
particle: str | int | integer | Particle | CustomParticle | Quantity = 'e-',
v_drift: float | Quantity = 0,
units: str = 'units',

Probability distribution function of speed for a Maxwellian distribution in 2D.

Return the probability density function of finding a particle with speed components vx and vy in m/s in an equilibrium plasma of temperature T which follows the 2D Maxwellian distribution function. This function assumes Cartesian coordinates.

  • v (Quantity) – The speed in units convertible to m/s.

  • T (Quantity) – The temperature, preferably in kelvin.

  • particle (particle-like, optional) – Representation of the particle species(e.g., 'p+' for protons, 'D+' for deuterium, or 'He-4 +1' for singly ionized helium-4), which defaults to electrons.

  • v_drift (Quantity) – The drift speed in units convertible to m/s.

  • vTh (Quantity, optional) – Thermal velocity (most probable) in m/s. This is used for optimization purposes to avoid re-calculating vTh, for example when integrating over velocity-space.

  • units (str, optional) – Selects whether to run function with units and unit checks (when equal to β€œunits”) or to run as unitless (when equal to β€œunitless”). The unitless version is substantially faster for intensive computations.

  • mass_numb (integer, keyword-only, optional) – The mass number associated with particle.

  • Z (real number, keyword-only, optional) – The charge number associated with particle.


f – Probability density in -1, normalized so that: \(\iiint_{0}^∞ f(\vec{v}) d\vec{v} = 1\).

Return type:


  • TypeError – A parameter argument is not a Quantity and cannot be converted into a Quantity.

  • UnitConversionError – If the parameters is not in appropriate units.

  • ValueError – If the temperature is negative, or the particle mass or charge state cannot be found.


In 2D, the Maxwellian speed distribution function describing the distribution of particles with speed \(v\) in a plasma with temperature \(T\) is given by:

\[f = 2 Ο€ v (Ο€ v_{Th}^2)^{-1} \exp(-v^2 / v_{Th}^2)\]

where \(v_{Th} = \sqrt{2 k_B T / m}\) is the thermal speed.


>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> v = 1 * u.m / u.s
>>> Maxwellian_speed_2D(v=v, T=30000 * u.K, particle="e-", v_drift=0 * u.m / u.s)
<Quantity 2.199...e-12 s / m>