Length Plasma Parameters (plasmapy.formulary.lengths)

Functions to calculate fundamental plasma length parameters.


Debye_length(T_e, n_e)

Calculate the exponential scale length for charge screening in an electron plasma with stationary ions.

gyroradius(B, particle, *[, Vperp, T, ...])

Calculate the radius of circular motion for a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field (including relativistic effects by default).

inertial_length(n, particle, *[, mass_numb, Z])

Calculate a charged particle's inertial length.


PlasmaPy provides aliases of the most common plasma functionality for user convenience. Aliases in PlasmaPy are denoted with a trailing underscore (e.g., alias_). For further details, please refer to the contributor guide’s section on aliases.

cwp_(n, particle, *[, mass_numb, Z])

Alias to inertial_length.

lambdaD_(T_e, n_e)

Alias to Debye_length.

rc_(B, particle, *[, Vperp, T, ...])

Alias to gyroradius.

rhoc_(B, particle, *[, Vperp, T, ...])

Alias to gyroradius.
