Source code for plasmapy.diagnostics.langmuir

"""Defines the Langmuir analysis module as part of the diagnostics package."""

__all__ = [

import copy
import warnings

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from astropy.constants import si as const
from astropy.visualization import quantity_support
from scipy.integrate import trapezoid
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

from plasmapy.particles import Particle
from plasmapy.utils.decorators import validate_quantities

def _langmuir_futurewarning() -> None:
        "The plasmapy.diagnostics.langmuir module will be deprecated in favor of "
        "the plasmapy.analysis.swept_langmuir sub-package and phased out over "
        "2021.  The plasmapy.analysis package was released in v0.5.0.",

def _fit_func_lin(x, x0, y0, c0):
    r"""Linear fitting function."""

    return y0 + c0 * (x - x0)

def _fit_func_lin_inverse(x, x0, y0, T0):
    r"""Linear fitting function with inverse slope parameter for use in fitting
    of the electron current growth region.

    return y0 + (x - x0) / T0

def _fit_func_double_lin_inverse(x, x0, y0, T0, Delta_T):
    r"""Piecewise linear fitting function with inverse slope parameters and
    an offset for use in fitting a bi-Maxwellian electron current growth
    region. (x0, y0) denotes the location of the knee of the transition,
    with T0 and T0 + Delta_T being the cold and hot temperatures, respectively.

    def hot_T_func(x):
        return y0 + (x - x0) / (T0 + Delta_T)

    def cold_T_func(x):
        return y0 + (x - x0) / T0

    return np.piecewise(x, x < x0, [hot_T_func, cold_T_func])

[docs] class Characteristic: r"""Class representing a single I-V probe characteristic for convenient experimental data access and computation. Supports units. Attributes ---------- bias : `astropy.units.Quantity`, `~numpy.ndarray` Array of applied probe biases in units convertible to V. current : `astropy.units.Quantity`, `~numpy.ndarray` Array of applied probe currents in units convertible to A. """ @validate_quantities(bias={"can_be_inf": False}, current={"can_be_inf": False}) def __init__(self, bias: u.Quantity[u.V], current: u.Quantity[u.A]) -> None: _langmuir_futurewarning() self.bias = bias self.current = current self.get_unique_bias(True) # noqa: FBT003 self._check_validity() def __getitem__(self, key): r"""Allow array indexing operations directly on the Characteristic object. """ return Characteristic(self.bias[key], self.current[key]) def __sub__(self, other): r"""Support current subtraction.""" b = copy.deepcopy(self) b.current -= other.current return b def __add__(self, other): r"""Support current addition.""" b = copy.deepcopy(self) b.current += other.current return b
[docs] def sort(self) -> None: r"""Sort the characteristic by ascending bias.""" _sort = self.bias.argsort() self.current = self.current[_sort] self.bias = self.bias[_sort]
[docs] def get_unique_bias(self, inplace: bool = False): r"""Remove any duplicate bias values through averaging.""" if len(self.bias) != len(self.current): raise ValueError( f"Unequal array lengths of bias " f"({len(self.bias)}) and current " f"({len(self.current)})." ) bias_unique = np.unique(self.bias) current_unique = [] for bias in bias_unique: current_unique = np.append( current_unique, np.mean(self.current[self.bias == bias].to(u.A).value) ) current_unique *= u.A if not inplace: return Characteristic(bias_unique, current_unique) self.bias = bias_unique self.current = current_unique return None
def _check_validity(self): r"""Check the unit and value validity of the characteristic.""" if len(self.bias.shape) != 1: raise ValueError("Non-1D array for voltage!") if len(self.current.shape) != 1: raise ValueError("Non-1D array for current!") if len(self.bias) != len(self.current): raise ValueError( f"Unequal array lengths of bias " f"({len(self.bias)}) and current " f"({len(self.current)})." ) if len(np.unique(self.bias)) != len(self.bias): raise ValueError("Bias array contains duplicate values.")
[docs] def get_padded_limit(self, padding, log: bool = False): r"""Return the limits of the current range for plotting, taking into account padding. Matplotlib lacks this functionality. Parameters ---------- padding : `float` The padding ratio as a float between 0.0 and 1.0. log : `bool`, optional If `True` the calculation will be performed on a logarithmic scale. Default is `False`. """ ymax = np.max(self.current).to(u.A).value if log: ymin = np.min(np.abs(self.current[self.current != 0])).to(u.A).value return [ ymin * 10 ** (-padding * np.log10(ymax / ymin)), ymax * 10 ** (padding * np.log10(ymax / ymin)), ] * u.A else: ymin = np.min(self.current).to(u.A).value return [ ymin - padding * (ymax - ymin), ymax + padding * (ymax - ymin), ] * u.A
[docs] def plot(self) -> None: r"""Plot the characteristic in matplotlib.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt with quantity_support(): plt.figure() plt.scatter(,, marker=".", color="k") plt.title("Probe characteristic")
[docs] @validate_quantities( probe_area={"can_be_negative": False, "can_be_inf": False, "can_be_nan": False} ) def swept_probe_analysis( # noqa: PLR0915 probe_characteristic, probe_area: u.Quantity[u.m**2], gas_argument, bimaxwellian: bool = False, visualize: bool = False, plot_electron_fit: bool = False, plot_EEDF: bool = False, ): r"""Attempt to perform a basic swept probe analysis based on the provided characteristic and probe data. Suitable for single cylindrical probes in low-pressure DC plasmas, since OML is applied. Parameters ---------- probe_characteristic : `~plasmapy.diagnostics.langmuir.Characteristic` The swept probe characteristic that is to be analyzed. probe_area : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The area of the probe exposed to plasma in units convertible to m\ :sup:`2`\ . gas_argument : argument to instantiate the |Particle| class. `str`, `int`, or `~plasmapy.particles.particle_class.Particle` A string representing a particle, element, isotope, or ion; an integer representing the atomic number of an element; or a |Particle| instance. visualize : `bool`, optional Can be used to plot the characteristic and the obtained parameters. Default is `False`. plot_electron_fit : `bool`, optional If `True`, the fit of the electron current in the exponential section is shown. Default is False. plot_EEDF : `bool`, optional If `True`, the EEDF is computed and shown. Default is `False`. Returns ------- Results are returned as Dictionary "T_e" : `astropy.units.Quantity` Best estimate of the electron temperature in units of eV. Contains two values if bimaxwellian is True. "n_e" : `astropy.units.Quantity` Estimate of the electron density in units of m\ :sup:`-3`\ . See the Notes on plasma densities. "n_i" : `astropy.units.Quantity` Estimate of the ion density in units of m\ :sup:`-3`\ . See the Notes on plasma densities. "n_i_OML" : `astropy.units.Quantity` OML-theory estimate of the ion density in units of m\ :sup:`-3`\ . See the Notes on plasma densities. "V_F" : `astropy.units.Quantity` Estimate of the floating potential in units of V. "V_P" : `astropy.units.Quantity` Estimate of the plasma potential in units of V. "I_es" : `astropy.units.Quantity` Estimate of the electron saturation current in units of A m\ :sup:`-2`\ . "I_is" : `astropy.units.Quantity` Estimate of the ion saturation current in units of A m\ :sup:`-2`\ . "hot_fraction" : float Estimate of the total hot (energetic) electron fraction. Notes ----- This function combines the separate probe analysis functions into a single analysis. Results are returned as a Dictionary. On plasma densities: in an ideal quasi-neutral plasma all densities should be equal. However, in practice this will not be the case. The electron density is the poorest estimate due to the hard to obtain knee in the electron current. The density provided by OML theory is likely the best estimate as it is not dependent on the obtained electron temperature, given that the conditions for OML theory hold. """ _langmuir_futurewarning() # Instantiate gas using the Particle class gas = Particle(argument=gas_argument) if not isinstance(probe_characteristic, Characteristic): raise TypeError( "For 'probe_characteristic' expected type " f"{Characteristic.__module__}.{Characteristic.__qualname__} " f"and got {type(probe_characteristic)}." ) # Obtain the plasma and floating potentials V_P = get_plasma_potential(probe_characteristic) V_F = get_floating_potential(probe_characteristic) # Obtain the electron and ion saturation currents I_es = get_electron_saturation_current(probe_characteristic) I_is = get_ion_saturation_current(probe_characteristic) # The OML method is used to obtain an ion density without knowing the # electron temperature. This can then be used to obtain the ion current # and subsequently a better electron current fit. n_i_OML, fit = get_ion_density_OML( probe_characteristic, probe_area, gas, return_fit=True ) ion_current = extrapolate_ion_current_OML(probe_characteristic, fit) # First electron temperature iteration exponential_section = extract_exponential_section( probe_characteristic, ion_current=ion_current ) T_e, hot_fraction = get_electron_temperature( exponential_section, bimaxwellian=bimaxwellian, return_hot_fraction=True ) # Second electron temperature iteration, using an electron temperature- # adjusted exponential section exponential_section = extract_exponential_section( probe_characteristic, T_e=T_e, ion_current=ion_current ) T_e, hot_fraction, fit = get_electron_temperature( exponential_section, bimaxwellian=bimaxwellian, visualize=plot_electron_fit, return_fit=True, return_hot_fraction=True, ) # Extrapolate the fit of the exponential section to obtain the full # electron current. This has no use in the analysis except for # visualization. electron_current = extrapolate_electron_current( probe_characteristic, fit, bimaxwellian=bimaxwellian ) # Using a good estimate of electron temperature, obtain the ion and # electron densities from the saturation currents. n_i = get_ion_density_LM( I_is, reduce_bimaxwellian_temperature(T_e, hot_fraction), probe_area, gas.mass ) n_e = get_electron_density_LM( I_es, reduce_bimaxwellian_temperature(T_e, hot_fraction), probe_area ) if visualize: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt with quantity_support(): fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1) ax1.plot( probe_characteristic.bias, probe_characteristic.current, marker=".", color="k", linestyle="", label="Probe current", ) ax1.set_title("Probe characteristic") ax2.set_ylim(probe_characteristic.get_padded_limit(0.1)) ax2.plot( probe_characteristic.bias, np.abs(probe_characteristic.current), marker=".", color="k", linestyle="", label="Probe current", ) ax2.set_title("Logarithmic") ax2.set_ylim(probe_characteristic.get_padded_limit(0.1, log=True)) ax1.axvline(x=V_P.value, color="gray", linestyle="--") ax1.axhline(y=I_es.value, color="grey", linestyle="--") ax1.axvline(x=V_F.value, color="k", linestyle="--") ax1.axhline(y=I_is.value, color="r", linestyle="--") ax1.plot(ion_current.bias, ion_current.current, c="y", label="Ion current") ax1.plot( electron_current.bias, electron_current.current, c="c", label="Electron current", ) tot_current = ion_current + electron_current ax1.plot(tot_current.bias, tot_current.current, c="g") ax2.axvline(x=V_P.value, color="gray", linestyle="--") ax2.axhline(y=I_es.value, color="grey", linestyle="--") ax2.axvline(x=V_F.value, color="k", linestyle="--") ax2.axhline(y=np.abs(I_is.value), color="r", linestyle="--") ax2.plot( ion_current.bias, np.abs(ion_current.current), label="Ion current", c="y", ) ax2.plot( electron_current.bias, np.abs(electron_current.current), label="Electron current", c="c", ) ax2.plot(tot_current.bias, np.abs(tot_current.current), c="g") ax2.set_yscale("log", nonpositive="clip") ax1.legend(loc="best") ax2.legend(loc="best") fig.tight_layout() # Obtain and show the EEDF. This is only useful if the characteristic data # has been preprocessed to be sufficiently smooth and noiseless. if plot_EEDF: get_EEDF(probe_characteristic, visualize=True) # Compile the results dictionary results = { "V_P": V_P, "V_F": V_F, "I_es": I_es, "I_is": I_is, "n_e": n_e, "n_i": n_i, "T_e": T_e, "n_i_OML": n_i_OML, } if bimaxwellian: results["hot_fraction"] = hot_fraction return results
[docs] def get_plasma_potential(probe_characteristic, return_arg: bool = False): r"""Implement the simplest but crudest method for obtaining an estimate of the plasma potential from the probe characteristic. Parameters ---------- probe_characteristic : `~plasmapy.diagnostics.langmuir.Characteristic` The probe characteristic that is being analyzed. return_arg : `bool`, optional Controls whether or not the argument of the plasma potential within the characteristic array should be returned instead of the value of the voltage. Default is False. Returns ------- V_P : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Estimate of the plasma potential in units convertible to V. Notes ----- The method used in the function takes the maximum gradient of the probe current as the 'knee' of the transition from exponential increase into the electron the saturation region. """ _langmuir_futurewarning() if not isinstance(probe_characteristic, Characteristic): raise TypeError( "For 'probe_characteristic' expected type " f"{Characteristic.__module__}.{Characteristic.__qualname__} " f"and got {type(probe_characteristic)}." ) # Sort the characteristic prior to differentiation probe_characteristic.sort() # Acquiring first derivative dIdV = np.gradient(,, ) arg_V_P = np.argmax(dIdV) if return_arg: return probe_characteristic.bias[arg_V_P], arg_V_P return probe_characteristic.bias[arg_V_P]
[docs] def get_floating_potential(probe_characteristic, return_arg: bool = False): r"""Implement the simplest but crudest method for obtaining an estimate of the floating potential from the probe characteristic. Parameters ---------- probe_characteristic : `~plasmapy.diagnostics.langmuir.Characteristic` The probe characteristic that is being analyzed. return_arg : `bool`, optional Controls whether or not the argument of the floating potential within the characteristic array should be returned instead of the value of the voltage. Default is False. Returns ------- V_F : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Estimate of the floating potential in units convertible to V. Notes ----- The method used in this function takes the probe current closest to zero Amperes as the floating potential. """ _langmuir_futurewarning() if not isinstance(probe_characteristic, Characteristic): raise TypeError( "For 'probe_characteristic' expected type " f"{Characteristic.__module__}.{Characteristic.__qualname__} " f"and got {type(probe_characteristic)}" ) arg_V_F = np.argmin(np.abs(probe_characteristic.current)) if return_arg: return probe_characteristic.bias[arg_V_F], arg_V_F return probe_characteristic.bias[arg_V_F]
[docs] def get_electron_saturation_current(probe_characteristic): r"""Obtain an estimate of the electron saturation current corresponding to the obtained plasma potential. Parameters ---------- probe_characteristic : `~plasmapy.diagnostics.langmuir.Characteristic` The probe characteristic that is being analyzed. Returns ------- I_es : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Estimate of the electron saturation current in units convertible to A. Notes ----- The function `~plasmapy.diagnostics.langmuir.get_plasma_potential` is used to obtain an estimate of the plasma potential. The corresponding electron saturation current is returned. """ _langmuir_futurewarning() if not isinstance(probe_characteristic, Characteristic): raise TypeError( "For 'probe_characteristic' expected type " f"{Characteristic.__module__}.{Characteristic.__qualname__} " f"and got {type(probe_characteristic)}." ) _, arg_V_P = get_plasma_potential(probe_characteristic, return_arg=True) return probe_characteristic.current[arg_V_P]
[docs] def get_ion_saturation_current(probe_characteristic): r"""Implement the simplest but crudest method for obtaining an estimate of the ion saturation current from the probe characteristic. Parameters ---------- probe_characteristic : `~plasmapy.diagnostics.langmuir.Characteristic` The probe characteristic that is being analyzed. Returns ------- I_is : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Estimate of the ion saturation current in units convertible to A. Notes ----- The method implemented in this function assumes the ion saturation current to be the smallest probe current in the characteristic. This assumes the bias range in the ion region is sufficiently negative for the ion current to saturate. """ _langmuir_futurewarning() if not isinstance(probe_characteristic, Characteristic): raise TypeError( "For 'probe_characteristic' expected type " f"{Characteristic.__module__}.{Characteristic.__qualname__} " f"and got {type(probe_characteristic)}." ) return np.min(probe_characteristic.current)
[docs] @validate_quantities( ion_saturation_current={ "can_be_negative": True, "can_be_inf": False, "can_be_nan": False, }, T_e={ "can_be_negative": False, "can_be_inf": False, "can_be_nan": False, "equivalencies": u.temperature_energy(), }, probe_area={"can_be_negative": False, "can_be_inf": False, "can_be_nan": False}, validations_on_return={"can_be_negative": False}, ) def get_ion_density_LM( ion_saturation_current: u.Quantity[u.A], T_e: u.Quantity[u.eV], probe_area: u.Quantity[u.m**2], gas, ) -> u.Quantity[u.m**-3]: r""" Implement the Langmuir-Mottley (LM) method of obtaining the ion density. Parameters ---------- ion_saturation_current : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The ion saturation current in units convertible to A. T_e : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The electron temperature in units convertible to eV. probe_area : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The area of the probe exposed to plasma in units convertible to m\ :sup:`2`\ . gas : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The (mean) mass of the background gas in atomic mass units. Returns ------- n_i : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Estimate of the ion density in units convertible to m\ :sup:`-3`\ . Notes ----- The method implemented in this function obtains the ion density from the ion saturation current density assuming that the ion current loss to the probe is equal to the Bohm loss. The acoustic Bohm velocity is obtained from the electron temperature and the ion mass. The ion saturation current is given by .. math:: I_{is} = 0.6 e A_p n_i \sqrt{\frac{T_e}{m_i}}. """ _langmuir_futurewarning() # Calculate the acoustic (Bohm) velocity c_s = np.sqrt(T_e / gas) return np.abs(ion_saturation_current) / (0.6 * const.e * probe_area * c_s)
[docs] @validate_quantities( electron_saturation_current={ "can_be_negative": True, "can_be_inf": False, "can_be_nan": False, }, T_e={ "can_be_negative": False, "can_be_inf": False, "can_be_nan": False, "equivalencies": u.temperature_energy(), }, probe_area={"can_be_negative": False, "can_be_inf": False, "can_be_nan": False}, validations_on_return={"can_be_negative": False}, ) def get_electron_density_LM( electron_saturation_current: u.Quantity[u.A], T_e: u.Quantity[u.eV], probe_area: u.Quantity[u.m**2], ) -> u.Quantity[u.m**-3]: r"""Implement the Langmuir-Mottley (LM) method of obtaining the electron density. Parameters ---------- electron_saturation_current : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The electron saturation current in units convertible to A. T_e : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The electron temperature in units convertible to eV. probe_area : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The area of the probe exposed to plasma in units convertible to m\ :sup:`2`\ . Returns ------- n_e : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Estimate of the electron density in units convertible to m\ :sup:`-3`\ . Notes ----- The method implemented in this function obtains the electron density from the electron saturation current density, assuming a low plasma density. The electron saturation current is given by .. math:: I_{es} = \frac{1}{4} e n_e A_p \sqrt{\frac{8 T_e}{Ï€ m_e}}. Please note that the electron saturation current density is a hard parameter to acquire and it is usually better to measure the ion density, which should be identical to the electron density in quasineutral plasmas. """ _langmuir_futurewarning() # Calculate the thermal electron velocity v_th = np.sqrt(8 * T_e / (np.pi * const.m_e)) return 4 * electron_saturation_current / (probe_area * const.e * v_th)
[docs] def extract_exponential_section(probe_characteristic, T_e=None, ion_current=None): r"""Extract the section of exponential electron current growth from the probe characteristic. Parameters ---------- probe_characteristic : `~plasmapy.diagnostics.langmuir.Characteristic` The probe characteristic that is being analyzed. T_e : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional If given, the electron temperature can improve the accuracy of the bounds of the exponential region. ion_current : `~plasmapy.diagnostics.langmuir.Characteristic`, optional If given, the ion current will be subtracted from the probe characteristic to yield a better estimate of the electron current in the exponential region. Returns ------- exponential_section : `~plasmapy.diagnostics.langmuir.Characteristic` The exponential electron current growth section. Notes ----- This function extracts the region of exponential electron growth from the probe characteristic under the assumption that this bias region is bounded by the floating and plasma potentials. Additionally, an improvement in accuracy can be made when the electron temperature is supplied. """ _langmuir_futurewarning() if not isinstance(probe_characteristic, Characteristic): raise TypeError( "For 'probe_characteristic' expected type " f"{Characteristic.__module__}.{Characteristic.__qualname__} " f"and got {type(probe_characteristic)}." ) V_F = get_floating_potential(probe_characteristic) V_P = get_plasma_potential(probe_characteristic) if T_e is not None: # If a bi-Maxwellian electron temperature is supplied grab the first # (cold) temperature if np.array(T_e).size > 1: T_e = np.min(T_e) _filter = (probe_characteristic.bias > V_F + 1.5 * T_e / const.e) & ( probe_characteristic.bias < V_P - 0.2 * T_e / const.e ) else: _filter = (probe_characteristic.bias > V_F) & (probe_characteristic.bias < V_P) exponential_section = probe_characteristic[_filter] if ion_current is not None: exponential_section = exponential_section - ion_current[_filter] return exponential_section
[docs] def extract_ion_section(probe_characteristic): r"""Extract the section dominated by ion collection from the probe characteristic. Parameters ---------- probe_characteristic : `~plasmapy.diagnostics.langmuir.Characteristic` The probe characteristic that is being analyzed. Returns ------- ion_section : `~plasmapy.diagnostics.langmuir.Characteristic` The exponential electron current growth section. Notes ----- This function extracts the region dominated by ion collection from the probe characteristic under the assumption that this bias region is only bounded by the floating potential on the right hand side. """ _langmuir_futurewarning() if not isinstance(probe_characteristic, Characteristic): raise TypeError( "For 'probe_characteristic' expected type " f"{Characteristic.__module__}.{Characteristic.__qualname__} " f"and got {type(probe_characteristic)}." ) V_F = get_floating_potential(probe_characteristic) return probe_characteristic[probe_characteristic.bias < V_F]
[docs] def get_electron_temperature( exponential_section, bimaxwellian: bool = False, visualize: bool = False, return_fit: bool = False, return_hot_fraction: bool = False, ): r"""Obtain the Maxwellian or bi-Maxwellian electron temperature using the exponential fit method. Parameters ---------- exponential_section : `~plasmapy.diagnostics.langmuir.Characteristic` The probe characteristic that is being analyzed. bimaxwellian : `bool`, optional If `True` the exponential section will be fit assuming bi-Maxwellian electron populations, as opposed to Maxwellian. Default is False. visualize : `bool`, optional If `True` a plot of the exponential fit is shown. Default is `False`. return_fit: `bool`, optional If `True` the parameters of the fit will be returned in addition to the electron temperature. Default is `False`. return_hot_fraction: float, optional If `True` the total fraction of hot electrons will be returned if the population is bi-Maxwellian. Default is `False`. Returns ------- T_e : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, (ndarray) The estimated electron temperature in eV. In case of a bi-Maxwellian plasma an array containing two Quantities is returned. Notes ----- In the electron growth region of the probe characteristic the electron current grows exponentially with bias voltage: .. math:: I_e = I_{es} \textrm{exp} \left( -\frac{e\left(V_P - V \right)}{T_e} \right). In log space the current in this region should be a straight line if the plasma electrons are fully Maxwellian, or exhibit a knee in a bi-Maxwellian case. The slope is inversely proportional to the temperature of the respective electron population: .. math:: \textrm{log} \left(I_e \right ) \propto \frac{1}{T_e}. """ _langmuir_futurewarning() if not isinstance(exponential_section, Characteristic): raise TypeError( "For 'probe_characteristic' expected type " f"{Characteristic.__module__}.{Characteristic.__qualname__} " f"and got {type(exponential_section)}." ) # Remove values in the section with a current equal to or smaller than # zero. exponential_section = exponential_section[ > 0 ] initial_guess = None # for fitting bounds = (-np.inf, np.inf) # Instantiate the correct fitting equation, initial values and bounds. if bimaxwellian: max_exp_bias = np.max(exponential_section.bias) min_exp_bias = np.min(exponential_section.bias) x0 = min_exp_bias + 2 / 3 * (max_exp_bias - min_exp_bias) initial_guess = [, 0.6, 2, 1] bounds = ([-np.inf, -np.inf, 0, 0], np.inf) fit_func = _fit_func_double_lin_inverse else: fit_func = _fit_func_lin_inverse # Perform the actual fit of the data fit, _ = curve_fit( fit_func,, np.log(, p0=initial_guess, bounds=bounds, ) hot_fraction = None # Obtain the plasma parameters from the fit if not bimaxwellian: T0 = fit[2] T_e = T0 * u.eV else: x0, y0 = fit[0], fit[1] T0, Delta_T = [fit[2], fit[3]] # In order to obtain the energetic electron fraction the fits of the # cold and hot populations are extrapolated to the plasma potential # (ie. the maximum bias of the exponential section). The logarithmic # difference between these currents equates to the density difference. k1 = _fit_func_lin_inverse( np.max(, *[x0, y0, T0] ) k2 = _fit_func_lin_inverse( np.max(, *[x0, y0, T0 + Delta_T] ) # Compute the total hot (energetic) fraction hot_fraction = 1 / (1 + np.exp(k1 - k2)) # If bi-Maxwellian, return main temperature first T_e = np.array([T0, T0 + Delta_T]) * u.eV if visualize: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt with quantity_support(): plt.figure() plt.scatter(, np.log(, color="k", marker=".", label="Exponential section", ) if bimaxwellian: plt.scatter(x0, y0, marker="o", c="g") plt.plot(, _fit_func_lin_inverse(, fit[0], fit[1], fit[2] + fit[3], ), c="g", linestyle="--", label="Bimaxwellian exponential section fit", ) plt.plot(, fit_func(, *fit), label="Exponential fit", c="g", ) plt.ylabel("Logarithmic current") plt.title("Exponential fit") plt.legend(loc="best") plt.tight_layout() k = [T_e] if return_hot_fraction: k.append(hot_fraction) if return_fit: k.append(fit) return k
[docs] def extrapolate_electron_current( probe_characteristic, fit, bimaxwellian: bool = False, visualize: bool = False ): r"""Extrapolate the electron current from the Maxwellian electron temperature obtained in the exponential growth region. Parameters ---------- probe_characteristic : `~plasmapy.diagnostics.langmuir.Characteristic` The probe characteristic that is being analyzed. fit : `numpy.ndarray` Polynomial fit coefficients returned by the electron temperature fit. bimaxwellian : `bool`, optional If `True` the electron current is extrapolated assuming bi-Maxwellian electron populations, as opposed to Maxwellian. Default is `False`. visualize : `bool`, optional If `True` a plot of the extracted electron current is shown. Default is `False`. Returns ------- electron_current : `~plasmapy.diagnostics.langmuir.Characteristic` The extrapolated electron current characteristic. Notes ----- Assuming the electron population is fully Maxwellian the pure electron current is extrapolated from the fit of the exponential region for the entire bias range. """ _langmuir_futurewarning() if not isinstance(probe_characteristic, Characteristic): raise TypeError( "For 'probe_characteristic' expected type " f"{Characteristic.__module__}.{Characteristic.__qualname__} " f"and got {type(probe_characteristic)}." ) fit_func = _fit_func_double_lin_inverse if bimaxwellian else _fit_func_lin_inverse electron_current = ( np.exp(fit_func(, *fit)) * u.A ) electron_current[electron_current > np.max(probe_characteristic.current)] = np.nan electron_characteristic = Characteristic( probe_characteristic.bias, electron_current ) if visualize: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt with quantity_support(): plt.figure() plt.scatter( probe_characteristic.bias,, marker=".", label="Probe characteristic", c="k", ) plt.plot( electron_characteristic.bias,, label="Estimated electron characteristic", ) plt.legend() return electron_characteristic
[docs] @validate_quantities( T_e={ "can_be_negative": False, "can_be_inf": False, "can_be_nan": False, "equivalencies": u.temperature_energy(), }, validations_on_return={"equivalencies": u.temperature_energy()}, ) def reduce_bimaxwellian_temperature( T_e: u.Quantity[u.eV], hot_fraction: float ) -> u.Quantity[u.eV]: r"""Reduce a bi-Maxwellian (dual) temperature to a single mean temperature for a given fraction. Parameters ---------- T_e : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, `numpy.ndarray` The bi-Maxwellian temperatures in eV. If a single temperature is provided, this is returned. hot_fraction : float Fraction of hot to total population. If this parameter is None the temperature is assumed to be singular Maxwellian. Returns ------- T_e : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The reduced (mean) temperature in units of eV. Notes ----- This function aids methods that take a single electron temperature in situations where the electron population is bi-Maxwellian. The reduced temperature is obtained as the weighted mean: .. math:: T_{e,red} = T_c \left( 1 - f_h \right) + T_h f_h """ _langmuir_futurewarning() # Return the electron temperature itself if it is not bi-Maxwellian # in the first place. if hot_fraction is None or np.array(T_e).size <= 1: return T_e return T_e[0] * (1 - hot_fraction) + T_e[1] * hot_fraction
[docs] @validate_quantities( probe_area={"can_be_negative": False, "can_be_inf": False, "can_be_nan": False} ) def get_ion_density_OML( probe_characteristic: Characteristic, probe_area: u.Quantity[u.m**2], gas, visualize: bool = False, return_fit: bool = False, ): r"""Implement the Orbital Motion Limit (OML) method of obtaining an estimate of the ion density. Parameters ---------- probe_characteristic : `~plasmapy.diagnostics.langmuir.Characteristic` The swept probe characteristic that is to be analyzed. probe_area : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The area of the probe exposed to plasma in units convertible to m\ :sup:`2`\ . gas : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The (mean) mass of the background gas in atomic mass units. visualize : `bool`, optional If `True` a plot of the OML fit is shown. Default is `False`. return_fit: `bool`, optional If `True` the parameters of the fit will be returned in addition to the ion density. Default is `False`. Returns ------- n_i_OML : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Estimated ion density in m\ :sup:`-3`\ . Notes ----- The method implemented in this function holds for cylindrical probes in a cold ion plasma, i.e. :math:T_i=0` eV. With OML theory an expression is found for the ion current as function of probe bias independent of the electron temperature [mott-smith.langmuir-1926]_: .. math:: I_i \xrightarrow[T_i = 0]{} A_p n_i e \frac{\sqrt{2}}{Ï€} \sqrt{\frac{e \left( V_F - V \right)}{m_i}} References ---------- .. [mott-smith.langmuir-1926] H. M. Mott-Smith, I. Langmuir, Phys. Rev. 28, 727-763 (Oct. 1926) """ _langmuir_futurewarning() if not isinstance(probe_characteristic, Characteristic): raise TypeError( "For 'probe_characteristic' expected type " f"{Characteristic.__module__}.{Characteristic.__qualname__} " f"and got {type(probe_characteristic)}." ) ion_section = extract_ion_section(probe_characteristic) fit = np.polyfit(, ** 2, 1 ) poly = np.poly1d(fit) slope = fit[0] ion = Particle(argument=gas) n_i_OML = np.sqrt( -slope * u.mA**2 / u.V * np.pi**2 * ion.mass / (probe_area**2 * const.e**3 * 2) ) if visualize: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt with quantity_support(): plt.figure() plt.scatter(, ** 2, color="k", marker=".", ) plt.plot(, poly(, c="g" ) plt.title("OML fit") plt.tight_layout() return (**-3), fit) if return_fit else**-3)
[docs] def extrapolate_ion_current_OML(probe_characteristic, fit, visualize: bool = False): r"""Extrapolate the ion current from the ion density obtained with the OML method. Parameters ---------- probe_characteristic : `~plasmapy.diagnostics.langmuir.Characteristic` The probe characteristic that is being analyzed. fit : `~numpy.ndarray` Fit coefficients returned by the OML method. visualize : `bool`, optional If `True` a plot of the extracted electron current is shown. Default is `False`. Returns ------- ion_section : `~plasmapy.diagnostics.langmuir.Characteristic` The exponential electron current growth section. Notes ----- The exponential section of the probe characteristic should be a straight line if the plasma electrons are fully Maxwellian. The slope is then inversely proportional to the electron temperature. """ _langmuir_futurewarning() if not isinstance(probe_characteristic, Characteristic): raise TypeError( "For 'probe_characteristic' expected type " f"{Characteristic.__module__}.{Characteristic.__qualname__} " f"and got {type(probe_characteristic)}." ) slope = fit[0] * u.mA**2 / u.V offset = fit[1] * u.mA**2 ion_current = -np.sqrt( np.clip(slope * probe_characteristic.bias + offset, 0.0, None) ) ion_characteristic = Characteristic(probe_characteristic.bias, ion_current) if visualize: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt with quantity_support(): plt.figure() plt.scatter( probe_characteristic.bias,, marker=".", c="k", ) plt.plot( probe_characteristic.bias,, c="y" ) return ion_characteristic
[docs] def get_EEDF(probe_characteristic, visualize: bool = False): r"""Implement the Druyvesteyn method of obtaining the normalized Electron Energy Distribution Function (EEDF). Parameters ---------- probe_characteristic : `~plasmapy.diagnostics.langmuir.Characteristic` The swept probe characteristic that is to be analyzed. visualize : `bool`, optional If `True` a plot of the extracted electron current is shown. Default is `False`. Returns ------- energy : `astropy.units.Quantity`, `~numpy.ndarray` Array of potentials in V. probability : float, `~numpy.ndarray` Array of floats corresponding to the potentials representing the EEDF in normalized probabilities. Notes ----- The Druyvesteyn method requires the second derivative of the probe I-V characteristic, which inherently amplifies noise and measurement errors. Therefore it is advisable to smooth the I-V prior to the use of this function. The Druyvesteyn analysis results in the following equation [druyvesteyn-1930]_: .. math:: N_e \left( ε \right) = \frac{2}{A_pe^2} \sqrt{\frac{2 m ε}{e}} \frac{\textrm{d}^2 I}{\textrm{d} V^2} References ---------- .. [druyvesteyn-1930] Druyvesteyn, M.J. Z. Physik (1930) 64: 781 """ _langmuir_futurewarning() if not isinstance(probe_characteristic, Characteristic): raise TypeError( "For 'probe_characteristic' expected type " f"{Characteristic.__module__}.{Characteristic.__qualname__} " f"and got {type(probe_characteristic)}." ) probe_characteristic.sort() V_F = get_floating_potential(probe_characteristic) V_P = get_plasma_potential(probe_characteristic) probe_bias = probe_characteristic.bias probe_current = probe_characteristic.current # Obtain the correct EEDF energy range from the probe characteristic. _filter = (probe_bias > V_F) & (probe_bias < V_P) energy = const.e * (V_P - probe_bias[_filter]) energy = # Obtain the second derivative of the I-V curve. dIdV = np.gradient(, dIdV2 = np.gradient(dIdV, # Division by the Druyvesteyn factor. Since the result will be normalized # all constant values are irrelevant. probability = dIdV2[_filter] * np.sqrt( # Integration of the EEDF for the purpose of normalization. integral = np.abs(trapezoid(probability, probability = probability / integral if visualize: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt with quantity_support(): plt.figure() plt.semilogy(energy, probability, c="k") plt.title("Electron Energy Distribution Function") plt.xlabel("Energy (eV)") plt.ylabel("Probability") plt.grid() return energy, probability