
FitFunction classes designed to assist in curve fitting of swept Langmuir traces.


AbstractFitFunction([params, param_errors])

Abstract class for defining fit functions \(f(x)\) and the tools for fitting the function to a set of data.

Exponential([params, param_errors])

A sub-class of AbstractFitFunction to represent an exponential with an offset.

ExponentialPlusLinear([params, param_errors])

A sub-class of AbstractFitFunction to represent an exponential with an linear offset.

ExponentialPlusOffset([params, param_errors])

A sub-class of AbstractFitFunction to represent an exponential with a constant offset.

Linear([params, param_errors])

A sub-class of AbstractFitFunction to represent a linear function.

Inheritance diagram of plasmapy.analysis.fit_functions.AbstractFitFunction, plasmapy.analysis.fit_functions.Exponential, plasmapy.analysis.fit_functions.ExponentialPlusLinear, plasmapy.analysis.fit_functions.ExponentialPlusOffset, plasmapy.analysis.fit_functions.Linear

Example notebooks