Source code for plasmapy_sphinx.directives.event

Functionality for declaring and cross-referencing
`Sphinx events
Sphinx events occur at specific points in the Sphinx build.  When an event
is reached a signal is emitted with `sphinx.application.Sphinx.emit` that causes
the build to "pause" and allow any connected functionality to do the desired
processing.  New functionality can be connected to an event with
`sphinx.application.Sphinx.connect` and new events can be created using

The code contained in this module was taken and adapted from the ```` file
of `Sphinx's documentation

.. rst:directive:: .. event:: name (signature)

    A directive used for documenting Sphinx events.  While this directive is not
    provided by Sphinx, it is usd by Sphinx and, thus, cross-linking is provided
    through the :confval:`intersphinx_mapping` configuration value with the
    `sphinx.ext.intersphinx` extension.

    The directive is used like...

    .. code-block:: rst

       .. event:: name (signature)

          Event documentation.

    | where ``name`` is the event name and ``signature`` represents what the
      connected function's signature should look like.

    .. rubric:: Example

    The following example illustrates how to document the ``dummy-event`` event.

    .. code-block:: rst

       .. event:: dummy-event (app, node)

          :param app: Instance of the Sphinx applications.
          :param node: The pending node to be resolved.

          This is just a dummy event for demonstration purposes.

    The code renders like...

    .. event:: dummy-event (app, node)

       :param app: Instance of the Sphinx applications.
       :param node: The pending node to be resolved.

       This is just a dummy event for demonstration purposes.

.. rst:role:: event

   This role is provided for easy cross-linking to an event's definition.  For
   example, doing ``:event:`dummy-event``` will cross-link to the
   ``dummy-event`` definition like :event:`dummy-event`.  Or, a link to
   Sphinx's ``builder-inited`` event goes like ``:event:`builder-inited``` ->

   *Linking to external packages is made possible when using*


import re

from sphinx import addnodes
from sphinx.application import Sphinx
from sphinx.util.docfields import GroupedField

[docs] def parse_event(env, sig, signode): """ Used to set up the ``event`` directive and role for documenting Sphinx events. Taken from the ```` file of `Sphinx's documentation < 8653ceca0021f6ac6ff0aac6c26e2a455c6d4b21/doc/>`_. Parameters ---------- env : sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment Instance of the Sphinx's build environment. sig : str The "signature" given the event directive or role. For example, .. code-block:: rst .. event:: foo(bar) :event:`foo` in the directive case ``foo(bar)`` would be the signature and in the role case ``foo`` would be the signature. signode : sphinx.addnodes.desc_signature A `docutils` Node for the object signatures. """ event_sig_re = re.compile(r"([a-zA-Z-_]+)\s*\((.*)\)") match = event_sig_re.match(sig) if not match: signode += addnodes.desc_name(sig, sig) return sig name, args = match.groups() signode += addnodes.desc_name(name, name) plist = addnodes.desc_parameterlist() for arg in args.split(","): arg = arg.strip() plist += addnodes.desc_parameter(arg, arg) signode += plist return name
[docs] def setup(app: Sphinx) -> None: """ A `sphinx` ``setup()`` function setting up the :rst:dir:`event` directive and :rst:role:`event` role. """ # this was taken from the sphinx file and creates the documenting # directive `.. event::` and role `:event:` for documenting sphinx events app.add_object_type( directivename="event", rolename="event", indextemplate="pair: %s; event", parse_node=parse_event, doc_field_types=[ GroupedField( "parameter", label="Parameters", names=("param",), can_collapse=True, ) ], )