Frequency Plasma Parameters (plasmapy.formulary.frequencies
Functions to calculate fundamental plasma frequency parameters.
Return the Buchsbaum frequency for a two-ion-species plasma. |
Calculate the particle gyrofrequency in units of radians per second. |
Return the lower hybrid frequency. |
Calculate the particle plasma frequency. |
Return the upper hybrid frequency. |
PlasmaPy provides aliases of the most common plasma
functionality for user convenience. Aliases in PlasmaPy are
denoted with a trailing underscore (e.g., alias_
). For
further details, please refer to the contributor
guide’s section on aliases.
Alias to |
Alias to |
Alias to |
Alias to |
Alias to |
Lite-functions are optimized versions of existing
functions that are intended for applications where
computational efficiency matters most. Lite-functions accept
numbers and NumPy arrays that are implicitly assumed to be
in SI units, and do not accept Quantity
objects as inputs.
For further details, please refer to the contributor
guide’s section on lite-functions.
Lite-functions do not include the safeguards that are
included in most plasmapy.formulary
functions. When
using lite-functions, it is vital to double-check your
The lite-function for |