Source code for plasmapy_sphinx.automodsumm

This sub-package contains functionality that defines the :rst:dir:`automodsumm`
directive and the
`stub file generation
for items listed in :rst:dir:`automodsumm` tables.

*This functionality was highly influenced by and adapted from*
`sphinx.ext.autosummary` *and* `sphinx_automodapi.automodsumm`.

.. contents:: Content

Defined Directives

A directive (`ref
#rst-directives>`_) is a generic block of explicit markup.  Along with roles, it
is one of the extension mechanisms of reST and, thus, Sphinx.

| Directive                      | Description                                         |
| | :rst:dir:`automodsumm`       | A directive that generates and auto-populates       |
| | ``.. automodsumm:: modname`` | `~sphinx.ext.autosummary` tables for a given module |
|                                | ``modname`` (i.e. sub-package or ``.py`` file).     |

Defined Configuration Values

Configuration values are variables that can be defined in the ```` file
to control the default behavior Sphinx and Sphinx extension packages like

| Configuration Value                              | Description                       |
| :confval:`automodapi_custom_groups`              | Used to define custom groups to   |
|                                                  | be displayed by the               |
|                                                  | :rst:dir:`automodsumm` and        |
|                                                  | :rst:dir:`automodapi` directives  |
| :confval:`automodapi_generate_module_stub_files` | Used to control is stub files are |
|                                                  | by default generated to modules   |
|                                                  | (i.e. sub-packages and ``.py``    |
|                                                  | files).                           |

Connected Sphinx Events

`Sphinx events
occur at specific points in the Sphinx build that "pauses" the build process,
signals connected functionality to do additional processing, and then continues
with the processed results.

| Event                        | Connected                                     |
| :event:`builder-inited`      | |gendoc|                                      |
| :event:`autodoc-skip-member` | |skip_mem|                                    |

.. |gendoc| replace:: `~plasmapy_sphinx.automodsumm.generate.GenDocsFromAutomodsumm`
.. |skip_mem| replace::


from sphinx.application import Sphinx

from . import core, generate

[docs] def setup(app: Sphinx): """ Sphinx ``setup()`` function for setting up the :rst:dir:`automodsumm` functionality. """ rtn = core.setup(app) return rtn