Quantum physics functions (plasmapy.formulary.quantum
Functions for quantum parameters, including electron degenerate gases and warm dense matter.
Calculate the ideal chemical potential. |
Return the de Broglie wavelength. |
Calculate the kinetic energy in a degenerate electron gas. |
Compare Fermi energy to thermal kinetic energy to check if quantum effects are important. |
Calculate the thermal de Broglie wavelength for electrons. |
Calculate the exponential scale length for charge screening for cold and dense plasmas. |
Calculate the Wigner-Seitz radius, which approximates the inter-particle spacing. |
PlasmaPy provides aliases of the most common plasma
functionality for user convenience. Aliases in PlasmaPy are
denoted with a trailing underscore (e.g., alias_
). For
further details, please refer to the contributor
guide’s section on aliases.
Alias to |
Alias to |
Alias to |