Collisions (plasmapy.formulary.collisions)

The collisions subpackage contains commonly used collisional formulae from plasma science.

Subpackages & Modules


Functionality for calculating Coulomb parameters for different configurations.


Module of dimensionless parameters related to collisions.


Frequency parameters related to collisions.


The helio subpackage contains functionality for heliospheric plasma science, including the solar wind.


Module of length parameters related to collisions.


Module of miscellaneous parameters related to collisions.



Compute collision frequencies between two slowly flowing Maxwellian populations.


Compute collision frequencies between test particles (labeled 'a') and field particles (labeled 'b').

Inheritance diagram of plasmapy.formulary.collisions.frequencies.MaxwellianCollisionFrequencies, plasmapy.formulary.collisions.frequencies.SingleParticleCollisionFrequencies


Bethe_stopping(I, n, v, z)

The theoretical electronic stopping power for swift charged particles calculated from the Bethe formula.

Bethe_stopping_lite(I, n, v, z)

The lite-function version of Bethe_stopping.

collision_frequency(T, n, species[, z_mean, ...])

Collision frequency of particles in a plasma.


Cross-section for a large angle Coulomb collision.

Coulomb_logarithm(T, n_e, species[, z_mean, ...])

Compute the Coulomb logarithm.

coupling_parameter(T, n_e, species[, ...])

Ratio of the Coulomb energy to the kinetic (usually thermal) energy.

fundamental_electron_collision_freq(T_e, ...)

Average momentum relaxation rate for a slowly flowing Maxwellian distribution of electrons.

fundamental_ion_collision_freq(T_i, n_i, ion)

Average momentum relaxation rate for a slowly flowing Maxwellian distribution of ions.

impact_parameter(T, n_e, species[, z_mean, ...])

Impact parameters for classical and quantum Coulomb collision.

impact_parameter_perp(T, species[, V])

Distance of the closest approach for a 90° Coulomb collision.

Knudsen_number(characteristic_length, T, ...)

Knudsen number (dimensionless).

mean_free_path(T, n_e, species[, z_mean, V, ...])

Collisional mean free path (m).

mobility(T, n_e, species[, z_mean, V, method])

Return the electrical mobility.

Spitzer_resistivity(T, n, species[, z_mean, ...])

Spitzer resistivity of a plasma.

temp_ratio(*, r_0, r_n, n_1, n_2, v_1, T_1, T_2)

Calculate the thermalization ratio for a plasma in transit.

Example notebooks