Source code for plasmapy.plasma.sources.plasma3d

Defines the core Plasma class used by PlasmaPy to represent plasma properties.

__all__ = ["Plasma3D"]

import itertools

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from astropy.constants import mu0

from plasmapy.formulary.magnetostatics import MagnetoStatics
from plasmapy.plasma.plasma_base import GenericPlasma
from plasmapy.utils.decorators import validate_quantities

[docs] class Plasma3D(GenericPlasma): """ Core class for describing and calculating plasma parameters with spatial dimensions. Parameters ---------- domain_x : `~astropy.units.Quantity` 1D array of x-coordinates for the plasma domain. Must have units convertible to length. domain_y : `~astropy.units.Quantity` 1D array of y-coordinates for the plasma domain. Must have units convertible to length. domain_z : `~astropy.units.Quantity` 1D array of z-coordinates for the plasma domain. Must have units convertible to length. **kwargs: Any keyword accepted by `~plasmapy.plasma.plasma_base.GenericPlasma` """ @validate_quantities(domain_x=u.m, domain_y=u.m, domain_z=u.m) def __init__(self, domain_x, domain_y, domain_z, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) # Define domain sizes self._x = domain_x self._y = domain_y self._z = domain_z self._grid = np.array(np.meshgrid(self._x, self._y, self._z, indexing="ij")) self._domain_shape = (len(self._x), len(self._y), len(self._z)) # Initiate core plasma variables self._density = np.zeros(self.domain_shape) * / u.m**3 self._momentum = np.zeros((3, *self.domain_shape)) * / (u.m**2 * u.s) self._pressure = np.zeros(self.domain_shape) * u.Pa self._magnetic_field = np.zeros((3, *self.domain_shape)) * u.T self._electric_field = np.zeros((3, *self.domain_shape)) * u.V / u.m @property def x(self): """ (`~astropy.units.Quantity`) x-coordinates within the plasma domain. Equal to the ``domain_x`` input parameter. """ return self._x @property def y(self): """ (`~astropy.units.Quantity`) y-coordinates within the plasma domain. Equal to the ``domain_y`` input parameter. """ return self._y @property def z(self): """ (`~astropy.units.Quantity`) z-coordinates within the plasma domain. Equal to the ``domain_z`` input parameter. """ return self._z @property def grid(self): """ (`~astropy.units.Quantity`) (3, x, y, z) array containing the values of each coordinate at every point in the domain. """ return self._grid @property def domain_shape(self) -> tuple: """(`tuple`) Shape of the plasma domain.""" return self._domain_shape @property def density(self): """ (`~astropy.units.Quantity`) (x, y, z) array of mass density at every point in the domain. """ return self._density @property def momentum(self): """ (`~astropy.units.Quantity`) (3, x, y, z) array of the momentum vector at every point in the domain. """ return self._momentum @property def pressure(self): """ (`~astropy.units.Quantity`) (x, y, z) array of pressure at every point in the domain. """ return self._pressure @property def magnetic_field(self): """ (`~astropy.units.Quantity`) (3, x, y, z) array of the magnetic field vector at every point in the domain. """ return self._magnetic_field @property def electric_field(self): """ (`~astropy.units.Quantity`) (3, x, y, z) array of the magnetic field vector at every point in the domain. """ return self._electric_field @property def velocity(self): """ (`~astropy.units.Quantity`) (3, x, y, z) array of the fluid velocity vector at every point in the domain. """ return self.momentum / self.density @property def magnetic_field_strength(self): r""" Total field strength. .. math:: \sqrt{ \sum{ B^2 }} """ B = self.magnetic_field return np.sqrt(np.sum(B * B, axis=0)) @property def electric_field_strength(self): r""" Total field strength. .. math:: \sqrt{ \sum{ E^2 }} """ E = self.electric_field return np.sqrt(np.sum(E * E, axis=0)) @property def alfven_speed(self): """ (`~astropy.units.Quantity`) (x, y, z) array of the Alfvén speed at every point in the domain. """ B = self.magnetic_field rho = self.density return np.sqrt(np.sum(B * B, axis=0) / (mu0 * rho))
[docs] @classmethod def is_datasource_for(cls, **kwargs): return ( all(f"domain_{direction}" in kwargs for direction in "xyz") if len(kwargs) == 3 else False )
[docs] def add_magnetostatic(self, *mstats: MagnetoStatics) -> None: # for each MagnetoStatic argument prod = itertools.product(*[list(range(n)) for n in self.domain_shape]) for mstat in mstats: # loop over 3D-index (ix,iy,iz) for point_index in prod: # get coordinate p = self.grid[(slice(None), *point_index)] # function as [:, *index] # calculate magnetic field at this point and add back self.magnetic_field[(slice(None), *point_index)] += ( mstat.magnetic_field(p) )