"""Functions to calculate plasma dielectric parameters."""
__all__ = [
__lite_funcs__ = ["permittivity_1D_Maxwellian_lite"]
from collections import namedtuple
from collections.abc import Sequence
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from plasmapy.dispersion.dispersion_functions import plasma_dispersion_func_deriv
from plasmapy.formulary.frequencies import gyrofrequency, plasma_frequency
from plasmapy.formulary.speeds import thermal_speed
from plasmapy.particles.particle_class import ParticleLike
from plasmapy.particles.particle_collections import ParticleListLike
from plasmapy.utils.decorators import (
__all__ += __lite_funcs__
Values should be returned as a `~astropy.units.Quantity` in SI units.
StixTensorElements = namedtuple("StixTensorElements", ["sum", "difference", "plasma"])
"""Output type for `~plasmapy.formulary.dielectric.cold_plasma_permittivity_SDP`."""
RotatingTensorElements = namedtuple(
"RotatingTensorElements", ["left", "right", "plasma"]
"""Output type for `~plasmapy.formulary.dielectric.cold_plasma_permittivity_LRP`."""
@validate_quantities(B={"can_be_negative": False}, omega={"can_be_negative": False})
def cold_plasma_permittivity_SDP(
B: u.Quantity[u.T],
species: ParticleListLike,
n: Sequence[u.Quantity[u.m**-3]] | u.Quantity[u.m**-3],
omega: u.Quantity[u.rad / u.s],
) -> StixTensorElements:
Magnetized cold plasma dielectric permittivity tensor elements.
Elements (S, D, P) are given in the "Stix" frame, i.e. with
:math:`B ∥ \hat{z}` :cite:p:`stix:1992`.
The :math:`\exp(-i ω t)` time-harmonic convention is assumed.
B : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Magnetic field magnitude in units convertible to tesla.
species : |particle-list-like|
List of the plasma particle species,
e.g.: ``['e-', 'D+']`` or ``['e-', 'D+', 'He+']``.
n : `list` of `~astropy.units.Quantity`
`list` of species density in units convertible to per cubic meter
The order of the species densities should follow species.
omega : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Electromagnetic wave frequency in rad/s.
sum : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
The "sum" dielectric tensor element, :math:`S`.
difference : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
The "difference" dielectric tensor element, :math:`D`.
plasma : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
The "plasma" dielectric tensor element, :math:`P`.
The dielectric permittivity tensor is expressed in the Stix frame
with the :math:`\exp(-i ω t)` time-harmonic convention as
:math:`ε = ε_0 A`, with :math:`A` being
.. math::
ε = ε_0 \left(\begin{matrix} S & -i D & 0 \\
+i D & S & 0 \\
0 & 0 & P \end{matrix}\right)
.. math::
S = 1 - \sum_s \frac{ω_{p,s}^2}{ω^2 - Ω_{c,s}^2}
D = \sum_s \frac{Ω_{c,s}}{ω}
\frac{ω_{p,s}^2}{ω^2 - Ω_{c,s}^2}
P = 1 - \sum_s \frac{ω_{p,s}^2}{ω^2}
where :math:`ω_{p,s}` is the plasma frequency and
:math:`Ω_{c,s}` is the signed version of the cyclotron frequency
for the species :math:`s`.
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> from numpy import pi
>>> B = 2*u.T
>>> species = ['e-', 'D+']
>>> n = [1e18*u.m**-3, 1e18*u.m**-3]
>>> omega = 3.7e9*(2*pi)*(u.rad/u.s)
>>> permittivity = S, D, P = cold_plasma_permittivity_SDP(B, species, n, omega)
>>> S
<Quantity 1.02422...>
>>> permittivity.sum # namedtuple-style access
<Quantity 1.02422...>
>>> D
<Quantity 0.39089...>
>>> P
<Quantity -4.8903...>
S, D, P = 1, 0, 1
for s, n_s in zip(species, n, strict=False):
omega_c = gyrofrequency(B=B, particle=s, signed=True)
omega_p = plasma_frequency(n=n_s, particle=s)
S += -(omega_p**2) / (omega**2 - omega_c**2)
D += omega_c / omega * omega_p**2 / (omega**2 - omega_c**2)
P += -(omega_p**2) / omega**2
return StixTensorElements(S, D, P)
@validate_quantities(B={"can_be_negative": False}, omega={"can_be_negative": False})
def cold_plasma_permittivity_LRP(
B: u.Quantity[u.T],
species: ParticleListLike,
n: list[u.Quantity[u.m**-3]] | u.Quantity[u.m**-3],
omega: u.Quantity[u.rad / u.s],
) -> RotatingTensorElements:
Magnetized cold plasma dielectric permittivity tensor elements.
Elements (L, R, P) are given in the "rotating" basis, i.e. in the basis
:math:`(\mathbf{u}_{+}, \mathbf{u}_{-}, \mathbf{u}_z)`,
where the tensor is diagonal and with :math:`B ∥ z`\ .
The :math:`\exp(-i ω t)` time-harmonic convention is assumed.
B : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Magnetic field magnitude in units convertible to tesla.
species : (k,) |particle-list-like|
The plasma particle species (e.g.: ``['e-', 'D+']`` or
``['e-', 'D+', 'He+']``.
n : (k,) `list` of `~astropy.units.Quantity`
`list` of species density in units convertible to per cubic meter.
The order of the species densities should follow species.
omega : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Electromagnetic wave frequency in rad/s.
left : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
L ("Left") Left-handed circularly polarization tensor element.
right : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
R ("Right") Right-handed circularly polarization tensor element.
plasma : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
P ("Plasma") dielectric tensor element.
In the rotating frame defined by
:math:`(\mathbf{u}_{+}, \mathbf{u}_{-}, \mathbf{u}_z)`
with :math:`\mathbf{u}_{±}=(\mathbf{u}_x ± \mathbf{u}_y)/\sqrt{2}`,
the dielectric tensor takes a diagonal form with elements L, R, P with:
.. math::
L = 1 - \sum_s
\frac{ω_{p,s}^2}{ω\left(ω - Ω_{c,s}\right)}
R = 1 - \sum_s
\frac{ω_{p,s}^2}{ω\left(ω + Ω_{c,s}\right)}
P = 1 - \sum_s \frac{ω_{p,s}^2}{ω^2}
where :math:`ω_{p,s}` is the plasma frequency and
:math:`Ω_{c,s}` is the signed version of the cyclotron frequency
for the species :math:`s` :cite:p:`stix:1992`.
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> from numpy import pi
>>> B = 2 * u.T
>>> species = ["e-", "D+"]
>>> n = [1e18 * u.m**-3, 1e18 * u.m**-3]
>>> omega = 3.7e9 * (2 * pi) * (u.rad / u.s)
>>> L, R, P = permittivity = cold_plasma_permittivity_LRP(B, species, n, omega)
>>> L
<Quantity 0.63333...>
>>> permittivity.left # namedtuple-style access
<Quantity 0.63333...>
>>> R
<Quantity 1.41512...>
>>> P
<Quantity -4.8903...>
L, R, P = 1, 1, 1
for s, n_s in zip(species, n, strict=False):
omega_c = gyrofrequency(B=B, particle=s, signed=True)
omega_p = plasma_frequency(n=n_s, particle=s)
L += -(omega_p**2) / (omega * (omega - omega_c))
R += -(omega_p**2) / (omega * (omega + omega_c))
P += -(omega_p**2) / omega**2
return RotatingTensorElements(L, R, P)
def permittivity_1D_Maxwellian_lite(omega, kWave, vth, wp):
The :term:`lite-function` for
Performs the same calculations as
`~plasmapy.formulary.dielectric.permittivity_1D_Maxwellian`, but is
intended for computational use and, thus, has data conditioning
safeguards removed.
omega : |array_like| of real positive values
The frequency, in rad/s, of the electromagnetic wave propagating
through the plasma.
kWave : |array_like| of real values
The corresponding wavenumber, in rad/m, of the electromagnetic
wave propagating through the plasma.
vth : `float`
The 3D, most probable thermal speed, in m/s. (i.e. it includes
the factor of :math:`\sqrt{2}`, see
:ref:`thermal speed notes <thermal-speed-notes>`)
wp : `float`
The plasma frequency, in rad/s.
chi : |array_like| of complex values
The ion or the electron dielectric permittivity of the plasma.
This is a dimensionless quantity.
See Also
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> from plasmapy.formulary import thermal_speed, plasma_frequency
>>> T = 30 * u.eV
>>> n = 1e18 * u.cm**-3
>>> particle = "Ne"
>>> Z = 8
>>> omega = 3.541e15 # in rad/s
>>> vth = thermal_speed(T=T, particle=particle).value
>>> wp = plasma_frequency(n=n, particle=particle, Z=Z).value
>>> k_wave = omega / vth
>>> permittivity_1D_Maxwellian_lite(omega, k_wave, vth=vth, wp=wp)
# scattering parameter alpha.
# explicitly removing factor of sqrt(2) to be consistent with Froula
alpha = np.sqrt(2) * wp / (kWave * vth)
# The dimensionless phase velocity of the propagating EM wave.
zeta = omega / (kWave * vth)
return -0.5 * (alpha**2) * plasma_dispersion_func_deriv(zeta)
kWave={"none_shall_pass": True}, validations_on_return={"can_be_complex": True}
def permittivity_1D_Maxwellian(
omega: u.Quantity[u.rad / u.s],
kWave: u.Quantity[u.rad / u.m],
T: u.Quantity[u.K],
n: u.Quantity[u.m**-3],
particle: ParticleLike,
z_mean: float | None = None,
) -> u.Quantity[u.dimensionless_unscaled]:
Compute the classical dielectric permittivity for a 1D Maxwellian
This function can calculate both the ion and electron
permittivities. No additional effects are considered (e.g.
magnetic fields, relativistic effects, strongly coupled regime, etc.).
omega : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
The frequency, in rad/s, of the electromagnetic wave propagating
through the plasma.
kWave : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
The corresponding wavenumber, in rad/m, of the electromagnetic
wave propagating through the plasma.
T : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
The plasma temperature — this can be either the electron or the
ion temperature, but should be consistent with density and
n : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
The plasma density — this can be either the electron or the ion
density, but should be consistent with temperature and particle.
particle : |particle-like|
The plasma particle species.
z_mean : `float`
The average ionization of the plasma. This is only required for
calculating the ion permittivity.
chi : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
The ion or the electron dielectric permittivity of the plasma.
This is a dimensionless quantity.
The dielectric permittivities for a Maxwellian plasma are described
by the following equations (see p. 106 of :cite:t:`froula:2011`):
.. math::
χ_e(k, ω) = - \frac{α_e^2}{2} Z'(x_e)
χ_i(k, ω) = - \frac{α_i^2}{2}\frac{Z}{} Z'(x_i)
α = \frac{ω_p}{k v_{Th}}
x = \frac{ω}{k v_{Th}}
:math:`χ_e` and :math:`χ_i` are the electron and ion permittivities,
respectively. :math:`Z'` is the derivative of the plasma dispersion
function. :math:`α` is the scattering parameter which delineates
the difference between the collective and non-collective Thomson
scattering regimes. :math:`x` is the dimensionless phase velocity
of the electromagnetic wave propagating through the plasma.
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> from numpy import pi
>>> from plasmapy.formulary import thermal_speed
>>> T = 30 * 11600 * u.K
>>> n = 1e18 * u.cm**-3
>>> particle = "Ne"
>>> Z = 8
>>> vth = thermal_speed(T, particle, method="most_probable")
>>> omega = 5.635e14 * 2 * pi * u.rad / u.s
>>> k_wave = omega / vth
>>> permittivity_1D_Maxwellian(omega, k_wave, T, n, particle, Z)
<Quantity -6.72955...e-08+5.76163...e-07j>
For user convenience
is bound to this function and can be used as follows:
>>> from plasmapy.formulary import plasma_frequency
>>> wp = plasma_frequency(n, particle, Z=Z)
>>> permittivity_1D_Maxwellian.lite(
... omega.value, k_wave.value, vth=vth.value, wp=wp.value
... )
vth = thermal_speed(T=T, particle=particle, method="most_probable").value
wp = plasma_frequency(n=n, particle=particle, Z=z_mean).value
chi = permittivity_1D_Maxwellian_lite(
return chi * u.dimensionless_unscaled