Source code for plasmapy.analysis.fit_functions

``FitFunction`` classes designed to assist in curve fitting of swept Langmuir

__all__ = [

import numbers
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit, fsolve
from scipy.stats import linregress

from plasmapy.utils.decorators import modify_docstring

#: Named tuple for :meth:`AbstractFitFunction.root_solve`.
_RootResults = namedtuple("RootResults", ("root", "err"))

[docs] class AbstractFitFunction(ABC): """ Abstract class for defining fit functions :math:`f(x)` and the tools for fitting the function to a set of data. """ _param_names = NotImplemented # type: tuple[str, ...] def __init__( self, params: tuple[float, ...] | None = None, param_errors: tuple[float, ...] | None = None, ) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- params : tuple[float, ...], optional Tuple of values for the function parameters. Equal in size to :attr:`param_names`. param_errors : tuple[float, ...], optional Tuple of values for the errors associated with the function parameters. Equal in size to :attr:`param_names`. """ self._FitParamTuple = namedtuple("FitParamTuple", self._param_names) if params is None: self._params = None else: self.params = params if param_errors is None: self._param_errors = None else: self.param_errors = param_errors self._curve_fit_results = None self._rsq = None
[docs] def __call__(self, x, x_err=None, reterr: bool = False): # noqa: ANN204 """ Direct call of the fit function :math:`f(x)`. Parameters ---------- x : |array_like| Dependent variables. x_err : |array_like|, optional Errors associated with the independent variables ``x``. Must be of size one or equal to the size of ``x``. reterr : bool, optional (Default: `False`) If `True`, return an array of uncertainties associated with the calculated independent variables Returns ------- y : `numpy.ndarray` Corresponding dependent variables :math:`y=f(x)` of the independent variables ``x``. y_err : `numpy.ndarray` Uncertainties associated with the calculated dependent variables :math:`\\delta y` """ if reterr: y_err, y = self.func_err(x, x_err=x_err, rety=True) return y, y_err return self.func(x, *self.params)
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__str__()} {self.__class__}" @abstractmethod def __str__(self) -> str: ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def func(self, x, *args): """ The fit function. This signature of the function must first take the independent variable followed by the parameters to be fitted as separate arguments. Parameters ---------- x : |array_like| Independent variables to be passed to the fit function. *args : tuple[Union[float, int],...] The parameters that will be adjusted to make the fit. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray`: The calculated dependent variables of the independent variables ``x``. Notes ----- * When sub-classing the definition should look something like:: def func(self, x, a, b, c): x = self._check_x(x) self._check_params(a, b, c) return a * x**2 + b * x + c """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod @modify_docstring( prepend=""" Calculate dependent variable uncertainties :math:`\\delta y` for dependent variables :math:`y=f(x)`. """, append=""" * When sub-classing the definition should look something like:: @modify_docstring(append=AbstractFitFunction.func_err.__original_doc__) def func_err(self, x, x_err=None, rety=False): ''' A simple docstring giving the equation for error propagation, but excluding the parameter descriptions. The @modify_docstring decorator will append the docstring from the parent class. ''' x, x_err = self._check_func_err_params(x, x_err) a, b, c = self.params a_err, b_err, c_err = self.param_errors # calculate error if rety: y = self.func(x, a, b, c) return err, y return err """, ) def func_err(self, x, x_err=None, rety: bool = False): """ Parameters ---------- x : |array_like| Independent variables to be passed to the fit function. x_err : |array_like|, optional Errors associated with the independent variables ``x``. Must be of size one or equal to the size of ``x``. rety : bool Set to `True` to also return the associated dependent variables :math:`y = f(x)`. Returns ------- err : `numpy.ndarray` The calculated uncertainties :math:`\\delta y` of the dependent variables (:math:`y = f(x)`) of the independent variables ``x``. y : `numpy.ndarray`, optional (if ``rety == True``) The associated dependent variables :math:`y = f(x)`. Notes ----- * A good reference for formulating propagation of uncertainty expressions is: J. R. Taylor. *An Introduction to Error Analysis: The Study of Uncertainties in Physical Measurements.* University Science Books, second edition, August 1996 (ISBN: 093570275X) """ ...
@property def curve_fit_results(self): """ The results returned by the curve fitting routine used by :attr:`curve_fit`. This is typically from `scipy.stats.linregress` or `scipy.optimize.curve_fit`. """ return self._curve_fit_results @property def FitParamTuple(self): """ A `~collections.namedtuple` used for attributes :attr:`params` and :attr:`param_errors`. The attribute :attr:`param_names` defines the tuple field names. """ return self._FitParamTuple @property def params(self) -> tuple | None: """The fitted parameters for the fit function.""" if self._params is None: return self._params return self.FitParamTuple(*self._params) @params.setter def params(self, val) -> None: if isinstance(val, self.FitParamTuple) or ( isinstance(val, tuple | list) and len(val) == len(self.param_names) and all(isinstance(vv, numbers.Real) for vv in val) ): self._params = tuple(val) else: raise ValueError( f"Got {val} for 'val', expecting tuple of ints and " f"floats of length {len(self.param_names)}." ) @property def param_errors(self) -> tuple | None: """The associated errors of the fitted :attr:`params`.""" if self._param_errors is None: return self._param_errors return self.FitParamTuple(*self._param_errors) @param_errors.setter def param_errors(self, val) -> None: if isinstance(val, self.FitParamTuple) or ( isinstance(val, tuple | list) and len(val) == len(self.param_names) and all(isinstance(vv, numbers.Real) for vv in val) ): self._param_errors = tuple(val) else: raise ValueError( f"Got {val} for 'val', expecting tuple of ints and " f"floats of length {len(self.param_names)}." ) @property def param_names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]: """Names of the fitted parameters.""" return self._param_names @property @abstractmethod def latex_str(self) -> str: """LaTeX friendly representation of the fit function.""" ... def _check_func_err_params(self, x, x_err): """Check the ``x`` and ``x_err`` parameters for :meth:`func_err`.""" x = self._check_x(x) if x_err is not None: x_err = self._check_x(x_err) if x_err.shape == (): pass elif x_err.shape != x.shape: raise ValueError( f"x_err shape {x_err.shape} must be equal the shape of " f"x {x.shape}." ) return x, x_err @staticmethod def _check_params(*args) -> None: """ Check fitting parameters so that they are an expected type for the class functionality. """ for arg in args: if not isinstance(arg, numbers.Real): raise TypeError( f"Expected int or float for parameter argument, got " f"{type(arg)}." ) @staticmethod def _check_x(x): """ Check the independent variable ``x`` so that it is an expected type for the class functionality. """ if isinstance(x, numbers.Real): x = np.array(x) else: if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray): x = np.array(x) if not ( np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.integer) or np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.floating) ): raise TypeError( "Argument x needs to be an array_like object of integers " "or floats." ) x = x.squeeze() if x.shape == (): # force x to be a scalar x = x[()] return x
[docs] def root_solve(self, x0): """ Solve for the root of the fit function (i.e. :math:`f(x_r) = 0`). This method used `scipy.optimize.fsolve` to find the function roots. Parameters ---------- x0 : `~numpy.ndarray` The starting estimate for the roots of :math:`f(x_r) = 0`. Returns ------- x : `~numpy.ndarray` The solution (or the result of the last iteration for an unsuccessful call). x_err : `~numpy.ndarray` The uncertainty associated with the root calculation. **Currently this returns an array of** `numpy.nan` **values equal in shape to** ``x`` **, since there is no determined way to calculate the uncertainties.** Notes ----- If the full output of `scipy.optimize.fsolve` is desired then one can do: >>> func = Linear() >>> func.params = (1.0, 5.0) >>> func.param_errors = (0.0, 0.0) >>> roots = fsolve(func, -4.0, full_output=True) >>> roots (array([-5.]), {'nfev': 4, 'fjac': array([[-1.]]), 'r': array([-1.]), 'qtf': array([2.18...e-12]), 'fvec': 0.0}, 1, 'The solution converged.') """ results = fsolve(self.func, x0, args=self.params) root = np.squeeze(results[0]) err = np.tile(np.nan, root.shape) if root.shape == (): # force x to be a scalar root = root[()] err = np.nan return _RootResults(root, err)
@property def rsq(self): """ Coefficient of determination (r-squared) value of the fit. .. math:: r^2 &= 1 - \\frac{SS_{res}}{SS_{tot}} SS_{res} &= \\sum\\limits_{i} (y_i - f(x_i))^2 SS_{tot} &= \\sum\\limits_{i} (y_i - \\bar{y})^2 where :math:`(x_i, y_i)` are the sample data pairs, :math:`f(x_i)` is the fitted dependent variable corresponding to :math:`x_i`, and :math:`\\bar{y}` is the average of the :math:`y_i` values. The :math:`r^2` value is an indicator of how close the points :math:`(x_i, y_i)` lie to the model :math:`f(x)`. :math:`r^2` values range between 0 and 1. Values close to 0 indicate that the points are uncorrelated and have little tendency to lie close to the model, whereas, values close to 1 indicate a high correlation to the model. """ return self._rsq
[docs] def curve_fit(self, xdata, ydata, **kwargs) -> None: """ Use a non-linear least squares method to fit the fit function to (``xdata``, ``ydata``), using `scipy.optimize.curve_fit`. This will set the attributes :attr:`params`, :attr:`param_errors`, and :attr:`rsq`. The results of `scipy.optimize.curve_fit` can be obtained via :attr:`curve_fit_results`. Parameters ---------- xdata : |array_like| The independent variable where data is measured. Should be 1D of length M. ydata : |array_like| The dependent data associated with ``xdata``. **kwargs Any keywords accepted by `scipy.optimize.curve_fit`. Raises ------ ValueError If either ``ydata`` or ``xdata`` contain `numpy.nan`'s, or if incompatible options are used. RuntimeError If the least-squares minimization fails. ~scipy.optimize.OptimizeWarning If covariance of the parameters can not be estimated. """ popt, pcov = curve_fit(self.func, xdata, ydata, **kwargs) self._curve_fit_results = (popt, pcov) self.params = tuple(popt.tolist()) self.param_errors = tuple(np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov)).tolist()) # calc rsq # rsq = 1 - (ss_res / ss_tot) residuals = ydata - self.func(xdata, *self.params) ss_res = np.sum(residuals**2) ss_tot = np.sum((ydata - np.mean(ydata)) ** 2) self._rsq = 1 - (ss_res / ss_tot)
[docs] class Linear(AbstractFitFunction): """ A sub-class of `AbstractFitFunction` to represent a linear function. .. math:: y &= f(x) = m \\, x + b (\\delta y)^2 &= (x \\, \\delta m)^2 + (m \\, \\delta x)^2 + (\\delta b)^2 where :math:`m` and :math:`b` are real constants to be fitted and :math:`x` is the independent variable. :math:`\\delta m`, :math:`\\delta b`, and :math:`\\delta x` are the respective uncertainties for :math:`m`, :math:`b`, and :math:`x`. """ _param_names = ("m", "b") def __str__(self) -> str: return "f(x) = m x + b" @property def latex_str(self) -> str: """LaTeX friendly representation of the fit function.""" return r"m x + b"
[docs] def func(self, x, m, b): """ The fit function, a linear function. .. math:: f(x) = m \\, x + b where :math:`m` and :math:`b` are real constants representing the slope and intercept, respectively, and :math:`x` is the independent variable. Parameters ---------- x : |array_like| Independent variable. m : float Value for slope :math:`m` b : float Value for intercept :math:`b` Returns ------- y : |array_like| Dependent variables corresponding to :math:`x` """ x = self._check_x(x) self._check_params(m, b) return m * x + b
[docs] @modify_docstring(append=AbstractFitFunction.func_err.__original_doc__) def func_err(self, x, x_err=None, rety: bool = False): """ Calculate dependent variable uncertainties :math:`\\delta y` for dependent variables :math:`y=f(x)`. .. math:: (\\delta y)^2 = (x \\, \\delta m)^2 + (m \\, \\delta x)^2 + (\\delta b)^2 """ x, x_err = self._check_func_err_params(x, x_err) m, b = self.params m_err, b_err = self.param_errors m_term = (m_err * x) ** 2 b_term = b_err**2 err = m_term + b_term if x_err is not None: x_term = (m * x_err) ** 2 err += x_term err = np.sqrt(err) if rety: y = self.func(x, m, b) return err, y return err
@property def rsq(self): """ Coefficient of determination (r-squared) value of the fit. Calculated by `scipy.stats.linregress` from the fit. """ return self._rsq
[docs] def root_solve(self, *args, **kwargs): """ The root :math:`f(x_r) = 0` for the fit function. .. math:: x_r &= \\frac{-b}{m} \\delta x_r &= |x_r| \\sqrt{ \\left( \\frac{\\delta m}{m} \\right)^2 + \\left( \\frac{\\delta b}{b} \\right)^2 } Parameters ---------- *args Not needed. This is to ensure signature comparability with `AbstractFitFunction`. **kwargs Not needed. This is to ensure signature comparability with `AbstractFitFunction`. Returns ------- root : float The root value for the given fit :attr:`params`. err : float The uncertainty in the calculated root for the given fit :attr:`params` and :attr:`param_errors`. """ m, b = self.params if m == 0.0: warnings.warn( "Slope of Linear fit function is zero so no finite root exists. ", RuntimeWarning, ) return _RootResults(np.nan, np.nan) root = -b / m m_err, b_err = self.param_errors m_term = (root * m_err / m) ** 2 b_term = (b_err / m) ** 2 err = np.sqrt(m_term + b_term) return _RootResults(root, err)
[docs] def curve_fit(self, xdata, ydata, **kwargs) -> None: """ Calculate a linear least-squares regression of (``xdata``, ``ydata``) using `scipy.stats.linregress`. This will set the attributes :attr:`params`, :attr:`param_errors`, and :attr:`rsq`. The results of `scipy.stats.linregress` can be obtained via :attr:`curve_fit_results`. Parameters ---------- xdata : |array_like| The independent variable where data is measured. Should be 1D of length M. ydata : |array_like| The dependent data associated with ``xdata``. **kwargs Any keywords accepted by `scipy.stats.linregress`. """ results = linregress(xdata, ydata, **kwargs) self._curve_fit_results = results m = results[0] b = results[1] self.params = (m, b) m_err = results[4] b_err = np.sum(xdata**2) - ((np.sum(xdata) ** 2) / xdata.size) b_err = m_err * np.sqrt(1.0 / b_err) self.param_errors = (m_err, b_err) self._rsq = results[2] ** 2
[docs] class Exponential(AbstractFitFunction): """ A sub-class of `AbstractFitFunction` to represent an exponential with an offset. .. math:: y &= f(x) = a \\, e^{\\alpha \\, x} \\left( \\frac{\\delta y}{|y|} \\right)^2 &= \\left( \\frac{\\delta a}{a} \\right)^2 + (x \\, \\delta \\alpha)^2 + (\\alpha \\, \\delta x)^2 where :math:`a` and :math:`\\alpha` are the real constants to be fitted and :math:`x` is the independent variable. :math:`\\delta a`, :math:`\\delta \\alpha`, and :math:`\\delta x` are the respective uncertainties for :math:`a`, :math:`\\alpha`, and :math:`x`. """ _param_names = ("a", "alpha") def __str__(self) -> str: return "f(x) = a exp(alpha x)" @property def latex_str(self) -> str: """LaTeX friendly representation of the fit function.""" return r"a \, \exp(\alpha x)"
[docs] def func(self, x: float, a: float, alpha: float): """ The fit function, a exponential function. .. math:: f(x) = a \\, e^{\\alpha \\, x} where :math:`a` and :math:`\\alpha` are real constants and :math:`x` is the independent variable. Parameters ---------- x : |array_like| Independent variable. a : float Value for the exponential "normalization" constant, :math:`a` alpha : float Value for the growth constant, :math:`\\alpha` Returns ------- y : |array_like| dependent variables corresponding to ``x`` """ x = self._check_x(x) self._check_params(a, alpha) return a * np.exp(alpha * x)
[docs] @modify_docstring(append=AbstractFitFunction.func_err.__original_doc__) def func_err(self, x, x_err=None, rety: bool = False): """ Calculate dependent variable uncertainties :math:`\\delta y` for dependent variables :math:`y=f(x)`. .. math:: \\left( \\frac{\\delta y}{|y|} \\right)^2 = \\left( \\frac{\\delta a}{a} \\right)^2 + (x \\, \\delta \\alpha)^2 + (\\alpha \\, \\delta x)^2 """ x, x_err = self._check_func_err_params(x, x_err) a, alpha = self.params a_err, alpha_err = self.param_errors y = self.func(x, a, alpha) a_term = (a_err / a) ** 2 alpha_term = (x * alpha_err) ** 2 err = a_term + alpha_term if x_err is not None: x_term = (alpha * x_err) ** 2 err += x_term err = np.abs(y) * np.sqrt(err) return (err, y) if rety else err
[docs] def root_solve(self, *args, **kwargs): """ The root :math:`f(x_r) = 0` for the fit function. **An exponential has no real roots**. Parameters ---------- *args Not needed. This is to ensure signature compatibility with `AbstractFitFunction`. **kwargs Not needed. This is to ensure signature compatibility with `AbstractFitFunction`. Returns ------- root : float The root value for the given fit :attr:`params`. err : float The uncertainty in the calculated root for the given fit :attr:`params` and :attr:`param_errors`. """ return _RootResults(np.nan, np.nan)
[docs] class ExponentialPlusLinear(AbstractFitFunction): """ A sub-class of `AbstractFitFunction` to represent an exponential with an linear offset. .. math:: y =& f(x) = a \\, e^{\\alpha \\, x} + m \\, x + b\\\\ (\\delta y)^2 =& \\left( a e^{\\alpha x}\\right)^2 \\left[ \\left( \\frac{\\delta a}{a} \\right)^2 + (x \\, \\delta \\alpha)^2 + (\\alpha \\, \\delta x)^2 \\right]\\\\ & + \\left(2 \\, a \\, \\alpha \\, m \\, e^{\\alpha x}\\right) (\\delta x)^2\\\\ & + \\left[(x \\, \\delta m)^2 + (\\delta b)^2 +(m \\, \\delta x)^2 \\right] where :math:`a`, :math:`\\alpha`, :math:`m`, and :math:`b` are the real constants to be fitted and :math:`x` is the independent variable. :math:`\\delta a`, :math:`\\delta \\alpha`, :math:`\\delta m`, :math:`\\delta b`, and :math:`\\delta x` are the respective uncertainties for :math:`a`, :math:`\\alpha`, :math:`m`, and :math:`b`, and :math:`x`. """ _param_names = ("a", "alpha", "m", "b") def __init__( self, params: tuple[float, ...] | None = None, param_errors: tuple[float, ...] | None = None, ) -> None: self._exponential = Exponential() self._linear = Linear() super().__init__(params=params, param_errors=param_errors) def __str__(self) -> str: exp_str = self._exponential.__str__().replace("f(x) = ", "") lin_str = self._linear.__str__().replace("f(x) = ", "") return f"f(x) = {exp_str} + {lin_str}" @property def latex_str(self) -> str: """LaTeX friendly representation of the fit function.""" exp_str = self._exponential.latex_str lin_str = self._linear.latex_str return rf"{exp_str} + {lin_str}" @AbstractFitFunction.params.setter def params(self, val) -> None: # noqa: D102 AbstractFitFunction.params.fset(self, val) self._exponential.params = (self.params.a, self.params.alpha) self._linear.params = (self.params.m, self.params.b) @AbstractFitFunction.param_errors.setter def param_errors(self, val) -> None: # noqa: D102 AbstractFitFunction.param_errors.fset(self, val) self._exponential.param_errors = ( self.param_errors.a, self.param_errors.alpha, ) self._linear.param_errors = (self.param_errors.m, self.param_errors.b)
[docs] def func(self, x: float, a: float, alpha: float, m: float, b: float): """ The fit function, an exponential with a linear offset. .. math:: f(x) = a \\, e^{\\alpha \\, x} + m \\, x + b\\\\ where :math:`a`, :math:`\\alpha`, :math:`m`, and :math:`b` are the real constants and :math:`x` is the independent variable. Parameters ---------- x : |array_like| Independent variable. a : float Value for constant :math:`a` alpha : float Value for constant :math:`\\alpha` m : float Value for slope :math:`m` b : float Value for intercept :math:`b` Returns ------- y : |array_like| dependent variables corresponding to ``x`` """ exp_term = self._exponential.func(x, a, alpha) lin_term = self._linear.func(x, m, b) return exp_term + lin_term
[docs] @modify_docstring(append=AbstractFitFunction.func_err.__original_doc__) def func_err(self, x, x_err=None, rety: bool = False): """ Calculate dependent variable uncertainties :math:`\\delta y` for dependent variables :math:`y=f(x)`. .. math:: (\\delta y)^2 =& \\left( a e^{\\alpha x}\\right)^2 \\left[ \\left( \\frac{\\delta a}{a} \\right)^2 + (x \\, \\delta \\alpha)^2 + (\\alpha \\, \\delta x)^2 \\right]\\\\ & + \\left(2 \\, a \\, \\alpha \\, m \\, e^{\\alpha x}\\right) (\\delta x)^2\\\\ & + \\left[( x \\, \\delta m)^2 + (\\delta b)^2 +(m \\, \\delta x)^2 \\right] """ x, x_err = self._check_func_err_params(x, x_err) a, alpha, m, b = self.params exp_y, exp_err = self._exponential(x, x_err=x_err, reterr=True) lin_y, lin_err = self._linear(x, x_err=x_err, reterr=True) err = exp_err**2 + lin_err**2 if x_err is not None: blend_err = 2 * a * alpha * m * np.exp(alpha * x) * (x_err**2) err += blend_err err = np.sqrt(err) return (err, exp_y + lin_y) if rety else err
[docs] class ExponentialPlusOffset(AbstractFitFunction): """ A sub-class of `AbstractFitFunction` to represent an exponential with a constant offset. .. math:: y =& f(x) = a \\, e^{\\alpha \\, x} + m \\, x + b\\\\ (\\delta y)^2 =& \\left( a e^{\\alpha x}\\right)^2 \\left[ \\left( \\frac{\\delta a}{a} \\right)^2 + (x \\, \\delta \\alpha)^2 + (\\alpha \\, \\delta x)^2 \\right] + (\\delta b)^2 where :math:`a`, :math:`\\alpha`, and :math:`b` are the real constants to be fitted and :math:`x` is the independent variable. :math:`\\delta a`, :math:`\\delta \\alpha`, :math:`\\delta b`, and :math:`\\delta x` are the respective uncertainties for :math:`a`, :math:`\\alpha`, and :math:`b`, and :math:`x`. """ _param_names = ("a", "alpha", "b") def __init__( self, params: tuple[float, ...] | None = None, param_errors: tuple[float, ...] | None = None, ) -> None: self._explin = ExponentialPlusLinear() super().__init__(params=params, param_errors=param_errors) def __str__(self) -> str: return "f(x) = a exp(alpha x) + b" @property def latex_str(self) -> str: """LaTeX friendly representation of the fit function.""" return r"a \, \exp(\alpha x) + b" @AbstractFitFunction.params.setter def params(self, val) -> None: # noqa: D102 AbstractFitFunction.params.fset(self, val) self._explin.params = ( self.params.a, self.params.alpha, 0.0, self.params.b, ) @AbstractFitFunction.param_errors.setter def param_errors(self, val) -> None: # noqa: D102 AbstractFitFunction.param_errors.fset(self, val) self._explin.param_errors = ( self.param_errors.a, self.param_errors.alpha, 0.0, self.param_errors.b, )
[docs] def func(self, x: float, a: float, alpha: float, b: float): """ The fit function, an exponential with a constant offset. .. math:: f(x) = a \\, e^{\\alpha \\, x} + b\\\\ where :math:`a`, :math:`\\alpha`, and :math:`b` are the real constants and :math:`x` is the independent variable. Parameters ---------- x : |array_like| Independent variable. a : float Value for constant :math:`a` alpha : float Value for constant :math:`\\alpha` b : float Value for DC offset :math:`b` Returns ------- y : |array_like| Dependent variables corresponding to ``x`` """ return self._explin.func(x, a, alpha, 0.0, b)
[docs] @modify_docstring(append=AbstractFitFunction.func_err.__original_doc__) def func_err(self, x, x_err=None, rety: bool = False): """ Calculate dependent variable uncertainties :math:`\\delta y` for dependent variables :math:`y=f(x)`. .. math:: (\\delta y)^2 = \\left( a e^{\\alpha x}\\right)^2 \\left[ \\left( \\frac{\\delta a}{a} \\right)^2 + (x \\, \\delta \\alpha)^2 + (\\alpha \\, \\delta x)^2 \\right] + (\\delta b)^2 """ return self._explin.func_err(x, x_err=x_err, rety=rety)
[docs] def root_solve(self, *args, **kwargs): """ The root :math:`f(x_r) = 0` for the fit function. .. math:: x_r &= \\frac{1}{\\alpha} \\ln \\left( \\frac{-b}{a} \\right) \\delta x_r &= \\sqrt{ \\left( \\frac{1}{\\alpha} \\frac{\\delta a}{a} \\right)^2 + \\left( x_r \\frac{\\delta \\alpha}{\\alpha} \\right)^2 + \\left( \\frac{1}{\\alpha} \\frac{\\delta b}{b} \\right)^2 } Parameters ---------- *args Not needed. This is to ensure signature compatibility with `AbstractFitFunction`. **kwargs Not needed. This is to ensure signature compatibility with `AbstractFitFunction`. Returns ------- root : float The root value for the given fit :attr:`params`. err : float The uncertainty in the calculated root for the given fit :attr:`params` and :attr:`param_errors`. """ a, alpha, b = self.params a_err, b_err, c_err = self.param_errors root = np.log(-b / a) / alpha a_term = a_err / (a * alpha) b_term = b_err * root / alpha c_term = c_err / (alpha * b) err = np.sqrt(a_term**2 + b_term**2 + c_term**2) return _RootResults(root, err)