` to a `numpy` ``.npz`` file format (see `numpy.lib.format`) using `numpy.savez`. Parameters ---------- path : `str` or `os.path` Either the filename (string) or an open file (file-like object) where the data will be saved. If file is a string or a Path, the ``.npz`` extension will be appended to the filename if it is not already there. Notes ----- Useful for saving the results from a simulation so they can be loaded at a later time and passed into `~plasmapy.diagnostics.charged_particle_radiography.synthetic_radiography.synthetic_radiograph`. """ np.savez(path, **self.results_dict)
@property def max_deflection(self): """ The maximum deflection experienced by one of the particles, determined by comparing their initial and final velocity vectors. This value can be used to determine the charged particle radiography regime using the dimensionless number defined by Kugland et al. 2012 Returns ------- max_deflection : float The maximum deflection in radians """ # Normalize the initial and final velocities v_norm = self.v / np.linalg.norm(self.v, axis=1, keepdims=True) v_init_norm = self.v_init / np.linalg.norm(self.v_init, axis=1, keepdims=True) # Compute the dot product proj = np.sum(v_norm * v_init_norm, axis=1) # In case of numerical errors, make sure the output is within the domain of # arccos proj = np.where(proj > 1, 1, proj) max_deflection = np.max(np.arccos(proj)) return max_deflection * u.rad def _enforce_order(self): r""" The `Tracker` methods could give strange results if setup methods are used again after the simulation has run. This method raises an error if the simulation has already been run. """ if self._has_run: raise RuntimeError( "Modifying the `Tracker` object after running the " "simulation is not supported. Create a new `Tracker` " "object for a new simulation." )
# ************************************************************************* # Synthetic diagnostic methods (creating output) # *************************************************************************
[docs] def synthetic_radiograph( # noqa: C901 obj, size=None, bins=None, ignore_grid: bool = False, optical_density: bool = False ): r""" Calculate a "synthetic radiograph" (particle count histogram in the image plane). .. |Tracker| replace:: `~plasmapy.diagnostics.charged_particle_radiography.synthetic_radiography.Tracker` .. |results_dict| replace:: `~plasmapy.diagnostics.charged_particle_radiography.synthetic_radiography.Tracker.results_dict` Parameters ---------- obj: `dict` or |Tracker| Either a |Tracker| object that has been run, or a dictionary equivalent to |results_dict|. size : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, shape ``(2, 2)``, optional The size of the detector array, specified as the minimum and maximum values included in both the horizontal and vertical directions in the detector plane coordinates. Shape is ``((hmin, hmax), (vmin, vmax))``. If not specified, the size will be set to include all particles on the detector. Units must be convertible to meters. bins : array of integers, shape ``(2)`` The number of bins in each direction in the format ``(hbins, vbins)``. The default is ``(200, 200)``. ignore_grid: `bool` If `True`, returns the intensity in the image plane in the absence of simulated fields. optical_density: `bool` If `True`, return the optical density rather than the intensity .. math:: OD = -log_{10}(Intensity/I_0) where :math:`Intensity` is the simulation intensity on the detector plane and :math:`I_0` is the intensity on the detector plane in the absence of simulated fields. Default is `False`. If the :math:`Intensity` histogram contains zeros, then the corresponding values in :math:`OD` will be `numpy.inf`. When plotting :math:`OD` the `~numpy.inf` values can be replaced using ``numpy.nan_to_num(OD, neginf=0, posinf=0)``. Returns ------- hax : `~astropy.units.Quantity` array shape ``(hbins,)`` The horizontal axis of the synthetic radiograph in meters. vax : `~astropy.units.Quantity` array shape ``(vbins, )`` The vertical axis of the synthetic radiograph in meters. intensity : `~numpy.ndarray`, shape ``(hbins, vbins)`` The number of particles counted in each bin of the histogram. """ # condition `obj` input if isinstance(obj, Tracker): # results_dict raises an error if the simulation has not been run. d = obj.results_dict elif isinstance(obj, dict): d = obj else: raise TypeError( f"Expected type dict or {Tracker} for argument `obj`, but " f"got type {type(obj)}." ) if bins is None: bins = [200, 200] # Note that, at the end of the simulation, all particles were moved # into the image plane. # If ignore_grid is True, use the predicted positions in the absence of # simulated fields if ignore_grid: xloc = d["x0"] yloc = d["y0"] else: xloc = d["x"] yloc = d["y"] if size is None: # If a detector size is not given, choose a size based on the # particle positions w = np.max([np.max(np.abs(xloc)), np.max(np.abs(yloc))]) size = np.array([[-w, w], [-w, w]]) * u.m elif not isinstance(size, u.Quantity): raise TypeError( "Argument `size` must be an astropy.units.Quantity object with " "units convertible to meters." ) elif not size.unit.is_equivalent(u.m): raise ValueError("Argument `size` must have units convertible to meters.") elif size.shape != (2, 2): raise ValueError( f"Argument `size` must have shape (2, 2), but got {size.shape}." ) # Generate the histogram intensity, h, v = np.histogram2d(xloc, yloc,, bins=bins) # h, v are the bin edges: compute the centers to produce arrays # of the right length (then trim off the extra point) h = ((h + np.roll(h, -1)) / 2)[:-1] v = ((v + np.roll(v, -1)) / 2)[:-1] # Throw a warning if < 50% of the particles are included on the # histogram percentage = np.sum(intensity) / d["nparticles"] if percentage < 0.5: warnings.warn( f"Only {percentage:.2%} of the particles are shown " "on this synthetic radiograph. Consider increasing " "the size to include more.", RuntimeWarning, ) if optical_density: # Generate the null radiograph x, y, I0 = synthetic_radiograph(obj, size=size, bins=bins, ignore_grid=True) # Calculate I0 as the mean of the non-zero values in the null # histogram. Zeros are just outside of the illuminate area. I0 = np.mean(I0[I0 != 0]) # Calculate the optical_density # ignore any errors resulting from zero values in intensity with np.errstate(divide="ignore"): intensity = -np.log10(intensity / I0) return h * u.m, v * u.m, intensity